8th(3d)Colour Healing

Colour Healing

Aura Soma Healing Oils and Pomanders
The late Vicky Walls, who was blind, could see aura colours, (the energetic body which surrounds all living entities). Through her ability to sense the vibrations of colour she developed over 100 different colour healing products all made from natural resources. Scientific research has indicated that the cells of the body naturally communicate through frequencies of light. Each colour carries a particular light frequency which the cells of the body can easily absorb and transmit to facilitate balance and health.
The information below offers a simple introduction to the Aura Soma products that can be especially useful as part of a natural first aid kit.
In her auto biography The miracle of colour Healing (Aura Soma Therapy as the Mirror of the Soul; Thorsons, 1990) Vicky Walls describes how she came to produce the Aura Soma range of healing oils and pocket pomanders and what healing qualities are created in each. The book also describes some of the first testimonies of their amazing healing qualities and astounding results.
The range of colours is extensive, however, the Adult Physical Rescue (No. 1), the children’s rescue (No. 20) and the Pink Pomander are suitable for every occasion and highly recommended as immediate first aid. The Pink Pomander is also a wonderful healer for bites and stings. When it is inhaled as a vapour from the hands it can ease sinus and nasal congestion, headaches and asthma, shock and grief etc.

Equilibrium No.1 Blue/Deep Magenta is described as the adult rescue bottle.
Equilibrium No.20 Blue/Pink is described as the Star Child children’s rescue bottle.
Equilibrium No.23 Rose Pink/Pink is described as love and light, the spiritual/emotional rescue bottle.
Equilibrium No.26 Orange/orange is described as the etheric rescue that helps in cases of emotional shock and confusion.


These healing oils are also very successful with animal healing. The Author was for many years involved with helping a charity well known for its horse rescue work. This work also led to local people giving the author horses that were due to be put down. These seemingly hopeless cases had gone beyond normal veterinary care, however, to everyone’s great surprise these horses made a complete recovery and were later re-homed by the charity as riding horses.

Colours for healing
Within art and craft and musical activities we can explore a large range of energy frequencies associated with different colours (frequencies of light) and sounds (frequencies of sound vibration). Some of these external frequencies will resonate with frequencies within the human body. Ben Fisher has correlated different frequencies of light (which we see as colour) with the specific molecular vibrations found in the 22 amino proteins used within the cellular structures in the body. Ben’s research enabled him to correlate the light frequencies of these colours with sound frequencies which can also help to stimulate the body’s healing processes. The sounds and colours (as illustrated) create visual and auditory sensory experiences that can resonate with energy frequencies within the body and thereby encourage healing and good health.
This aspect of colour healing also shows us how creative arts and crafts, where each person chooses their own colours and patterns, can be very therapeutic from a colour healing perspective. Similarly it may be important that parents do not impose on their young children that they wear strong coloured clothes, or sleep in strong coloured sheets and blankets. Older children, like the adults themselves, may be able to indicate what colours or combinations of colour feel good to wear or sleep in. Also, it is important that our personal relationship with some colours in terms of the intensity and access to other companion colours is balanced correctly. This is why a person may like a colour only when it is accompanied by another colour which for them brings balance and harmony. Patterns alter the intensity of a colour’s presentation and again this may be required to bring harmony.
Biochemistry presents that the DNA structure in the cells is able to receive coloured light and that the silicon structure of glass also has this light storage quality.
Ben Fisher has taken the ancient art of name numerology (whereby letters are associated with specific numbers) and related the frequency of each letter to that of a corresponding colour. Now he transcribes a person’s birth name into a colour chart that illustrates their own personal relationship with specific colours. Using name numerology data Ben constructs sun activated coloured glass bracelets uniquely tailored to each individual person’s optimum healing relationship with colour.
A persons three early life colours also thereby indicate the three main amino acids that are used by that person to create any of the other amino acids that are deficient in the body for any reason. Thus the visual aspects of light frequencies we perceive as colour are also related to sounds that we might hear and our bodies healing and health. Ben Fisher describes the three early life colours as fundamental to the whole of that person’s physical disposition. He describes them as physical talents, physical goals, physical karma, and spiritual talents, spiritual goals and spiritual karma which combine to give us our soul destiny. Ben’s approaches to healing through colour illustrate how each person has their own personal set of healing colours.



The Harmony of the Natural Energies through Colour
Steiner presents that we receive the rich and varied world around us through colour. ‘We should enter the living world of nature and the experience of colour itself. We must sink ourselves completely into what we receive through colour if we wish to penetrate into its true nature, bringing insight into our feelings.‘


The body’s chakra energies are associated with different colours. Renowned pioneers in the field of alternative healing therapy have successfully designed ways of focusing on colour healing techniques.
Peter Mandel pioneered a therapy called Colourpuncturewhich combines the principles of acupuncture with the healing power of colour, using specified different coloured torch light on each acupuncture point. (‘Colour Me Healing’ – Allanach, 2002) cites the work of Mandel and describes the different colours used as follows:



The natural world brings us an experience of natural colours which appears to bring us a feeling of peace and wellbeing.  Everyone’s relationship with colour is unique, just as a person’s speaking and singing voice is unique to that person.  Singing and musical creativity has also been noted for its healing and balancing effect upon a person. [Colour Healing Manual –the complete colour healing manual by Pauline Wills; Singing Dragon Press.]