Older & Wiser

Awaiting Wisdom

Watching through windows of wisdom – compromising conformity and common place comforts.?!

Creative writing may in itself be an activity that does not have a clear conclusion. Thoughts may be stirred into action and yet remain confused and/or open ended as questions or unresolved paths of enquiry. However, a passionate focus of attention can often bring a natural element of surprise that invokes a wise conclusion. Through creative writing we can aspire to new perspectives that we had not previously considered or fully formulated from a consciously shareable disposition.

When are automatic responses authentic. ?
Why do demands for attention always fail ?
When are resentful feelings helpful ?
How do bribes and rewards make things go better than otherwise expected ?
Which form of co-dependency is empowering to me or you ?

‘I entered the four walls of my new freedom.’

[The Seven Story Mountain by Thomas Merton; Harcourt Brace, 1948

If I have ‘nothing ‘ then grief has no rope to lasso my joy onto the restraint of expectation
and I remain inspired to receive all blessings with my trusting heart,
and all hopes with the quiet of my mind,
and each new day brings cleansing miracle showers.


And what can I say
So many turn away
They do not want to play.
So many turn their heads
With nothing to be said.
So many walk alone,
So many sigh and groan.
And what can I say
To cheer them on their way,
And what can I do
To give them a clue.
Smile and love them all
And listened for their call.

Love is sure to fade…..
If our lives do not touch occasionally then love is sure to fade,
Not that it ever dies
But just sits at an empty table, awaiting an unknown celebration.
When one life communicates with another
Love may blossom once more into rays of sunshine and smiles.

When one’s life fails to find blessings –
Forgets to feel the divine touch,
Then the light fades and there is no place to sit comfortably,
Thoughts gather into tear-full grey clouds
And even the rainbow fails to bring a magic moment.

What We Have Wished For
So we cry and weep for the things we have done
And that which we have wished for,
Prayed for, begged for or fleetingly commanded within our own thoughts……..
Aspired to have, to get, to hold, to own ;
God’s goodness blesses all our plans, good and bad,
For how could He judge an elusive reflection of our will
Played out in the freedom He gave to us
Mankind on whom he bestowed the highest form of divine inspiration
Soul, heart, wisdom, and a consciousness bestowed within His trusting acceptance
And His potency of devotional love.

Are we creating a better world or a disaster?
Time is only the gate keeper.
What we live within ourselves commands our destiny.
Action creates reaction
Forgiveness brings compassion
Happiness grows on gratitude.
Now is the time for everyone to contemplate a new world
Where fear, money and food
Become Love, Peace and Light So Be It…..
Ego- 0: Humility – 10
I pray my ego can be overcome with humility;
Yet still it resists surrender
And remains unpredictable in its willingness to be dismissed,
No longer required, unwanted and uncelebrated,
My ego still holds strong in the darker corners of my mind.
Even as grace lights up my original nature,
And shines brightly upon my immature endeavours,
I still drift on a raft of confusion amongst waves of delusion.

Please come share with me
Those separated from a love of life may not want to share with me;
My gratitude – the joy in my life is wanting to be shared’
But those that strive in a wilderness of struggle are adverse to Grace,
And deaf to the peace that ignites my passion –
My expression of gratitude and appreciation.
The rescue rope I deliver is not received’
They do not have the strength to pull themselves up.
Their body is too heavy and their energy so low….
Yet my courage may drown their worries
And the temporary comforts found with in dramas of anxiety.
Optimism is not welcomed by the pessimistic;
Those who do not want to climb any mountains.
They are committed to avoiding the risk of falling
Because they have already fallen too far.
Only patience and humility can sit beside them unchallenged.
Only Grace and prayer can silently reach into their sanctuary.
And I pray my faith in God’s blessings may lighten the weight of their burdens.
Only a new witnessing can help heal their despaired association with life.
So I shall not seek to be a bright guiding light,
But rather a warm comforting glow
That reflects His glory and unconditional love:
Given to us His beloved children Today……Now ……….and always……….Amen

I look in the mirror and what do I see?
Oh! Dear, it’s an old woman – that must be me!
I look in the mirror and what do I think?
This is someone’s naughty trick!
I look in the mirror and what do I feel?
Not to worry it’s only love that’s real!

My Birthday Poem to Myself

Well another year older
Blessed with another Rebirth.
What shall I think, what shall I say,
What shall I do

Is this all right?
Am I late!
What did I forget?

Now I’m through all that stuff,
A new me is born.
Forgetting is a blessing;
Always on perfect time!

If I don’t do it someone else can get it right !
No more shall I beat myself in a ‘not good enough’ fight.
Or drive around in an ‘I don’t deserve’ bulldozer.

Forgotten is letting go
Changing moods ‘going with the flow’
Now it’s time I smiled more.
When I learn that one, everything will grow…..
Better than before!

I shall sail the next year.
It will be great to be so old!
Sunshine and holidays at my own front door.

I’ll enjoy the roller-coaster, up and down I go.
With ear plugs for the screaming,
Patience for the uphill dreaming,
Throw-away paper fears,
And sweet nothings in my ears.

Well off I go again, hush….silence is so pleasing, nothing more to be said – so let’s to bed,to bed, to bed……She said!

When I am willing to receive love from the source then I can share love with others. Caring for others instead of loving my own life for its own sake distracts everyone from living with a love of life. The divine source of all creation is a love more profound than we can at present imagine.

In the times of old
In the times to come
Peace will be with us,
We will not need to run.
Our resistance to love
Melted like the snow
As our emotional attachments
Fall to the earth below.
Togetherness in peace, united as one
In union with God, as daughters and sons.

