The power of Prayer 1

Prayer and Healing
The influence of positive and negative energy is illustrated within the teachings presented by Christ. The power of the Christian faith is founded upon the crucifixion of Christ. This grossly unfair and negative act evokes Jesus to express deep, merciful love and forgiveness empowered by the Divine Power of God the Father.
‘Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endure all things.’(Corinthians 1:13 ESV Study Bible) Thus Jesus presented resurrection from death into eternal life, and Christians all over the world reported that he can still ‘save and heal (purify)’ the souls of all those who remember the love of God through the life of His son Jesus Christ’.
‘So now faith, hope and love abide, these three, but the greatest of these is love.’ (Corinthians 1:13 ESV Study Bible)
Kabir (c.1440-1518) A religious reformer – for five hundred years the poems of Kabir have been sung throughout India synthesising the beliefs of Hindu, Muslim and Christian belief.
Verses taken from his poem titled ‘ What Kind of God’
And what kind of God would He be
If a leaf’s prayer was not as precious to creation
as the prayer His own son sang
from the glorious depth
of his soul –
for us.

And what kind of God could He be
if the vote of millions in this world could sway Him
to change the divine
law of
[From ‘Love Poems from God’ – Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West – Daniel Ladinsky; Penguin Compass, 2002]

In modern times Saints and Heroes are acknowledged and remembered for outstanding, compassionate, caring and sometimes miraculous deeds performed during their lifetime.
The life of Buddha is acknowledged by not only Buddhist but also all those who associate with the statues and literature based upon Buddha and his teachings.

In the Afterword of ‘For a Future to be Possible’ Jack Kornfield presents Buddhist Mindfulness Training as follows: The fourth paragraph is also interesting from a creative writing perspective.

 Reverence towards all forms of life. Refrain from knowingly killing any living creature because, in doing so, we disturb our own sense of care and reverence for our own life. Thoughts, words and deeds that relate to hatred or any form of unkindness will inevitably harm something or someone sometime somewhere. This encourages us to heal feelings of separation and embrace the oneness of God.
 Sensitively care for material goods. Avoid steeling and envy or covetous thoughts. Give generously to others in need. By this we open our heart to receive. Share what you have with those near and dear to you. Engage in life from the very best of your ability. This encourages us to heal feelings of isolation and express our fullest potential.
 Initiate consciously sweet and loving mind states when sexual feelings arise. Refrain from acts of sexual desire that could cause harm or stress to others.
 Speak from the heart and avoid speaking about others who are not present. Jack Kornfieldquots an occasion when ‘Once a master was called to heal a sick child with a few words of prayer. A sceptic in the crowd observed it all and expressed doubts about such superficial healing. The master turned to him and said, “You know nothing of these matters; you are an ignorant fool!” The sceptic became very upset. He turned red and angry. Before he could gather himself to reply, the master spoke again, asking,” When one word has the power to make you hot and angry, why should not another word have the power to heal.” ‘In practicing mindfulness we can begin to understand the power of speech.’
 Devote your life to seeking clarity, awareness and understanding. This will help heal feelings of exclusion and support emotional processes of forgiveness. Avoid intoxicants that bring about a state of indifference towards care and compassion for others.
[Taken from the Afterword pages 98 to 104 where Jack Kornfield: describes the five basic areas of mindfulness presented by the Buddhist philosophy for everyday life.]

In modern day science a simple example of the healing power of positive association is given within experiments that illustrated the difference in the health and growth of plants. When the plants were regularly exposed to positive communication, in the form of spoken or written words, they grew much more healthily than those plants that were exposed to negative communication. Similarly, when water was placed in a glass on top of negative unloving written words the water’s molecular structure becomes very disturbed and it produce unpleasant crystalline patterns. However, when the glass of water was placed on top of loving positive words it looked very clear and produces the most perfectly beautiful and intricately complex crystalline patterns. The Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto presented detailed proof that structural changes within water are directly reflective of the different energy patterns and frequencies exposed to the water as words, thoughts or music. These changes can be seen in the frozen crystal formations presented in photographs taken of the crystals which were magnified under a microscope.

Positive energy can transform our world into its original heavenly conception through its association with life and the water molecules therein.

These scientific examples illustrate the importance of not what we do, but more importantly, what energy we use to motivate and empower our actions. Water is sometimes described as liquid crystals; whatever the nature of water we can be sure that it is present in every aspect of our living world.

Processes of healing involve the two opposing energies of creation and destruction. When these energies are used appropriately they create harmony and balance and healing is successful.

Destruction itself only becomes adverse in a situation when it is fuelled by excessive negative energy. Positive creative energy, being superior to the destructive powers of negative energy, can be used to neutralise destruction caused by adverse negative activity.


Talking to God, sharing worldly concerns.

Praying to God communicating heartfelt issues that require His help.

Calling to God, requesting a soul-spirit union with God’s love, grace and mercy.




Universal Prayer

Heavenly Father source of all creation; we ask that you fill all worldly and human aspects of this gathering with your love and light so that we may know and understand your truth, receive healing and live in peace blessed by your grace.

