

1.Never Mind, Always Heart can meet every step of the day.
2.Inner strength gives more protection than any form of self-defence.
3. Within the world of nature God’s presence is tethered to a complexity of environmental issues related to survival. When man works in harmony with nature issues of environment are related to man’s endeavour and God’s mercy, together this brings abundance. Issues of survival are related to mans’ ability to work in harmony with the divine life force; this brings sustainability.Learning to care through the growing and harvesting of vegetables. Learning to share through the growing and harvesting fruit.Learning to love through the growing and sharing of flowers.
4.The mind does not have to have understanding, for the heart to express compassion.
5.Giving help to others is the surest way to attain what you need for yourself.
6.Only Time can gain obedience from the mind, and only the heart can gain obedience from the mind and time.
7.It’s not that today is better than yesterday,its just that today is always the true master of yesterday and tomorrow is always the truest servant of today.
8.How small I am compared with you oh mighty tree. Yet though you do me no harm, it is I that is dangerous to thee.How weak I am compared to the mighty strong trees. Who bring me the gift of life’s living breath, yet do I honour the life of trees. With foolish ignorance and mighty greed I demolish the strength you offer me.
9.when do the sparks of life Spin your heart like a Catherine wheel ?
What gives you the challenge to ride a stallion across the open desert sands ?
What gives you an eagle’ sight over the warm and pleasant lands ?
When is a single candle’s light, enough to brighten up your way.August
10. When do you keep pace with the elephant’s stride?
When does the dawn chorus send you skipping through the bluebell forest ? When does all your past and all your futuremelt into an eternal moment, That’s still not long enough……?

11.When compassion in the heart overwhelms my desires
Mother earth can furnish my journey in life,
Joyful are her songs that support my learning.
Sweetened by her unprecedented nurturing,
Bright are the colours with which she speaks to my soul.
12.Be humble in every situation Serve with devotion Surrender only to God, The Supreme Lord of all.
13.Embrace good fortune, Call from the heart.Play with opportunity.
14.Dance with adversity Smile at disturbance, Celebrate challenges
15. Disturbance comes from someone’s invitation. Only and if, have no place within forgiveness.There are no dos or don’ts in deliverance. Distraction never brings blessings.Remembrance is a choice.Imitation is self taught.
16.How grateful I am to be me ,To touch, to feel to see . Where I go, I do not know But that with God I shall grow.
17.Sunshine and holidays at my own front door. I’ll enjoy the roller-coaster, up and down I go. With ear plugs for the screaming, Patience for the uphill dreaming, Throw-away paper fears, And sweet nothings in my ears.
18.’When the nobility of man is captivated by the compassion of his woman, and the compassionate woman is captivated by her noble man, the potential is divine.’
19.When man protects and provides from his noble sense of harmony and woman nurtures from an authentic place of compassion, all will be blessed.
20.Is it that true love is to be awaited as a present from time? To be sought as a successful game of hide and seek? Or is it only to be found in my own heart’s sweet surrender, When I melt into a moment of selfless devotion, Beyond the time keepers door,Encased in a box of trust and wrapped in a sense of knowing.
21.The power of the seeking extinguishes the flame that illuminates that unconditionally given.
22.Only as a gift from that of the giving can a true heart light the path of love. The torch that oneself has presented to be seen only in the light of another’s receiving.
23.It is a forest thick with illusion that conspires to seek love from another.For in truth thou seeketh the highest state of love. Is it that another can endour a heart with any greater love, than that received in the giving.This is the greatest source of love and its worth most divine. A thousand times more pleasing on any humble occasion.Experienced as a bountiful magnification of the pure love that was given.
24.Learning to care through the growing and harvesting of vegetables. Learning to share through the growing and harvesting fruit.Learning to love through the growing and sharing of flowers.Within the world of nature God’s presence is tethered to a complexity of environmental issues related to survival. When man works in harmony with nature, issues of ecology are related to man’s endeavour and God’s mercy, together this brings abundance. When man works in harmony with nature, issues of survival are related to mans’ ability to work in harmony with the divine life force; this brings sustainability.
25.A new approach to child development and wellbeing should be based on natural play; discovery learning; authentic creative expression; co-operative interaction; and compassionate understanding. Whereby the three keys to unlock empowerment and fully maintain learning potential are:-
• Authentic Creativity
• Compassionate Understanding
• and Co-operative Sharing.
26. Wrong has no meaning because everything is an important part of our learning processes.
27. Failure cannot exist because beginning and end are self-determined by the learner.
28. Every part of an empowerment curriculum is initiated by each individual child on a moment by moment basis.
29. Authority and discipline can be intrinsically creative structures invoked spontaneously within chosen social and practical skills.
30. The word freedom is surpassed by a positive attitude that invokes individual creative expression.
31. How to love, the music of the heart, needs to be sewn into the fabric of everyday living and learning.