

1.Every real question is open ended and can have different answers on different occasions
2.Genuinely Chosen Time-out is a personal organisation of meditation and contemplation.
3.All learning is a powerful resource, positively charged and dissolved as a colloidal presence within our fluid state of being.
4.Angels walk without talk, move from here to there without being seen, and generate positivity everywhere.
5.Love as you have never loved before , Now is the moment to dissolve all regrets. Embrace the ones you love Their only fault is a shyness Which protects you from the depth of their love
6.It’s not how much time you spend holding me in your arms, But the love in your heart, that warms my soul. It’s not how much time you spend with me But your smile when we meet that blesses my heart.It’s not how much we do together But knowing you would be there when things got tough, that shows me your love
7.The power of love so unique and pure,Is ours to share you can be sure.
Connect with this energy Let love flow free With peace in your heart and good thoughts of me
8.I am all that you would wish me to be We are as your imagination dreams us. Past is but a shadow of our present Future is only one moment way. Every choice is continually renewed Change is a part of every breath we take. Trust yourself and you can trust me Love yourself and I will love thee.
9.How could we miss something that is in essence still there, For our love is like a fine golden thread That will join us forever.A thread so fine that no-one can see it So strong that no-one can break it Not even you or I.
10.Loneliness is because either:-
We are not getting sensory enjoyment from our life style. Simple forms of aesthetic appreciation, joyful celebration, and genuine gratitude are important for our everyday happiness; or we do not have anyone to serve with loving devotional care. Without anyone to receive our love, life can lose its’ sweetness. The highest reception of love is attained only through the giving of love unconditionally. When our love is not shared with others we ourselves feel alone and unloved for only in the giving do we receive true love from the source.
11.Somehow there is joy in the tears that flow down my cheeks and off my nose. Somehow there is joy in my heart as it breaks
12.I looked out of my window and what did I see?
I saw a flower it reminded me of thee;
Its beauty so pure
Its’ colours so bright,
Like a candle it sent forth love and light
13.My love, my love, how my separation from you brings me to know how close I am with you;
Our time with each other is only a small part of how we are together.
14.If love defines my capacity to share from my heart And respect defines our capacity to work together Then for me, trust is the combination of both And the amount of trust defines the strength of our relationship
15.May I share with you my stillness a place of most profound.May I share with you my silence a peace without sound. May I share with you my love, a contentment from within. May I share with you my prayers and my way to heaven.
16.Kiss each moment and release it into the winds of time Embraced each thought and place it at Gods feet Surrender to the essence of today and feel the stillness of tomorrow’s breath Remember to celebrate and dance on the circles of eternity.
17.And so my sweet love How my stillness grows Deep within my silence
My very being knows Of a peaceful light That from my centre flows
Blessing all that I see In you, them and me.
18.Sometimes Man hunts to appease the pangs of desire so intensely that the sweet delicate growth of devotion gets trampled under the force. Woman must nurture small growths of devotion knowing that one day they will grow strong enough to extinguish the forces of desire. When hunting and nurturing come together in the harmony of devotion unconditional love develops.
19.When desire meets love it surrenders to compassion.
When desire is conquered, if love is still there, then devotion can flourish.
When desire meets devotion it is transformed into love
When love meets love it greets the shelter of devotion
When devotion meets devotion we meet the divinity of God.
20.The power of the seeking extinguishes the flame that illuminates the unconditionally given.
Only as a gift from that of the giving can a true heart light the path of love.
The torch that oneself has presented to be seen in the light of another’s receiving.
21.Is it that true love is to be awaited as a present from time,
Or to be sought as a successful game of hide and seek;
I understand that through the contrast of separation the very sweetness I seek becomes all the sweeter.
And I laugh at the tricks in the mind and the sourness of my emotions,
My judgements become observations and my heart opens with compassion
And I recognise that real love is always flowing unconditionally towards Me.
22.All authentic spiritual masters are unconditionally devoted to encouraging, initiating and presenting by example, one thing – our human capacity to love through a dedication to service to highest good, to love, God the divine, the supreme universal force and this is not so that we or the spiritual master can receive love, but simply so that we can receive in the fullest way possible the infinite Love of God.
23.The spiritual master is a divine messenger sent to meet our calling. Their presence whenever, where ever and for however long can only be in response to our inner calling – no matter how faint or unconsciously that call was emitted. They have chosen to answer your call
24.Feeling special without superiority
Present without feeling attached
Fulfilled without taking controlled
Contented without wanting more
25.When I can:-
Celebrate aloneness
Dance with adversity
And know the meaning of truth
Then I will always have true happiness within myself so be it…….
26.When I can be …….
Humble without feeling complacent
Care-giving without any agenda
Serving without being employed.
Whole hearted without fears of failure
27.Through windows of enlightenment
We see ourselves in natural play and learning.
As the doors of each universe open to our star guided journey Away and back again
28.Only unconditional love can dissolve my past and future into the present.
29.An understanding of the divine and the spiritual is not held by the constraints of institutional religion but rooted in love, peace and compassion.
30.Time is a circle of eternity Patience is an appointment with flexibility And now always runs through the hands of illusion.
31.Cry my dearest, warm tears Laugh my dearest, joyous sounds,Share my dearest, all you feel Fly my dearest angel of light