

  1. Be clear and firm with me it helps me to feel secure. Sometimes I want you to say no I want to feel the boundaries; I want to feel held and looked after.  Allow me to meet the consequences of my actions for I need to learn my own way sometimes.  Nevertheless, please take time to observe and accommodate how quickly I am growing up, and take the time to work out what to ask of me, not too much and not too little.

A good sense of values by your example and without being dogmatic or un-necessarily forceful. Distract me from bad habits I am relying on you to detect them in their early stages before things get really difficult to correct.  Please protect me from those who are seeking to lead me into the activities that I am not mature enough to handle with awareness and understanding.  Be clear that disrespectful or rude behaviour is not acceptable and does not give me special attention or control.

  1. Please present to me as befitting my age and maturity, my childhood innocence, those truths about your strengths and weaknesses, your successes and failures so that I can have a sense of understanding and express compassion.


  1. Be consistent show me outwardly how you are inwardly this helps me feel safer and understanding of your reactions and mood changes. Try your best not to project your bad feelings on to me, do not provoke me into adverse or a antisocial behaviour.  We may need to give each other time to process negative feelings and become open to our sharing kindness again when we both feel better.  If you feel you have treated me and fair early please apologise so that we can choose to share kindness again afterwards.  If I have treated you unfairly please help me to apologise so that we can start afresh.
  2. Please talk to me from your heart so that I know it is safe and important to listen. When correcting me please talk to me quietly in private.
  1. When I share with you my fears, I am asking you to hear about them sympathetically – I do not need you to fix it for me or disregard them as trivial or silly. Please accommodate me with patience and understanding when I am not able to find the right words to explain myself.  Encourage me with your kindness to speak with authenticity and open heartedness.
  2. Listen to my questions, they will be telling you about how I am feeling and what I need to know. Answer my questions with simple information so that I can discover my own understanding. Try to discern when my questions are attention seeking rather than valid quests of inquiry, then meet my unexpressed emotional needs as best you can.
  3. My smaller elements are simply a part of my process of growing up please find natural remedies and therapies, without over indulging me or ignoring me.
  4. ‘Nurturing thinking by nurturing the child children need to feel safe and comfortable before they can develop their thinking skills. They need to feel comfortable enough to experiment, to be creative in their play, and to be relaxed enough to have fun.  Remember there are isn’t a lot of laughter in a nurturing atmosphere. ‘ Maslow’s hierarchy of human need:-


  1. Communication without a patient mood is bound to Have A disruptive influence.
  2. Harmony is the absence of an agender on a right or wrong, good or bad, better or worse.
  3. Open heartedness is preceded by inner acceptance.
  4. When the world stops calling the personal issues are either withdraw or humility.
  5. When trying is leading the doing, there it is certain to be a strong agender around the results.
  6. When you are giving guidance or interrupting without waiting for the person/child to formulate and communicate their own desires; question to what degree her his/her life has become more interesting than your own.
  7. You cannot manage your child’s behaviour any better than you can manage your own. The adult’s temperament, tolerance and levels of self-discipline are reflected in the child because what is unresolved in the adult remains undisciplined in the child.  An adult without inner discipline and self control may have a child susceptible to impatience and anger. Avoiding addiction is the ultimate test of self control presented to adults and children alike, children under the age of 11years are unlikely to manage abstinence from addictive behaviour if it is actively supported by the environment in which they live and or those with whom they associate.
  8. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Parenting by Deepak Chopra (Harmony Books 1997)–
    1. Everything is Possible.
    2. If you want to get something give it
    3. When you make a choice , you change the future.
    4. Don’t say No, go with the flow.
    5. Every time you wish or want you plant a seed.
    6. Enjoy the journey.
    7. You are here for a reason.



  1. Pray from Shri HaidakhanBabaji (Revered Father of Haidakhan referred to in Yogananda’s book Autobiography of a Yogi.

Love and serve all humanity.

Help everyone.

Be happy.  Be courageous.

Be a dynamo of irrepressible joy.

Recognise God and goodness in every face.

There is no Saint without a past and no sinner without a future.

Praise every one –if you cannot praise someone let him or her go out of your life.

Be original – be inventive – be courageous.

Take courage again and again.

Do not to imitate.  Be strong.  and upright.

Do not lean on the crutches of others.

Think with your own head – by yourself.

All perfection and every defined virtue is hidden within you

Reveal it to the world

Let it shine forth.

Let the lords grace set you free.

Let your life be than that of a Rose.

In a silence it speaks the language of fragrance.

Om NamahaShivaya

  1. Every parent is an expert on their own child, fortunately not every child knows s/he has to agree with this!¬
  2. Being an honest householder will bring you closer to God than being a false Saint.
  3. The three keys to unlock empowerment and fully maintain learning potential are:-
  4. Authentic Creativity
  5. Compassionate Understanding
  6. and Co-operative Sharing.
  7. All learning is a powerful resource, positively charged and dissolved as a colloidal presence within our fluid state of being.
  8. Wrong has no meaning because everything is an important part of our learning processes.
  9. Failure cannot exist because beginning and end are self-determined by the learner.
  10. Genuine learning is initiated by each individual child on a moment by moment basis.
  11. Meaningful authority and discipline are intrinsically creative structures invoked spontaneously within chosen social and practical skills.
  12. Empowerment: when the word freedom is surpassed by a positive attitude that invokes a compassionate community spirit..
  13. Successful relationships teach us that how to love, the music of the heart, is sewn into the fabric of everyday living and learning.