Preface and Introduction

The Tides of Time



  1. Repetition, Rhythm and Rhyme -Conceptual Structures for poetry
  2. Blessings From Mother Nature – Natural Nurturing:
  3. Puzzle Rhymes and Riddles: Embracing Alternative Perspectives
  4. The Joy of the Journey: Loving Me, Loving You; Loving You, Loving Me
  5. Within the Tides of timeIntimate Moments

See also: Poetry for childrenLanguage enrichment[In section 5. Foundations for Literacy]

&From Heart to Soul– The Spiritual Journey [In section 7. Spiritual Wellbeing]


The Tides of Time

The tides of time meet as moments of rhythm and rhyme;

Guided by angelic gifts of spiritual sanctification,

Blessed within an intimate exchange of Saintly benediction.

When personality is preceded by sincere authenticity,

And perfection flows freely into passing rivers of talent;

Then sincerity softens our integrity with an attractive sweetness.

And within the tides of time

We reflect on a moment of something divine.

This collection of creative writing activities,

poetry and prose,

riddles and rhymes,

designed to inspire and encourage expressive thinking and creative communication.

This poetry and prose is written from the heart to rekindle and deepen creative communication between ourselves and our children;

Written as a reflection of the colourful wisdom that emanates from authentic communication.

Authors Preface

Creative writing invites a childlike simplicity that presents a portrait of self-consciousness. An innocent quality of meaningful understanding; this compels the reader to breathe out in exhaled gratitude, and acknowledge inhaled breaths of appreciation. Thus it is, that even a shallow worded embrace, re-presents a glanced view of soulful heart, an inner prayer.

Unlike worldly knowledge, creative writing is uniquely personal; a ‘wordly’ form of expression sourced by love and humility More than a guide for learning or improving literacy skills– creative writing speaks of inspiration, of colourful perspectives of encouragement, and celebration.

I believe creative writing always comes from the heart and soul-spirit connection, even though it may sometimes describe sad or uncomfortable feelings. I have spent much time and patience encouraging myself and others to use creative writing as a way of processing and celebrating our life journey as we live, love and learn. Celebration includes all colours of feeling and varied depths of emotion. Creative writing can help us embrace the true depths of our experiences, and the diversity of how our thoughts can influence our personal perceptions. Creative writing can help us process difficult emotions that might otherwise get stuck or go sour. Writing can witness our expression of gratitude for those Saintly moments of intimacy and subtle glimmers of what love is really about. Creative thought can help us to acknowledge the joys and healing we receive from Mother Nature and the blessings we receive from the supreme source of all life.

I did not always write poetry with confidence; this has only become easier in my later years of life. I can remember thinking poetically descriptive thoughts since the age of nine. However, I rarely managed to capture anything in writing, because I was severely dyslexic and dysphasic, possibly due to hearing disorders and some brain damage.

Until recently, fifty plus years, my main mode of thinking was not naturally in a ‘languaged thought form’. This special disposition was not helpful in terms of mainstream schooling and later academic situations. Also, personal and working relationships required enormous amounts of time, patience and personal endeavour. However, my special learning did support the continuation of extra sensory abilities that are so often seen during children’s early years and lost in later years when formal education begins.

Within each aspect of my poetical communication I have shared my most truly valued experiences and the learning gained through the less comfortable events. Thus, I now say to you, the readers, that this poetry and compendium of creative writing activities has been written as a witness to my own rich journey, thoughts and feelings; written for my own benefit and to share with friends.

So I hope you enjoy it too!               Love and Light, Helena



Exploring Multisensory Foundations, Creative Endeavour, Imagination, Authentic Communication and Spiritual Awareness.

Personal exploration, personal expression, and personal reflection:-……….

Creative experience

Creative endeavour

And creative expression.

Integrating abstract and concrete thinking skills, left and right brain activity, mind, body and spirit

The tides of time – Embracing the joys of the journey – Activating aesthetic communication – Poetic perspectives on language enrichment.


Creative writing is traditionally a combination of feelings, thoughts and written communication. The abstractness of repetition, rhythm and rhyme can carry us forward into a celebration of life’s kaleidoscope of events and subtle heartfelt experiences.

Creative writing is like a song without any musical notation. Yet what is shared can be felt and understood, honoured and appreciated by others.

Rhyming riddles and verbal perplexities stimulate colourful and divergent off-line thinking outside of our normal programmes and traditional boxes.

All this and more creates an art form that encourages multisensory perceptual activity and thereby illustrates ideas and a wealth of tactile experience. Creative writing embraces visual imagination, motivates art and craft projects and co-ordinates a mind-map of feelings and thoughts.

Creative expression formulates an abstractness that fills an empty canvas with a sense of being and an interest in sharing. If creativity is the highest form of educational medium then creative writing is a supreme source of personal communication. Truth is as elusive as the wind, yet creative speech can momentarily capture a truth within the attractive sweetness of sincerity. ‘

In Genesis ‘And God said’ indicates God’s spoken words as the medium through which He initiates His creation of the earth. In John 1 Jesus’ disciple John again emphasises that God created the world through His spoken word….. ‘In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God’

In ‘The way of love’ Brother Ramon SSF [Marshall Pickering, 1994: 170]presents -‘The prophet was the bearer of the word of God, and in the Hebrew mind the ‘word’ was not simply a verbal communication which could be lost on the wind, but a creative, accomplishing word by which the world was made (Genesis 1:3) which would bring about God’s determined will (Isaiah 55:11 ‘so shall my word be that which goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.’);


Living the Journey of Love

Creative writing is fundamentally about our experiences of love and grief. The contrast between these experiences sharpens and preserves our awareness of divine love and our appreciation of devotion. Much of our most treasured worldly experiences can be attributed to moments in which we knowingly celebrate the art of Being: ‘….the open and generous heart of God, the divine love that wants nothing more than to lure people into intimacy.’(And Now I See’ by Robert Barron; Crossroad Pub, 1998:266)

Intimacy is found at the balance point between the extremes of love (connection) and grief (separation).


The now and the before are there to keep us interested in the Grace of living and the art of embracing the future – thirsty for love and recovering from grief. Love is life and without love we are like wilting cut flowers. Perfection is the perception of contrast; an acceptance of how the wheel of life spins its powers of influence and rebukes that which disrupts its force field.

Without love we would have no experience of grief and without grief we would not feel the true nature of intimacy – the depths of our capacity to love. ‘Even in our fear we have the capacity to be grasped by Beauty.’ (And Now I See’ by Robert Barron; Crossroad Pub, 1998:269) This is the ultimate contrast. Heaven is found within divine association and the infinite source of our creation. Love is an opportunity to associate with our divine origin and the Supreme creator.

If I speak in the tongues of men and angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and deliver my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong doings, but rejoices with the truth……….So now faith, hope and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.’ (The bible 1st Corinthians chapter 13: English Standard Version, Study Bible )


This presentation of poetry and prose is presented as an elixir to:

         Nourish the body

         Inspire the mind;

          Nurture the heart.

To be received as a taste of the innocence found in humble pie.

To be shared as a banquet that celebrates the sweeter ingredients of life.

To be given as a refreshing drink that revives inner peace and helps us to grow in a garden of joy.

God bless you now and always,  Helena