Most sweet and divine friends,
Do not be afraid to love yourself for you know that god is within you – always has been and always will be a part of you, teaching that which we call love and open hearted living. All world faiths and religions are a scaffolding for bridges of spiritual encouragement. Helping us to share and care for each other, and openly discuss the virtues of the divine love of God that binds us into a sister/ brotherhood, one unto each other.
Do not shut the warmth of God’s love into a small place, trust it is the greatest and most powerful force, the conqueror of all that resists unconditional love.When we resist our destiny to be a devotional servant of God most high, we gain great learningthrough our self-inflicted sufferings, our isolation and aloneness,According to our thoughts and heart’s desires each of us has an individual path of Union &Service to God.We were not meant to meekly follow others but to think our own thoughts, walk our own path and celebrate our own unique relationship with the God of love. That which is described as the soul knows no other than a consistency of heavenly countenance.Love that is beyond our present levels of consciousness is unconditionally linked to our heartfelt state of being. Even a million suns could not express the divine love that initiated our soul into this human body and infinity of lifetimes and God given identities.So be it.
Know you are loved, have been and will always be the child of God, for even now goodness and innocence will shine indefinitely, dissipating all ignorance and trials of learning how to walk with God in every situation.
Thank you for sharing with me, I know and love and trust your good heart and healing faith in the one truth that God is Love and God is within us all.