Partners & Parenting: Loving me Loving You

If love defines my capacity to share from my heart
And respect defines our capacity to work together
Then for me, trust is the combination of both
And the amount of trust defines the strength of our relationship.

Choosing a Partner- exploring the realms of love and devotion
My Song of Love
Catch me catch me if you can
I think I’m falling.
Touch me touch me once again
I may be dreaming.
Hold me hold me for a while
As I’m sleeping .
Tell me tell me I can stay – no more leaving.

Catch me catch me in your arms,
gently enfolding.
Touch me touch me with your smile,
warm and inviting.
Hold me hold me in your dreams,
When you’re playing.
Tell me tell me it is safe to feel this loving.

Catch me catch me in your heart,
divinely meeting.
Touch me touch me with your thoughts,
sweetly fleeting.
Hold me hold me in your prayers,
silence embracing.
Love me love me kiss my soul, my heart is singing.

True Love – received only in the giving
Is it that love is to be awaited as a present from time?
Or sought as a successful game of hide and seek?
Maybe is it only to be found in my own heart’s sweet surrender,
When I melt into a moment of selfless devotion,
Beyond the time keepers door,
Encased in a box of trust and wrapped in a sense of knowing.
It is a forest thick with illusion that conspires to seek love from another.
Where the power of the seeking extinguishes the flame that illuminates the unconditionally given.
For in truth we seeketh the purest state of love.
Where does this come from?
Who can bestow such love.?
Is it that another can endower a heart with any greater love than that received in the giving.
This is the greatest source of love and its worth most divine.
A thousand times more pleasing on any humble occasion,
Experienced as a bountiful magnification of the love that was given.

Only as a gift from that of the giving can a true heart light the path of love;
The torch that oneself has presented, to be seen only in the light of another’s receiving.
Only pure love can dissolve my past and future into the present.
Sourced from the very potency that conceived my soul.

The power of love so unique and pure,
Is yours to share you can be sure.
Connect with this energy
Let love flow free
With peace in your heart and good thoughts of me.

  • An understanding of the divine and the spiritual,

does not grow within the constraints of institutional religion

but is rooted in love, peace and compassion.

For my friend
Behind the camera you cannot be seen,  5-5c-1
Yet I feel the depth and sincerity of your perception.
And still I seek the comfort of seeing your smile.
……..Has your laughter got lost somewhere in the cosmos ?
Has your playfulness drifted out into the ocean far beyond the temperamental waves on the shore ?
Has your grief dampened your willingness to be here ?

You show Meg a respectful response of care and sincerity,  5-5c-2
Yet I hunger to touch your joy,
I long to see how you celebrate life.
…..When does the cold of the night, bring you to your lover’s side ?
When does another’s presence, bring you to stray from walking your familiar path ?
When does your aloneness, become an abundance to be shared ?

Your touch is as soft as moonlight on the snow
Yet still I ask…when do the sparks of life
Spin your heart like a Catherine wheel ?
……..What gives you the challenge to ride a stallion across the open desert sands ?
What gives you an eagle’ sight over the warm and pleasant lands ?
When is a single candle’s light, enough to brighten up your way.

Like the trees I feel you bend and sway
Yet what awakens you to a drowning in this moment ?
…….When do you keep pace with the elephant’s stride?
When does the dawn chorus send you skipping through the bluebell forest ?
When does all your past and all your future melt into an eternal moment,
That’s still not long enough……?

‘Why do you hide your love, my darling, 5-5c-3
In such a sorrowful way?
I can see this in your eyes my darling,
So why do you turn away?
Why do you take your love, my darling,
to this deep and shadowy place?
The sun shines on your love, my darling,
So why do you hide your face?
Where do you find your love, my darling,
Are they such mysterious lands?
Or is your love so strange, my darling,
That nobody understands?
I only have my love, darling,
And it’s taking up my youth –
So why do you hide your love, darling
Why do you hide the truth?
I cannot tell, I do not know,
The truth will make me mad;
A reflection in my eyes, love,
Is all I ever had.’


Your path is one of giving and sharing, your strength is your love of living and this will
always protect you from the limitations of discomfort, disappointment and unnecessary restriction. So Sweet Knight, gallant be your journey through time……..

If only……..
Loving was always easy
We’d all of us know
The best way of living
The right way to go,
Through the maze of life
Over the hurdles and dyke’s
The purpose of our anger
And when not to strike.
Good fortunes would be abundant
Harmony would be free
Riches would be flowing
A paradise it would be.
Sharing: When two peoples’ energies unit in an activity that brings good to both parties and those with whom they associate.
Caring: When the nobility of man and the compassion of woman are complimentary to those around them and thereby can be experienced in the light of sharing and receiving.
Receiving: When our endeavours initiate Divine mercy.

The recipe for a successful relationship, : Mix together in equal parts the following four ingredients –
Trust or faith (either will do, because they both create the binding effect of positivity)
And humility,
Stir with love and bake gently in a warm hearted oven.
Celebrate sharing a little of this love cake often during each day, then you and those around you will always feel warmly satisfied.

Celebrating your engagement as partner’s through the journey of life I hope you’re commitment to each other will always bring you a safe place of celebration for life, companionship and boundless love. The union of love on a soul level can never be undone or taken away. When veils of illusion and confusion cover this awareness, call upon grace beyond your own, and know you will receive knowledge from the source of eternal love that will heal and guide you through. Know that all your experiences will further your ability to embrace love and light. You are both very special and together you can share love boundlessly with each other and those around you. So Be It.

