Creative Writing-an Interactive Presentation

Helena presents Creative Writing as a multisensory art of personal exploration and spiritual development.

Her creative multi-sensory approach engages a wide range of age and ability with her own compendium of creative activities. Her focus is designed to enhance authentic communication and an enriched sense of living

Helena encourages everyone to trust their own inner thoughts and feelings and passionately embrace their own unique style of communication. She considers ‘Creative expression’ is related to our inner confidence and willingness to creatively embrace both the heart warming, and the more challenging aspects of life.

Helena feels that inner wisdom and faithare a natural part of our everyday communication. She also believes that how we express ourselves directly relates to how well we listen, for example: ‘prayer can initiate a conscious desire to listen to our inner-self and each other, as well as God’.

When I feel love I see beauty.

When I feel grace I hear comforting sounds.

When I feel gratitude I perceive mercy.

When I have faith I feel the compassion of unconditional love.


The initial foundation course is presented over three days of participation either consecutively or within a maximum period of three weeks. Course fees are shared cost of venue/materials plus a donation/exchange.

Helena can be contacted on 07792193995

Multisensory living and learning

Celebrating the mind – body – spirit potential through natural play and learning, art and design, creative expression, poetry and prose, sharing and caring.

Our materially rich world of object – bound entertainment holds ourselves and our children from natural creative occupation; no longer do we take time to spontaneously celebrate or authentically communicate or express genuine gratitude. For these things cannot be bought as a prepack package of convenience. Our easy life of robots and machinery, our world of electric slaves and power struggles, distract us from playing with the flowers, listening to the birds and rolling on the grass. Without these freedoms of inspiration where does the flow of creativity find its source? When does the heart burst into songs of communication, and creativity overflow within a space of natural play and learning.

Through creative activity we can facilitate personal expression, social interaction, and spiritual growth. Creative activity by its very nature does not have a pre-determined measure of success. Creative expression is directed moment by moment. Many aspects of exploration that might otherwise be defined as failure become windows of learning and encouragement. The celebration is thus experienced in the doing and the sharing rather than competitive levels of achievement. Through creativity we embrace the universal love that sanctifies faith and units us within the grace of joy and peace.

These three weekend courses explore multisensory perspectives of creativity through discovery learning. The weekends can be attended individually but the greatest benefit will be gained by those who attend them consecutively as a three part course designed to empower the individual to confidently venture into various aspects of creative expression. The course starts with concrete foundations then ventures into multisensory perspectives and finally focuses on meaningful verbal and written communication.

These courses are suitable for individual adults and families whereby children nine years and over can be included as participants if they are suitably supervised by their accompanying adult. [For childcare during the daytime workshop hours contact Vraja (Steiner Nanny) on ………………………..or Manny (male nanny) 07564 603021 be able to book a

If our lives do not touch occasionally then love is sure to fade,
Not that it ever dies
But just sits at an empty table, awaiting an unknown celebration.
When one life communicates with another
Love may blossom once more into rays of sunshine and smiles.
When one’s life fails to find blessings –
Forgets to feel the divine touch,
Then the light fades and there is no place to sit comfortably,
Thoughts gather into tear-full grey clouds
And even the rainbow fails to bring a magic moment.

A famous composer once said, ‘If I don’t feel the music in my heart!   The listeners won’t hear  the music!’

Helena’s Courses on Creative Writing through Art and Design are organised as a three day event for each of the three consecutive parts outlined below:-

Part One

Construction : Foundations for 3dimentional art and craft.
Construction and play – inspiration and presentation
Introduction: A multisensory foundation for concrete structure – working with clay.

  • Create a personality using driftwood and other assorted materials.
  • Design and create a staged play environment for the personality.

Part Two

Play : within a divine system of order and infinite potential
Introduction: The Pendulum perspective and playful patterns of design.

  • Exploring the senses: Sensory interaction and sensory integration as a foundation for play. Authentic personal expression: auditory-visual interaction (interactive left and right brain activity.
  • Art and design: as the foundation for multisensory forms of communication

Part Three

Reflection : Initiating creative expression: exploring active exchange; emotions and feelings.
Introduction: Special time as an informal reflection through creative interaction.

  • Informal interactive Alphabet challenges designed to enhance auditory recall and encourage extensive use of vocabulary.
  • Creative writing: as a personal resource for interactive exploration, reflection and conceptual communication.

Meister Eckhart (1260-1328) Catholic monk and scholar wrote:-.

‘EVERYTHING      Everything I see, hear, touch, feel, taste, speak, think, imagine,

Is completing a perfect circle

God has drawn.’

[Love Poems from God – Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West – Daniel Ladinsky; Penguin Compass, 2002]