Words of Wisdom



‘The One Thing That Is’
The only limitation on time is adversity
Yesterday has been overtaken by tomorrow
In silence there is stillness but no surrender

Where am I? 

Just this much
‘Say not, “Why were the former days better than these?”
In the Presence of Time

Speaking of LOVE

For I can-not love
One who proclaims love the loudest may not know love very well
….supplement your faith with virtue,


In his book ‘What God Wants’ Neale Donald Walsh uses the following very effective structure to express key thoughts; whereby a repeated use of the initial letters T O T T I are used to initiate key phrases and further explanations. This establishes an interesting and interrelated interaction with the reader that encourages further contemplation and an easy system of recall:-


  1. ‘The One Thing That Is’: (abr. TOTTI). ‘There is nothing that is not part of TOTTI…the Supreme being, the creator of heaven and earth, the giver of life, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, and wise beyond Human Understanding.’ page 153
  2. ‘The Only Truth There is. ‘(abr. TOTTI) every human being is both the messenger and the message.’ page 155
  3. ‘The Only Territory There Is’ (abr. TOTTI) ‘the universe is not some outlying territory separate from Heaven……Heaven is the experience of traveling through that territory in a state of bliss-‘ reached at any time no matter when in our life or where we are. Page 156
  4. ‘The Only Time There Is’. (abr. TOTTI) Now ‘Creating Heaven where ever you are will be seen as the prime objective’ ‘….as a free flowing expression of one’s intrinsic nature, which is unlimited and divine.’ ‘Because of their deeper understanding and rich personal experience of life as a unified field,..’Page 159-160
  5. ‘The Only Thought There Is.’ (abr. TOTTI)‘….God is not male , nor is God female, but that God has no gender at all…………Humans will understand marriage to be a spiritual tool, a sacred device, used by evolving beings to play out their soul’s agenda and to complete that part of their journey that involves mutuality with a particular Other for the purpose of growth and the continued re-creation of Self.’ Page 161
  6. ‘The Only Team There Is.’ (abr. TOTTI) ‘All Humans will that marriage is about team-work, the teamwork of two souls who have created a holy team to do the holy work of life itself, which is the work of growth and the expression of divinity. Those who have a holy union will know that their union is a three way union, that their team consists of each other and God and that this is…. TOTTI’ page 163
  7. ‘The Only Tantra There Is’ (abr. TOTTI) ‘…….love is neither quantifiable or conditional…..love cannot be parcelled out in units of varying size, but is either present or not present, in any given moment and with any given person, as an experience of the whole Heart and Mind and Soul – a full expression of the Blessed Essence of Being Itself.’
  8. ‘The Only Term There Is’ (abr. TOTTI) ‘Humans will see clearly that to define God in one word, “love” is ‘TOTTI’. It will be clear that God wants nothing from human beings and gives everything to human beings, God will be the ultimate model, at last, of what love is and means.’…….’People will also understand the difference between suffering and pain, observing that pain is an objective experience, while suffering is a subjective decision about it.’ Page 165-168
  9. ‘The Only Thing There Is.’ (abr. TOTTI) is life because death does not exist. Life is a ‘process of continuous and unending growth, expansion, self-expression, self-creation, and self-fulfilment.’ Page 170-171

This Initial letter system of abbreviation can be used as encouragement and enrichment for communication that has an element of fun and familiarity. Children who cannot relate directly with the written word can appreciate this initial letter code from the phonic initial letter pattern of sounds. For example: W I W I could represent What I Want Is……… and N N L present Not Now Later…….

Another fun activity is that of removing words form a recorded communication. Surprisingly the diminishing number of words may add to the depth and quality of communication.

Donald Neale Walsh presents that ‘words are the lease reliable form of communication. As the search for higher meaning advances, words do their best job by falling away.’

[What God Wants’, Neale Donald Walsch; Hodder Mobius, 2005:206]

This simple activity can be enjoyed as a game where the players take turns to remove/move/rearrange one or more words form a sentence. The aim of the game is to make the sentence shorter! A simple example of this would be as follows:-

The black cat sat on the black mat by the door. (11)
The cat sat on the rug by the door. (9)
The cat and the door-mat were black. (8)
The cat sat on the black mat. (7)
The cat sat on the mat. (6)
The cat on the mat. (5)

This process of shortening the sentence may explore aspects of creative writing such as prioritising information, simplification, conceptual understanding and summary.

The only limitation on time is adversity.
The only limitation on words is our understanding.
The only limitation on thought is wisdom.
The only limitation on communication is compassion.

Many wise words have been caught within creative thoughts and expressed within a few lines of creative writing. A wise ‘thought for the day’ can easily slip through our busy fingers into the intensity of everyday life. The most profound creative thoughts can be momentary glimpses into inner wisdom that disappear as un-noted as a cloud floating across the sky. Yet if wilfully documented or wistfully scribbled on a scrap of card, these thoughtful words can initiate a journey of creativity or a mind-mapping of mind -body -spirit integration.

