

1.I am able to express myself easily
I am able to express myself with authenticity
2.My body is beautiful
I feel safe with my growing maturity
3.Everyday holds wonderful new opportunities
I love myself and my creator
I enjoy being me, I am my own master
4.I feel awake and fresh
Calmness flows throughout my body
I am secure in my own happiness
5.Life is Love and Light and Love and Light is Life The power of life is yours to have but you can’t give it to anyone, they have to find Love and Light for themselves and be willing to receive it as their food for life.
6.I am a unique individual and I have many gifts I am happy to embrace new opportunities I am learning from all my experiences
7.I have no wish to curb your enthusiasm but rather to sustain it by avoiding reckless downhill runs that can cause unnecessary collisions. More importantly we need to practice those activities that help us to gain balance and fitness of mind, body and spirit. When we have established helpful levels of patience, endurance and endeavour we will indeed be able to create and maintain the co-operative relationship our hearts desire.
8.Relationships motivate us to find and fully re-instate our original nature- that of service to God and Highest good through unconditional love for each other.
9.Everyone can be an angel – it only takes the desire to pour love into each and every moment, each and every person and everything we do, say and think!
10.Happiness in life is based on our ability to successfully establish and maintain balance. Namely that of Yin and Yang (energy); Acid and Alkaline (composition); positive and negative (activity); Left and Right brain interaction (thinking and understanding). The balance maintained within these aspects of our being directly influence the:-;
11.Women bring the best out of men; men bring the best out of women and young children bring the best out of everyone.
12.When we give and receive from a heart-full disposition our interactions with each other will include a heart to heart connection. When we connect through the heart we also engage with higher energies of consciousness from soul-spirit origins sourced from the creation of life. Our higher consciousness relates to our original source and the purity of our soul-spirit.
13.When sharing with each other from the purity of our original nature we embrace positive energy and consciousness. This will ensure that our personal interactions are motivated by the eternal wisdom of unconditional love rather than the lower brain issues of personal survival.
14.Highest Good takes our behaviour beyond the limitations of our personal understandings and experiences into higher realms of human potential, where harmony is intuitively and authentically created within every situation.
15.From the soul-spirit perspective loving relationships and genuine heart-full interactions will encourage each of us to engage in a holistic approach that reflects our true potential as beings of light acting according to Highest Good.
16.Swimming against the tide of Highest Good is never going to be easy! (And you may drown!)
17.No darkness can put out the light in our soul spirit.
18.You can only be dishonest with yourself.
19.Sometimes mistakes can be repeated for a long time before they come up and knock us into rethinking.
20.Maturity is a state of consciousness.
21.Entertainment feeds the senses and starts the spiritual soul.
22.Sometimes a negative response is the most positive way to empower ourselves.
23.‘Negative responders’ lack confidence in receiving love, care and understanding.
24.Disruptive and antisocial behaviour is always a ‘cry for unconditional love’.
25.Compassion is hearing the tears locked inside another person.
26.We can only love others when we a willing to receive the unconditional divine love of God.
27.When we inwardly acknowledge love and light we experience joy and gratitude.
28.If directing your way through today is difficult, how can trying to direct your tomorrow make today easier.
29.Our mind believes that its constant activity is what keeps us alive!?……And many of us believe in this belief.
30.Inner peace is only found when our mind gives up its control of our life, and the quite mind resumes a listen disposition.