Advanced Science-Health&Healing

Advanced Science
Colloidal Silver (Premium True Colloidal Silver, Living Energy Systems, 01803-812332 and ( tel.0800 4584747 or (0)1435 882880) For readers discount quote commission code 418313).

Compiled from ‘The Colloidal Silver Report’ by Zoe Adams sold by Higher Nature, (
A colloidal liquid holds ultra fine particles of a substance in suspension in a liquid. The particles in a true colloid are very, very small (0.01 to 0.001 of a micron in diameter) and invisible to the naked eye. The micro fine particles are produced using electrolysis. Very controlled conditions of electrical science are used to create the purity and stability of true Colloidal Silver. True colloidal silver is tasteless and non irritant.
The discovery of antibiotics and the ongoing development of stronger antibiotics have failed to resolve some of today’s bacterial infections. Each Antibiotic is only effective against a certain type of bacterial infection and new strains of infection have developed a resistance to almost all antibiotics, (this Multiple Resistance is called M.R. for short). Viruses are not killed by antibiotics, but are killed by Colloidal Silver.
Dr. Robert Becker in the late 1970’s stated that ‘We may only have scratched the surface of positives in silver’s medical brilliance. Already it is an amazing tool. It stimulates bone forming cells, cures the most stubborn infections of all kinds of bacteria and stimulates healing in the skin and other soft tissue.’ Colloidal Silver is reported to kill many different microbes including all bacteria so far tested and many viruses, fungi (e.g. Candida albicans) and parasites. Colloidal Silver is considered safe for all types of internal and external application and medication. It is safe to put in the eyes, ears, nose and mouth. It can also be used to control some of the bacteria, viruses and fungi that attack plants and animals. It is reported that Colloidal Silver will not damage the cells of humans, mammals, reptiles, (some caution should be exercised with fish), plants and all multi-celled living matter. However, it would appear that the silver particles mechanically disrupt the normal functioning of microbes, those simple primitive life forms (including all organisms without cell walls) and their life form is eliminated. Test results from independent laboratory testing show that Colloidal Silver between 10 parts per million and 30ppm kill most microbes within minutes.

In 1916 a scientist named Nernst put forward his hypotheses on the existence of Zero Point Energy. In 1966 a further two scientists working separately made the discovery at the same time that there is an energy which travels faster than the speed of light. In 1995 Physicist Wall wrote a book entitled ‘The Physics of Tachyon’, he describes the process of how Zero Point Energy links with Tachyon and how Tachyon then becomes the catalyst for all physical life forms.
After an accident that damaged his spinal discs David Wagner was considered crippled for Life. David was a very successful engineer with a special interest in Tachyon research. Two years after his accident he created a machine that could transform objects into permanent Tachyon antennae and used the first actualised objects he had created to treat his own spinal injury. Within six months he had regained normal mobility, he was completely healed.
He is now the founder and director of a company pioneering in the field of Advanced Tachyon In his factory in California he produces objects that are permanently tachyonised, (; the energy given off by these objects will always try to bring order out of chaos, balance where there is imbalance. Modern research has proved the success of the healing and life enhancing Tachyon Products. Objects that are ‘tachyon charged’ have the same affect to a lesser degree and for a short period of time – a matter of days or a few weeks. Products produced by ‘Advanced Tachyon Technologies International’ can never lose their tachyon charge. David Wagner describes this new science in his book Tachyon Energy A New Paradigm in Holistic Healing. (David Wagner and Gabriel Cousens; North Atlantic Books, 1999.) More information on permanently tachyonised products can be found on
Tachyon products can be used to:-
• Give mobile phone protection.
• Protect us from the adverse affects of electrical appliances and cables .
• Help establish good health and healing –
 Drinking water, food and medicines can be placed on or directly above a tachyon disc. This will tachyon charge the products in about 8 hours. This tachyon charge will last for about a week.
 Tachyonised water can be taken a few drops at a time to establish permanent tachyon energy in the body cells. However, care must be taken not to take too much too quickly because it will bring about a detoxification of the body that can happen too quickly for the body’s elimination processes to manage. This is the same as fasting where it is also important to moderate the fasting to a level that can be accommodated by the body’s elimination processes in order to avoid associated headaches, tiredness, and nausea.
 Young children can sleep on a tachyonised mattress cover and older children and adults can place a tachyon disc nine inches above their bed so that the tachyon energy can flow from above the head and down the body while the person is sleeping.

The author has used the following to facilitate amazing healing in situations of serious injury and illness. The resulting successful healing has often been noted as outstanding by the supervising conventional doctors (or vets). The author has found that allopathic doctors and nurses have been very supportive and pleased to see the positive results. In many cases a little time has been allocated to observe the alternative healing results instead of administering allopathic drugs as an immediate procedure.
The Scenar Machine




S.C.E.N.A.R. – Self-Controlled Energo-Neuro Adaptive Regulation. ‘…a brilliant marriage of Western electronic technology and Eastern energetic healing skills……’ This is an advanced use of electro-magnetic biofeedback that was originally designed for the Russian astronauts to facilitate the healing of all types of injury and illness. The aim is to stimulate the body’s own endogenous energies to effect cure, using as a mediator our own internal pharmacy of neuropeptides. This allows the body its own choice of healing ingredients. Through biofeedback an interaction is formed between the tissues and the instrument; each new signal evolves as a new output. No two consecutive signals from the machine are the same. This allows the treatment to be truly dynamic, adjusting for changes in the body through time and in different physiological states.’ (‘Virtual Medicine’ by Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby;Thorsons, 1999). The author has used this machine on many cases of injury and illness and always been amazed by the speedy and efficient results. However, it is not suitable for direct use on open flesh wounds or where there is a heart pace-maker or metal pins or structures inside the body. [The Scenar machine was one of five successful aspects of advanced healing technology presented at the New Medicine Symposium London 2005].
The Scenar machine works on a level of communication with the body that is far more sophisticated than that presented by the Pain Gone Pen which clears pain by inducing small electrical shocks. The Scenar machine helps the body to identify and then stimulate appropriate healing from an energy perspective. The Scenar machine does also clear pain. The author used it to aid pain relief when recovering from broken ribs on both sides of the body.

Pain Relief Pens
Simpler (and easily affordable) electronic TNS therapy devices, that work by delivering a controlled electrical frequency straight onto the point of pain, are also very helpful – especially as part of an everyday first aid kit. These devices use a crystal and mechanical spark to produce tiny sparks that touch the skin and stimulate the body’s natural healing systems.
These small pen-like devices ( and C.I. Research Pain Away) have been very successful in alleviating the need for pain relief medication and as a stimulus that promotes the body’s natural healing processes. A more substantial area of contact and a random pattern of spark production is produced by the ‘Quartzo 100’ machine [For more details contact………..]
Nut-Med produce a natural spray that offers instant pain relief and successful healing. This is highly recommended for everyone’s first aid box (