The lessons of love dominate our existence and challenge the ego into submission.
Passion and purpose sport with each other as rival competitors
within an elusive race with time.
The smug comforts of success rise and fall within strong undercurrents
and the crashing waves of a retreating tide.
Striving to find the meaning of life – learning how to be seen as an important personality and notable member of a chosen team of players.

There’s nothing here to satisfy my search for peace 5-5d-2
There is nothing here to quench my thirst for love
There’s nothing here ….only me ……just me
And the life force which initiated from whence I came
That which sustains my wellbeing,
And when my body falls back into the earth
initiates my journey beyond and onto a new birth…….

Although I am no-longer with you
I want you to know that my love will always be there for you,
Where-ever you go on your life journeys.
I have so enjoyed our time together
And it is with sadness that I leave you.
It has been a great pleasure getting to know you each individually,
Sharing activities together.
I know you will always do well,
For I see in each of you the individuality of your personality
and an intelligent interest in life
United within a genuine interest in sharing and caring.
Love and light

Only at the end of a living performance, can wisdom draw the final curtain that heralds a theatrical completion.
Then the dancing with time becomes frozen into a cold surrender and inner
stillness heralds a sense of freedom.
Thus the light of eternity captures our play in its effulgence and by its glowing warmth
we abandon worldly illusions of exclusion and return home.

Within the ripeness of senior years my flowering blossoms are no more,
Quietly and unseen my potential fades into my maturing demise.
In the absence of beauty life may seem dull;
Yet, it is only then, that the seeds grown on my adventures can be scattered abundantly
And this luxury of new hope settles within the devotion of our mother earth
As she makes good the timeless quiet of my living Goodbye.

‘Death will be understood to be simply and only a transition – a glorious shifting in the experience of the soul, a change in our level of consciousness, a freedom-giving, pain-releasing, awareness-expanding breakthrough in the eternal process of evolution.’  ’ [What God Wants by Neale Donald Walsch [HoddenMobias, 2005:170]

The Darkest Time of the Night
And this is the time of the night when each moment sticks like glue.
And the darkness feels so heavy it elongates each heartbeat.
Now all is quiet and aloneness hangs suspended in the air all around me
It starves my thoughts with its bland emptiness,
And lengthens each moment into a false stop;
It punctures my sleep and steam-rollers the joy of living
Into a paper thin quality of existence.
A kind of blindness, like net curtains, obscures my view of life.
Isolation moves noisily around me, like a hungry mosquito looking for a place to land.
The ultimate ‘optimist’ searching for a feeding station,
Hoping to find the ready-made meals of sadness, presented with a desert of unhappiness.

So this is the time of the night that plays recklessly with my emotions,
And battles with my reasons for living;
Shooting down any confident part of my personality
As I try to walk out to greet the coming sun’s/son’s unfailing companionship.
Yet I know this is not the end; just a new beginning –
Something is hidden around the corner,
Surrounded by doves of peace,
And nurtured by a living light that shines through the net curtains,
Offering a clear view of my table.
Where everyone is served the food of love with condiment of abundance. Amen.

Prayer for 2015
Indeed you love truth in the heart;
Then in the secret of my heart teach me wisdom…
A pure heart create for me, O God,
Put a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me away from your presence,
Nor deprive me of your Holy Spirit. Psalms:6,10-11]
[A Feast for Advent by Delia Smith; The Bible Fellowship 1983:111]

My long sleeping heart
Stirs in an unknown longing
New horizons glimpsed,
Have awakened sleeping embers,
Hidden depths and untouched lands
New Yet old

Yet what fears holdfast these desires unfolding
A realm of ethereal bliss
Seen through silence imaginings
A realm of great power
Beyond the wind and storms

Oh heart fear not the hand of God
And your voice of truth.
Leave behind your doubt and fear
Open now to a new love
One never before dreamed of
That soars in ecstasy beyond imagining

Once glimpsed in childish innocence
Can it be?
Is it a false hope!?
How to know?
How to conquer the gates of defence
And enter the holy sanctum of divine embrace.
[Author unknown; if anyone knows of the author please let me know, thanks.]


A night of Grief
Tiredness throbs inside my head and evades my escape into sleep.
My need for rest dances upon the cliffs edge, yet never dares to fall
Reality is clothed in something material, made of something called nothing;
And the nothing floods over the now and drowns the calling of my dreams.
As if everything that lived before is shrivelled and dying.
Grief drains through the sands of time
For is there nothing I can do? Nothing to be done, nothing to be sung?
The power of choice remains still as ashes of grey and black
Thinking and blinkingunite in a nightmare of despair.
Life seems too long to see and feels too tough for me.

An Experience of Death.
Now I know there is a part of me beyond my physical body
I experienced myself without a physical form.
I felt more full, more filled and blessed than ever before,
Held in the hands of His grace.
Protected by the simplicity of His love and peace.
Promised an eternal association with His light.
Sharing in a moment of a truth, the power of His glory.
“I love you Heavenly Father.”
Rescue me Lord Jesus.
Fill me Holy Spirit.
For now is the moment I can see that I will, one day, be free to come to Thee.

Sometimes I have thought to call and ask for your help. Such is my confidence in your compassion and this in its self has been a great help for my troubled mind. However, every time when I openly witnessed my struggling, God has come to rescue me in the way that only He can. His all-knowing understanding and ways of comforting that relieve my heart of all discomfort and clear my mind of the rubbish that undermines my confidence in Him – His ability to use all of my efforts as perfect for service to Him, and the power of His Holy Spirit to fill every aspect of my being. I could weep for the joy of His loving care and the way He has answered my prayers.
