The Good Life= Health & Happiness

The Good Life

health and happiness

  1. Fresh drinking water
  2. Sunlight and natural daylight
  3. Fresh air,  being in gentle natural environments
  4. Organic food
  5. Natural exercise and movement
  6. A positive and loving attitude
  7. Creativity and play
  8. A pasionate project that requires personal commitment
  9. An apprentiship in further learning
  10. A hobby that provides some form of personal nurturing; growing vedgetables or flowers, knitting or dress making etc
  11. Spiritual aspiration and personal enquiry
  12. Regular holiday retreat


Sharing and caring

  1.  Change the environment not the behaviour
  2. The art of ‘Listening’Owning our feelings protects others from adverse emotional reactions. gives children an opportunity to address their feelings and wishes.  Even if they can not verbalise their feelings your willingness to give ‘listening space’ will reasure them of your care.
  3. Authenticity eliminatesdramatic reactions, helps clarifyreasons and avoids unnesessary judgements and compromising.
  4. Walk your talk = The best teacher is ‘By Example’ .
  5. The uniqueness of the present mommentEvery person, situation, and interaction is unique, don’t let past andfuture experiences dominate your willingness to meet each new moment.
  6. Win winsolutionsInformation,questions and choices promote creative solutions
  7. Minimum verbal contentand Simple presentation improves communication and instigation of boundaries.
  8. ‘Natural play and creativity’is promoted ingentle natural environments.
  9. From the heartHonour the intimacy of physical contact and eye contact , even unwanted resistance can be met with love and compassion, and unwanted boundaries can be held from the heart.
  10. Avoid unnecessarychatter, and try not to repeat what you have said. Repetition presents emphasis, insistence, persuasion. A child who has genuinly not heard clearly will happily ask you to repeat. A child who has not heard will be other wise engaged and you may do better to create an alternative approach to instigate a mode of communication.A child who is choosing to ignore your communication will use making you repeat over and over to maintain his/her as methods of postponement and gain unhealthy social skills of manipulation.
  11. Pause after you have spoken to your child. Pause  after your child has spoken to you. Without the pause no-one has any real time to comprehend and consider what they heard and how they feel they want to respond. Note that some children can need a clear and pronounced amount of time in which to organise their comprehension of what has been said to them.
  12. Can I Help you? Outside of emergencies and environmental issues of safty, do not interfere with your child’s business, unless your offer of help has been acnowledged positively. When the child asks for help consider carefully how you can support with out disempowering the child with adult standards or doing it for them in a way that prevents them learning how to do it for themsekves.

As far as possible stay calm and engaged in a clear sense of purpose with commitment and compassion

8   wrong is a writer part of learning.  When we get something right we are no longer learning anything new.  Expanding ourselves in any way will involve risks of failure –no risk no gain.

Living to learn

Divine blessings
Soul divine blessings —-within the heart———motivates actions———–these actions illustrate sharing and caring

God conects to :-
1 your soul is your connection to God.
2 peace,
love and trust are the Guardians of spiritual growth