More-Thought For The Day
1.Gratitude and appreciation dissolves situations that might otherwise require an appology.
2.There is no such thing as a promise – (only God can guarantee to keep His promises) our children, friends and family will soon perceive a promise is a lie or a bride.
3.Praise is a judgment travelling in reverse gear.
4.If seeing is believing…. what is hearing ……..?
5.Only robots can think without feelings.
6.What you did not do today might not be relevant tomorrow.
7.When you are in a fix stretch time.
8.Change the environment not the behaviour.
9.Don’t know is a no until it becomes a genuine yes.
10.‘Yes’ is only real if you genuinely have the choice to say ‘no’.
11.Question the question and find the real message.
12.Today is that tomorrow you’re worried about yesterday so how is it so far.
13.Listen to the actions before you try to understand the words of communication.
14.Yesterday and tomorrow won’t fit into today
15.When you take responsibility for your actions your children will take responsibility for theirs
16.Live for today tomorrow is never going to happen.
17.Up to choices and the choice to create an alternative that is also equally suitable.
18.Don’t to bolt the door stay sitting against it on the other side.
19.Locking the door and is locking yourself out for yourself in.
20.The process is more important than the result
21.Socially initiated mechanical boundaries suppress social interaction within individual families
22.Familiarity with persons, places and things supports feelings Of confidence and the safety to express inner creativity
23.Healthy breathing allows relaxed timeless out breaths
24.No drama is worth all your attention.
25.When it is warm and sunny go to the beach or if it’s too hot for the beach go to a stream in the woods.
26.All children know what is best for them but they still except easy options , bribes and entertainment when the adult insists on providing them as part of the every-day menu.
27.Time waits for no man or woman or child but women know how to stretch it.
28.The wonders of nature nurture us all.
29.Good boundaries establish genuine freedoms.
30.You can only be dishonest with yourself.
31.Sometimes mistakes can be repeated for a long time before they come up and knock us into rethinking.
32.Maturity is a state of consciousness.
33.Entertainment feeds the senses and starts the spiritual soul.
34.Sometimes a negative response is the most positive way to empower ourselves.
35.‘Negative responders’ lack confidence in receiving love, care and understanding.
36.Disruptive and antisocial behaviour is always a ‘cry for unconditional love’.
37.Compassion is hearing the tears locked inside another person.
38.We can only love others when we a willing to receive the unconditional divine love of God.
39.No darkness can put out the light in our soul spirit.
40.We were all created from the purity of divine light which gave us a pure original nature.
41.When we inwardly acknowledge love and light we experience joy and gratitude.
42.Our mind believes that its constant activity is what keeps us alive!?……And many of us believe in this belief.
43.Inner peace is only found when our mind gives up its control of our life, and the quite mind resumes a listen disposition.
44.What I have not done today may not be relevant tomorrow, so best live today and let tomorrow live without instructions from today.
45. If directing your way through today is difficult, how can directing your tomorrow make today easier.