

  1. (Doman,1960: 179)Citing the words of Hank Viscardi who once said to his mother “Mother, why was our family given such a problem as to have me, born with no legs?” his mother said son when it’s time for the crippled child to be born, God has a meeting with all of his advisers and says, ’Where is there a family good enough to be made better by a hurt child?’ “


  1. Sometimes it is wise to look back, however, if this becomes a body movement more than just a momentary glance, we may lose our presentstanding and with this, the clarity and willingness to move forward confidently.


  1. Love Naturally embraces the perfect union of boundaries and freedom within which there is no attraction for material rewards. Montessori describes the children’s love of learning and how children in her class responded when she offered them a sweet reward during and the silence game. (
  2. in nature children gain an inner opportunity to play and learn in an open ended environment that does not have pre-structured expectation of performance and predetermined responses and production. The world of nature naturally scaffolds:-
    1. child-initiated play and social freedoms;
    2. contemplation and meditation;
    3. relaxation, stillness and silence;
    4. slower and more authentic responses;
    5. movement, and balanced co-ordination of mind and body.


  1. The world of nature provides:-
    1. rhythms and truth,
    2. a living curriculum of activity, an endless provision of creative resources for constructional play, imaginative dramatic production and fantasy scenarios;
  • and a God given teacher on natural living and learning for everyone.
  1. Communication without a patient mood is bound to have a disruptive influence.
  2. Harmony is the absence of an agenda on right or wrong, good or bad, better or worse.
  3. Open heartedness is preceded by inner acceptance.
  4. When the world stops calling you! the personal issues are either withdraw or humility.
  5. When trying is directing the doing then there is certain to be a strong external agenda around results.
  6. When you are giving guidance before the child has formulated a communication of desired or support,you can question to what degree their life has become more interesting than your own.
  7. Happiness is not round but egg shaped
  8. What you did today may or may not be important tomorrow.
  9. How you feel today will almost certainly influence how you start tomorrow.
  10. Soft and sweet colours invoke soft and sweet moods.
  11. Taking apart is normally easier than constructional activity and is therefore associated with free play-learning activities of exploration.
  12. When I say ‘yes’ and you saying ‘no’ we know there is still a fair distance to go.
  13. When we both have ‘I wants’ no one is going to find satisfaction.
  14. When my needs and your needs are in opposition, conflicts and disagreements are inevitable.
  15. The natural world is an open textbook of interest, opportunity and creative application.
  16. The world of nature is most forgiving, nothing we do can disrupt its self-sustaining qualities.
  17. When we damage the natural living ecology we damage ourselves and our own quality of living far more seriously than the world around us.
  18. Time is too short and too long, cruel and yet so loving, full of innocence and wisdom…. how else could we address a man made illusion?
  19. When it is time to say hello I try not to say Hi! When it is time to say goodbye I try not to cry. When it is time to sleep I try be sweet. When I greet the new day I love to play and when my time is done I go in with the sun.
  20. Money, money, money, let’s get lots of money. Money, money, money, now let’s Go Home.


  1. Drop In On The shops…… shop till you drop!; or go to the beach and sit on a bench, or go to the woods and explore ‘We coulds…….?’
  2. It’s great to say hello, it’s great to say goodbye, and wonderful to just say Hi!
  3. It’s great to remember, it’s great to forget and yet we all know it’s the warm glow inside that keeps us alive.
  4. Creativity is a gift of movement
    1. Joy is the gift of love
    2. Happiness is the gift of being present
    3. Peace is the gift of contemplation
    4. Gratitude is the gift of sharing
    5. Creativity is the gift of movement
    6. Devotion is the gift life
    7. Reverence is the gift of humility
    8. Patience is the gift of time.


  1. Love embraces the perfect union of boundaries and freedom within which there is no attraction for bribes or material rewards.
