

1.What is best for me is best for everyone.
2.When I am not nurturing myself I cannot nurture you.
3.If I am trying to ‘Not Let You Down’ I am denying my own healing of disappointment.
4.If I am not trusting the LOVE of God then how can I trust myself or you
5.Hard work always proves worthwhile even though we can’t necessarily see the benefits whilst we are working.
6.Thanks, I appreciate your patience with me please forgive my weaknesses, I seem to get lost rather quickly these days, when I cannot have control I feel unsafe in my ability to look after myself.
7.When I follow someone else’s suggestions I ultimately react in rebellion [depression, mental disturbance, closing down, alcohol, lack of confidence]. The effort is takes to clear myself of this negative reaction gives me the strength to reassess my situation from my own perspective and create a more naturally pleasing way forward for myself and others.
8.So I need to stand strong in my own strength; ‘don’t know’ is a NO until I find a genuine YES. Only then will I be able to find and accept the help and support that helps me find and follow my own truth.
9.When are automatic responses authentic. ?
Why do demands for attention always fail ?
When are resentful feelings helpful ?
How do bribes and rewards make things go better than expected ?
10.Which form of co-dependency is empowering to you to do what?.
11.I am always safe.
When I am alone my inner happiness and wisdom keeps me safe.
I am nurtured by sharing with those I love.
12.New situations – people, places, circumstances, offer me opportunities to share positive social, emotional and physical responses.
13.I have the ability to feel safe and calm in every situation.
I can learn from every situation and perceive that my learning is related to blessings and compassionate wisdom and understanding.
14.Love embraces all aspects of separation with eternal sweetness
15.I can successfully assess my choices and how I feel about them and thus respond positively to all situations.
16.I can express warm openhearted interaction and express genuine love and affection.
17.Everyone deserves to be loved.
I have the ability to always express an abundance of love and affection.
18.I now take up my life path according to Highest Good
I am completely free of all past disturbance
I am strong and fulfilled
19.I am at peace with every aspect of myself
I have compassion and courage
I am positive about life’s adventures
20.I am gentle and good to myself
I am taking responsibility for my life
I am confident I can look after myself
21.I am my own best expert
I am calm and assertive
I learn from all my experiences
22.I am here now enjoying each moment
I move forward in confidence
I have faith in life
23.I can trust my intuition
I have confidence in my future experiences
I welcome my future happiness
24.I have all the time I need
I can do anything
I love my life
25.I release myself from all guilt and shame and inferiority
I am strong and energetic
I am strong and healthy
26.Highest good is always right for me
I radiate peace and light
I can be successful in all situations
27.I think clearly
I accept change with ease and comfort
I am calm and relaxed all is well in my life
28.I am completely free from unwanted and unhelpful past programmes of behaviour.
29.The more I love myself the more I can love others
I enjoy doing what is right for me
I see the best in others
30.I am successfully cultivating a positive outlook in all situations
I enjoy doing what is in accordance with highest good
I am safe and secure
31.I am willing to receive the very best in life
I experience everything as a wonderful opportunity
I am choosing happiness