May love always wash away your fears and your tears.
May love blossom in your heart when aloneness creeps through the door.
May love always light your way in the darkest places.
May love feed you when you are in need of nourishment
And always nurture your seeds of happiness.


Adult Initiation: Sharing, Caring and Creative parenting:

Loving me loving you, loving you loving me.
Responsibility comes within Freedom! Freedom comes within Responsibility!

Foundations for the nurturing of empowerment as individual thinkers and independent personalities, successfully sharing happiness and co-operative social communion with each other, our planet earth and the source of all creation.

Through windows of enlightenment

We see ourselves in natural play and learning.

As each universe opens to our star guided journey away and back again.

The truth ! ? ?
A truth is unique to each individual.
A freedom defines the boundaries.
Balance describes the harmony of movement and mindfulness.
Creativity is a holistic state of being.
My attitude directs my thoughts.
My thoughts create my reality.
My reality is a reflection of who I am.
The present reflects where I have been and where I can go.

My view
Challenging experiences move me along the road of learning
To view points of excellence
Where they are received as a panoramic picture of my potential.
The more I see and understand,
The more I realise I still have to learn.
Surely my capacity to learn is as infinite as the universe,
And the most important learning is that of love.

The true self wins victory over the false ego……..This is the place of emptiness and purity which dwells at the deepest heart of the person, that point of contact between the soul and God,…it is the sense and taste for divine beauty and it is the hunger and thirst for God.’ ’ [‘And Now I See by Robert Barron; Crossroad Pub, 1998:81]

A new song
And so the song is sung,
The pendulum has swung
From the old into the new.
Fly those arrows
Let them run true.
Straight to the mark of truth
Let the men of today
With love in their hearts
Again learn to stand their ground;
To bend the bow without fear-
Remember how to fly those arrows of true love and respect.
To free their sons,
To walk their talk,
To leave their mother’s milk.
To meet their fathers and their brothers.
Now is the time
The pendulum has swung,
You know what is right
Stand in the light

Giving is the only way by which we can receive.
When we stop giving we cannot open to the receiving.

‘Only when he sees that the world of the ego is very small indeed and that he is but a tiny part of a much more fascinating and demanding universe is he ready to assume adult responsibilities. ’ [‘And Now I See by Robert Barron; Crossroad Pub, 1998:173]

The Seas of Life
When travelling over turbulent seas of life
Don’t waste your Time &Energy fighting to steer the boat,
These exhausting efforts will endanger, not ensure your safety.
Allow the storms and currents to take you on your way;
Lay still and ride the raging seas until the break of day.
Be assured, that at the end of your journey, no matter how stressful or frightening,
That tides of life will lead you to the land of your dreams.

When the teenage rigors of idolisation subside, a chosen life partner may formulate as a special love relationship.
Then the inevitable birth of parenting parts the curtain on the adult stage, and a real-life theatre begins………….

I hear your words and feel your thoughts.
I see your actions and know your truth.
I feel your heart beating, and wonder how you are doing?
There is too much connection for us to be just friends,
And not enough space for us to be real with each other.
Easy options are hard to find and challenges too daunting to embrace.
Subtle is the grey that unfolds in moments of today,
When greeting an engagement with commitment “it’s best to run away!”
So alone we travel in our abundance of time without a heart-full place,
Wandering and drifting beyond the realms of Grace.
Now the spell has been spun, shadows of regret
Echo within a thread that is not easy to forget.
As I drift further and further away from my dreams of sharing a love relationship with you
A stillness has settled like a blanket keeping me safe and warm.
My inner peace brings acceptance and forgiveness,
A peaceful light heals my pain of separation.
Yet the magic happens again and again
As your thoughts come into my mind
And I feel your pleasure within my hearts beating
Have we grown up enough –
Learnt to have courage and step forward into a celebration of potential.
It is said that when love comes towards us – take it up into the light of God’s blessings;
For it is there for our learning sent by angels and given as a divine option.
I simply wanted to be with you in a way that was different to that of our previous experience.
As a (Christian) union of love with all of Gods blessings,
And the clarity that it is in keeping with your innermost wishes.
Match my dream with your actions,
Step forward and seek to capture my devotion in your net of love.
Trust that I have been sent as your one and only,
For all the days to come – your sunshine and roses.
If this can melt your doubts and tribulations, this is yours to choose from your heart
And show me that I am to you as you are to me.


Parenting : probably the most challenging and rewarding aspect of life!
Demands upon time, energy and provisions are balanced by formulations of sharing, caring and creative parenting.
Heart-full love gains centre stage, our soul-spirit powers lead us through a seemingly endless maze, that of our search for missing elements of peace.


So you think you have loved?
loved well!
more than the others
So you think you can love a little,
Then love a little more!
For love is like a snowflake once it has been seen and felt its destiny is to softly melt away.

Where the two waters meet,
Divinely entwined by the endless stream of time.
So close to the earth they talk of life and birth.
In basic sounds they rampage across the ground.
And I think of your love
As the peace of a dove
Flies through my mind and on down my spine.
Where the two waters meet.

As Noble man arises to greet woman’s melting heart her wings unfold,
And she surrenders to her children gather at her feet.
So Be It …………..