  • Yesterday has been overtaken by tomorrow

And sorrow is never found in tomorrow.
Because tomorrow never happens
The ways of today
Every Tomorrow must obey
For now is always now
And tomorrow is the potential of today postponed until further notice!

  • In silence there is stillness but no surrender.

In action there is movement but no contemplation.
In joy there is happiness but no humility.
In gratitude there is the grace to think peacefully.
In authenticity there is the key to empowerment.
In forgiveness there is the sweetest sharing
In Devotion there is the seed to enlightenment.

‘Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those that enter it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.’ Matthew 7:13 [English Standard Version; Crossways: 2008]


Where am I?       

Do I need to be unhappy with the way things are in order to justify making changes?
Do I need to judge the present as unsuitable in order to move on to something different?
Does something have to be not good enough before I can strive for something better?
Or can I feel that where I am is truly wonderful and happily go on to choose something different?

Just this much

Just this match will take you to that place you seek.
Just this much will guide you on that illusive path.
Any more would be too much, a distraction.
Anymore and your expectations would obstruct the path you feel so passionately.
For even I cannot give it,
The moment you seek it   you are lost;
In your searching, you deny its existence within you.

‘Say not, “Why were the former days better than these?”
For it is not from wisdom that you ask this.
Wisdom is good with an inheritance,
an advantage to those who see the sun.
For the protection of wisdom is like the protection of money,
and the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom preserves the life of him how has it.
Consider the work of God:

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8:

who can make straight what he has made crooked?’

In the Presence of Time

I stand not in fear before the presence of Time.
Time has no rules, and without rules there is no right or wrong
Time has no form, yet still we are held within the timely structures of our own desires.
Time has no feelings, no pain, no regrets, no worries, no joy,
Even so I feel squeezed, nurtured and blessed within these hands of Time.
Sometimes friend and sometimes foe, Time holds a sacred communion with the night and day.
Today’s work, tomorrow’s rest and yesterday’s play witness my companionship with Time,
As I stretch and kneed the illusion of timely structures into a soft and supplier form.
For I, can elongate moments of celebration, and dissipate feelings of despair.
My heart’s spiritual wings fly with excellence beyond the reign of Time
Into the presence of miracles that transform the impossible into a confetti of possibilities.
For Time knows not the patience of Love and its unseen magic,
with whom I share an intimate life.
For I stand in my own truth before the presence of Time surrounded by loves infinite grace.

If God is love and love is God then when I express love I am an expression of God, but when I shut love outside of my heart, then I have shut myself away from God’s love and His infinite grace abides with me no more………

God is love, love is peace, peace is trusting God loves us all unconditionally. The peace of God is our greatest strength.

Speaking of LOVE

Our conceptual understanding of love is a complex and personalised development of thinking and feeling that requires both psychological and conceptual understanding. The abstract emotions and feelings related to love are often presented within metaphoric descriptions or in association with contrasting or sequential aspects presented within a wider spiritual perspective.

  • For I can-not love

I cannot love anyone
I cannot love you
For my capacity to love is fed by discrimination, my desire to receive love, and to feel loved.
Where ever I am, the I denies the very existence of a supreme and infinite source of love.
When I acknowledge that God is within my heart still I cannot really love.
For in truth I am in the heart of God, only when I remember and feel His unconditional loving presence, that which flows with infinite abundance around you and me; only then can I emanate angelic thoughts that welcome my lessons on unconditional love.

  • When love meets love it greets the shelter of devotion

When desire meets love it surrenders to compassion.
When desire meets devotion it is transformed into love
When desire is conquered, if love is still there, then devotion can flourish.
When devotion meets devotion we embrace the divinity of God.
From our soul-spirit perspective, genuinely heart-full interactions ensure that we encourage each other as beings of love and light. Acting in accordance with highest good engages a whole-brain approach to our true potential. Highest good takes our behaviour beyond the limitations of our personal understandings and experiences. The higher realms of human potential are experienced when knowing how to create harmony is intimately felt and authentically acted upon within a natural expression of unconditional love.

  • One who proclaims love the loudest may not know love very well…

One who knows love may remain silent;
Because Love has no understanding of reflection or formulas of repetition,
No agenda or means of projection into the future.
For love lives only within a blessed moment, that shines forth a light of its own creation and warmth from a divine dimension.

‘If I speak in tongues of men and angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.

Love is patient and kind; does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not rejoice at wrong doing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endured all things.

Love never ends………So now faith, hope and love abide, these three but the greatest of these is love.’

[1Corinthians:13 English Standard Version Study Bible Crossway 2008page 2211]

It can be very helpful to reflect upon a sequential progression presented within any desired healing process and spiritual growth. Both art and creative writing can provide supportive reflections of consciousness and help us to identify the step by step journey that takes us forward into new qualities of attainment and inner happiness.

‘His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness……………
For this very reason make every effort to supplement
your faith with virtue,
and virtue with knowledge,
and knowledge with self-control,
and self-control with steadfastness,
and steadfastness with godliness,
and godliness with brotherly affection,
and brotherly affection with love.’
[2 Peter: 3 English Standard Version Study Bible:Crossway2008,page 2418]