

  1. If you don’t spend time sharing with God how can you hear what he is trying to say to you.
  2. Love is…… when the woman’s heart constantly hums a sweet melody and the noble knight is charged with courage.
  3. Even though I ………….(specify issue of concern/negativity/worry/ fear)………I totally, deeply and completely love, forgive and accept myself. [ ref. E.F.T.
  4. Clutter clearing is THE MOST powerful transformative way of making positive changes in our life. This is a FREE GIFT you can give yourself and all those resident in your home. [
  5. If you listen carefully with all your senses before you speak, others will think carefully and present an authentic response. [ ‘We say a lot by listening to other people’s feelings…the more we hear them, the more they hear us.’ Nonviolent communication 2nd by Marshall B. Rosenberg. Puddle Dancer Press CA, 2003]
  6. Our thoughts create our reality. [Free Your Mind @ psych-k.com] ‘So thought is man’s principal creation. This is the energy that creates the common good. We don’t just reflect reality, we create reality with our thought. This is man’s main occupation and the main source of anything of value.’ The school – Humanities new future– Dreams Fulfilment LLC 2009:page13. www. TEKOS.org]
  7. All our yesterday’s and all our tomorrow’s are within this eternal moment of infinite change.
  8. Don’t know is a No until it becomes a YES
  9. Please accept that getting it wrong is a natural part of learning and sometimes I need lots of time to practice.
  10. Too much information rocks the boat.
  11. Avoid sailing into the headwind, skilful tackling of alternatives will resolve the powers of resistance.
  12. If you’re not listening to yourself you can’t be listening to your child or anyone else.
  13. Gratitude and appreciation dissolves situations that might otherwise require an apology.
  14. There is no such thing as a promise – every promise is a potential lie or a bride. Please share with me your hopes and plans without making promises that may not be met later due to changes and new circumstances
  15. Praise is a judgment travelling in reverse gear.
  16. If seeing is believing…. what is hearing?
  17. Only robots can think without feelings.
  18. What you did not do today might not be relevant tomorrow.
  19. When you are in a fix stretch time.
  20. Change the environment not the behaviour.
  21. Don’t know is a no until it becomes a genuine yes.
  22. ‘Yes’ is only real if you genuinely have the choice to say ‘no’.
  23. Question the question and find the real message.
  24. Today is that tomorrow you’re worried about yesterday so how is it so far.
  25. Listen to the actions before you try to understand the words of communication.
  26. Yesterday and tomorrow won’t fit into today
  27. When you take responsibility for your actions your children will take responsibility for theirs
  28. Live for today tomorrow is never going to happen.
  29. Give two simple choices and the choice to create an alternative that is also equally suitable.
  30. Don’t bolt the door stay sitting against it on the other side. Locking the door is always locking yourself out or yourself in.
  31. The process is more important than the result.