Christians may want to complete the prayer as follows:

Bless us with your divine love and light seen in the life of your son Jesus Christ; through his name we ask you to receive our prayers – Amen


Healing Prayers

The state of Gratitude for what we have is a powerful tool for positive thinking and empowering levels of consciousness. Much has been seen and written about the power of the mind; the focus on thoughts that induce healing and miracle cures.
PeirrePradervand writes in his book ‘The Gentle Art of Blessing’ about a further presentation of positive thinking that focuses on the power of blessings.
Dr. Gerald Epstein describes the laws of natural healing as Imaginal Medicine. He helps people to use this technique to identify root causes and through the ‘language of images’ make desirable changes. He describes mental imagery as the ‘fastest, safest, most efficient and cost effective means of self-healing.’ His work is presented by Nightingale Conant in a digital format ‘The Natural Laws of Self-Healing’ – Harnessing Your Inner Imaging Power to Restore Health and Reach Spirit ’
Joe Vital (The Missing Secret) describes how the Native American Indians use a phrase – ‘Hooponopono’ to initiate forgiveness when any disharmony arises. It means: If I or any of my ancestors have offended you or any of your ancestors in any way I now ask them for forgiveness. – If you or any of your ancestors have offended me or any of my ancestors in any way I now offer them complete forgiveness.
Joe translates this prayer into four parts that can be said in any sequence or order:–
Forgive Me; I Love You; I Am Sorry; and Thank You.

In the name of Jesus Christ I request that in accordance with highest good and by the power/potency of: Divine Love/True Love/The Supreme Lord/The Light of God/ I release …………………..
…………..from all aspects of my being.

In the name of Jesus Christ I request that in accordance with highest good and by the power of Divine Love/True Love/The Supreme Lord/The Light of God/ I request that (person’s name ) be release from all disruptions associated with………………..aspects of ……………………..
In the name of Jesus Christ I request that in accordance with highest good and by the power of Divine Love I now release from all aspects of my being every disruption that limits my: good health / happiness /feelings of joy /ability to be successful/relationship with etc. . So Be It

In the name of Jesus Christ, I command all disembodied entities, souls, spirits, demons, discarnate’s and walk-ins’ not aligned with highest good in any of my energy bodies (or state the name of the person if you are clearing for someone else) to go directly to the light of God now according to universal law and let them affect no sentient being again.
This decree can be made every night before going to bed and can be viewed as a spiritual spring cleaning; just as taking a shower or bath cleans the body and aura.

Invocations for Spiritual Healing
By choosing carefully composed sentences we can invoke our own access to powerful sources of spiritual healing for ourselves and others. The author believes this process is more powerful and more likely to be successful if:-
a. There is a positive association with physical dimensions through the special movements.
b. An impartial (genuinely neutral) witness is present.
c. The words are spoken out loud three times without hesitation or deviation.
To help this process be as authentic as possible it is recommended the chosen words are written out clearly on a plain piece of paper.

The recommended simple hand gestures to accompany the speaking are as follows:
Hold arms and hands outstretched in a natural and comfortable manner
i. When saying the words slowly bring the hands together until all the fingers meet and remain touching in this position until the words of the clearing have been completed. (This integrates different areas of the brain in both the left and right hemispheres.)
ii. Repeat the words for a second time and this time bring the hands together X crossed one behind the other and press onto the heart area and hold there until the words of the clearing have been completed. (This brings a heart and soul-spirit request for divine blessings.)
iii. Repeat a third time. This time bring the hands together in a horizontal position over the solar plexus region of the belly with the hands against the belly button area. (This unites the affirmation with the will and its relationship with the physical environment)
The clearing can be completed with the words Amen or So Be It or It Is Done, or the Hare Krisna – Maha Mantra, spoken once or repeated three times.
[The words in the outlined boxes below are presented as choices so that each person can choose what feels best according to their own understanding and beliefs.]


I release all aspects of my conscious and subconscious states of being that are creating resistance to my highest good. So be it. It is done

In accordance with highest good I request permission from ( person’s name ) to initiate
Spiritual healing on his/her behalf. Ideally this is done in person before any healing request is made but in circumstances when this is not possible one can request permission and trust one’s own intuition as to whether it feels alright to go ahead and make the request for healing on the other person’s behalf. E.g.


A general clearing for any situation and for those situations that are hard to identify is as follows :-


Normally all invocations are spoken aloud when in a safe place and repeated in full, word for word, three times. As described above, an impartial witness and the described accompanying actions will bring added physical dimensions that help these processes meet the universal laws required for highest reception. At the end it is good to say ‘So Be It’ and finish with ‘It Is Done’ or Amen or the MahaMantra .

The decree below can be viewed as a spiritual spring cleaning; just as taking a shower or bath cleans the body and its aura.
“In the name of Jesus Christ /St. Germain /ascended Masters of Light of the 7th dimension and above, I command all disembodied entities, souls, spirits, demons, discarnate’s and walk-ins’ not aligned with highest good in any of my energy bodies (or state the name of the person if you are clearing for someone else) to go directly to the light of God now according to universal law and let them affect no sentient being again.”
Further examples for everyday spiritual healing:-
I hereby invoke light from the highest universal realms to engage with every aspect of my being, bringing guidance, healing and love according to Highest Good/through the grace our Lord Jesus Christ, the power of the holy Spirit and the Love of God the father of all creation.
I invoke the Gold Ray of Christ for perfect healing in every aspect of my being.