An Alliterative W story

The Welsh Witch

Once there was a White Witch from Wales who was wandering around the woodscalled
SuddenlyWinifred the witch was watching Walter Wren who was flying willy-nilly all around her
She watched and waited until Walter wren wilted in front of her.
Worn out, weak and wounded, Walter Wren
Warbled “Beware, the Wacky Wizard
is wandering westbound”.
Winifred the White Witch wondered
‘Why is Walter Wren warning me? Is the Wacky Wizard coming to wreck the woods and weave a magic spell? And she also wondered,
‘Who will wash the little Wren’s wounds?
Winifred the Witch was worried.
[page 3] – [with picture of witch and wren wounded page 4]

Suddenly, a welcome site approached.
It was Wendy the little Welsh Whippet.
‘Wherever have you been,’ wailed Winifred!
‘I was wondering where you were, and,
I’m worried. The Wacky Wizard is wandering westbound and
Walter the Wren is weak, worn out and wounded.
What shall we do?’
[page 5] – [with picture of witch and whippet arriving with wet nose page 6]

‘Wow!’ Said Wendy the little Welsh Whippet,
whose nose was rather wet as she had been drinking water from the well,
‘What a worry!’
‘Why don’t you wash Walter Wren’s wounds
with the well water and wrap him in some wool to keep him warm;
whilst I run like the wind to the road where he is wandering?’
I will wait by the wayside till he comes,
Then I’ll waylay that Wacky Wizard.’
I’ll find out why he wanders Westwards.’
[Page 7] – [with picture of witch and whippet and wren and wool on nearby barbed fence and well in distance page 8]

And off ran Wendy the little Welsh Whippet.
Wendy ran and ran until she reached a wide stretch of water.
Here, she waded into the water right up to her waist;
all the time watching for the Wacky Wizard.
Once through the water, she was wet
but once again on her way.
[page 9] – [with picture of whippet wading through water page 10]

After a while she let out a little whimper.
She realized she wanted a rest.
Whilst resting Willow the Wasp stopped by.
‘Why are you whimpering?’, said Willow the Wasp?
‘I’ve been watching out for the Wacky Wizard who is heading West’, said Wendy. ‘I’ve ran and swam and now I’m weary so I’m waiting.’
‘I’ve seen the Wacky Wizard’, said the Wasp.
‘He’s wending his way westward on Welshpool Way.’
[Page 11] – [with picture of whippet resting and wasp page 12]

Wendy the little Welsh Whippet jumped up and was on her way.
‘Thank you!’ She shouted to Willow the Wasp, ‘That’s wonderful!’
Soon Wendy arrived at the top of a hill
where she witnessed the whole world ahead of her.
Below her she could see Welshpool Way
and she could hear the sounds of the Wacky Wizard’s wheezing, wafting up from below.
[page 13] – [with picture of whippet on top of hill looking down to W Way page 14]

The Wacky Wizard’s name was Wynn and he was weary.
He had been walking Westward for a long while.
His weariness was making him want to whinge.
So he walked and whinged, walked and whinged
And occasionally he let out a little wail.
(He had learnt how to wail from a passing wild-eyed werewolf when in the wildwoods of Whitland last winter.)
[page 15] – [with main picture of weary, whinging wizard with wrinkles and warts and hat. Inset picture of wild-eyed werewolf and wizard page 16]

All he wanted was to reach the woods of the west so he could
Ask Winifred the White Witch to weave a spell
to remove his wrinkles and warts.
For Wynn was convinced no-one would love him with wrinkles and warts!
In fact, as he thought about his wrinkles and warts he began to weep.
[page 17] – [with picture of wizard weeping page 18]

At this moment, Wendy the little Welsh Whippet spotted Wynn the Wacky Wizard and wondered why he was weeping.
He noticed his warts and wrinkles and his wonky wide-brimmed hat
and thought that the warty, wrinkly wizard looked a little weird.
Cautiously Wendy wandered down to Welshpool Way
and waited for the wizard with the wonky wide-brimmed hat to walk by.
When the wizard saw the whippet he quickly wiped his eyes.
[page 19] – [with picture of wizard wiping eyes and whippet walking up page 20]

‘Hello little Whippet’, the wizard wheezed.
Why are you walking down Welshpool Way?
‘I’ve come to find out why you are wandering westward’, said Wendy.
‘Well’, said Wynn, ‘I’m looking for the wise White Witch of the West’.
I’m hoping she can help me with my wrinkles and warts.
Phew! We were so wrong said Wendy.
We thought you had come to wreak mischief in the West.
[Page 21] – [with picture of whippet looking relieved and wizard page 22]

Walk with me and I will take you to Winifred the White Witch of the West.
And together they walked westward.
[page 23] – [with picture of wizard and whippet walking westward together page 24]

Finally they reached the Western Woods and heard a little warble.
It was Walter Wren who had been warmed by the wool and was well once again. Walter was relieved to hear why the Wizard was in the West.
And together the three of them went to the White Witch.
[Page 25] – [with picture of wizard and whippet meeting wren page 26]

When Winifred saw the Wren, the Whippet and the Wizard
smiling together, she was relieved.
She gave a little whoop of joy and whispered‘Well, well, well’,
she said. ‘What brings you, Wizard, to these Western woods?’
So the Wizard wished with all his might that the Witch might weave a spell, and then he told her about his wrinkles and warts.
[Page 27] – [with picture of wizard, eyes tight shut, wishing page 28]

‘Why, I think you are wonderful with all your warts and wrinkles’, said the Witch.
‘You do?’ Said the Wizard, and a great weight was lifted from his warty, wrinkled shoulders.
[Page 29] – [with picture of Wizard looking delighted page 30]

Over that winter, they got to know each other;
Winifred the Witch came to love the Wacky Wizard’s wit – warts and all,
and Wynn the Wacky Wizard came to love the White Witch’s wisdom.
Together, what wealth they had!
[Page 31] – [with picture of Wizard telling jokes and Witch looking wise page 32]

In the Spring, when the weather was fine, they were wed.
Walter the Wren, Wendy the little Welsh Whippet and Willow the Wasp
were all invited to the wedding party;
They drank wine and ate walnuts,
and a wonderful time was had by all!
{page 33] – [with picture of wedding party and other ‘w’ animals:
worms, wombats, wolf, wildcat, werewolf, walrus, wildfowl page 34]
Can you work out how many words beginning with ‘W’ are in this story?
Can you work out what types of creatures are at the wedding party: they all begin with ‘W’.
[at bottom of page] (Answers are on page 37)
[ P35 ] [page 38 blank]


Number of words beginning with ‘W’ = 365

Creatures at the party: Wizards, witches, whippets, wasps, worms, wombats, wolves, wildcats, werewolves, walruses, wildfowl and wood grouse.
[ P37] – [with name under a picture of each creature page 38]