The Number Value 8&9

Action Rhyme: One two say how do you do [shake hands with someone]; three four stamp on the floor; five six pickup sticks, seven eight run to the gate [without dropping any of your six sticks.

Nursery Rhyme:-
One, two, three, four,
Mary at the cottage door,
Five, six, seven, eight,
Eating cherries off a plate.

IncyWincy Spider climbing up the wall.(Eight legs on the spiders?)

Eight currant buns in the bakers shop, along came ..(John)…..with a penny one day He bought a current bun and took it away. Seven currant buns in the bakers shop etc….etc…..

Number Story Rhymes:-

Eight cows in a field one day, eating all the grass with no time to play.
Seven cows lazing in the sun, but not for long now milking time has come.
Six cows slowly moving through the farm, down to the parlour in the dairy barn.
Five cows standing in their stalls, giving lots of milk to please us all.
Four cows feeling well fed, gladly wonder off to their shed.
Three cows lay on their straw bed, each one resting its weary head.
Two cows with ears held high, gaze out at the cool dark sky.
One cow sees the stars so bright and wishes everyone a very good night. (Helena)

Illustrate this poem Eight little ladybirds resting on a gate
One had seven spots, one had six.
Two had five spots three had only four,
The last one you can see has flown away into a tree.


Two squares mounted at right angles make an eight pointed star. Alternatively four diamonds can be mounted at 45 degree intervals to produce a different style of star.

Paper folding activity: Fold the corners of a square into the centre (A) and then turn over and again fold each corner into the centre. Then turn over and place the index finger and thumb on each hand into the four paper pockets and move the pyramid shape into the alternate horizontal and vertical beak shapes to reveal the inner triangles.


Place thumb and index finger one under each flap and squeeze thumb and index finger together to make a pyramid shape then change to squeezing the two thumbs together and the two index fingers to create a in and out movement that can be counted.


Forfeits can be drawn under the inner flaps related to number activities such as find two pencils, clap seven times etc.


Number story Rhymes

  • Nine fine pines in a line
  • Nine socks on the line but which are mine?
  • Nine to dine with red wine and sweets divine.
  • Nine socks on the line
  • One is yours and one is mine.
  • Two pairs are big and one pair is small.
  • And the last sock on the line is not yours and is not mine,
  • It is very pretty and most divine.