Everyday Essentials for Health and Natural Healing

Water        Water is the greatest wonder of the world.
Viktor Schauberger described water as a living substance.
‘Viktor saw water as the accumulator and the transformer of energies originating from the Earth and the Cosmos, and as such was and is the foundation of all life-processes and the major contributor to the conditions that make life possible.’ (Living energies: Viktor Schauberger’s Brilliant Work with Natural Energy explained by Callum Coats:107)

The greatest secret of good health is lots of natural spring water. The better the water, the better your health. The more you drink the better your health. Over 75% of our body is water, inner cell fluid, blood, lymphatic fluids, digestive fluids, saliva etc. Water is a fundamental foundation for all our body functions. Mineral salts, simple sugars, and amino acids are important for the main water based functions within the body.

Much is written about the best quality of water for drinking and sometimes the information is directly confrontational and presents opposing information and ideas.

For example distilled water is presented as:-

  • An aid to healing because it does not contain any harmful chemical traces such as nitrates and it can absorb toxins trapped in the body cells. (Paul Bragg: The Miracle of Fasting and Dr.Clifford C Dennison advocate distilled water as the very best.)
  • Dead water is so ‘pure’ that ‘it acts as a purgative , stripping the body of trace minerals and elements’ (Living energies, Callum Coats: 114)

Another example is the adding of chlorine to drinking water supplies:-

  • Chlorinated drinking water removes water-borne diseases such as cholera and typhoid.
  • Chlorinated drinking water sterilises the blood (which is 90% water) and, in the case of plants, the sap. It thereby destroys or weakens the immunity enhancing micro-organisms that give protection against disease and infections.

Water changes in its structure according to the temperature. The optimum temperature for water from a scientific perspective is +4 degrees centigrade (39.2 OF). (Living energies, Callum Coats: 111).  Here science appears to give credibility to the idea that water of room temperature is better for the body than hot or cold water.

Naturally flowing water is predominantly protected from the harmful effects of excessive sunlight by underground channels, fast and/or deep channels and the shady vegetation that grows so profusely along the water’s edge.  Science presents that water loses its vitality and health when it is subjected to excessive levels of heat or light from the sun or other artificial man induced environments. This demonstrates a credibility to the view that water should not be subjected to strong light either natural or manmade or stored in artificial manmade materials such as plastic bottles. (Fresh water has been found in tombs, where it has remained for hundreds of years, stored in specific spherically shaped earthenware and glass containers.) Keeping water in a cool and darkened place would appear to be optimal in terms of storing natural water in order to retain the finest qualities required for good health.


‘So have some sun. It is good for you.Youget vitamin D by the bucket-load, and your intestines are lined with Vitamin D receptors, which means that calcium absorption can increase up to 20times if these receptors are full.’ [Health Wars by Philip Day; Credence publications’ 2001:243] Research data presented by Drs. Garland and Gorham (1989)presented that the risk of cancer rose significantly in relation to latitude from the equator and air pollution, and dropped in relation to a diet rich in vitamin D and calcium. [Cited in Hobday, R.The Healing Sun. Finhorn Press; Forres 1999:70-71.]


‘…. ‘the human body needs the challenge of gradually changing conditions of temperature and humidity, and regular exercise,’ if it is to be strong and healthy.’ (Hobday 1999:41&134)

Lavery, presents that ‘daylight entering the eyes inhibits the signals that stimulate the release of the sleep inducing hormone melatonin. This is why we feel more alive and energised when outside.’(Lavery 1997:27)

Dr. Fritz Hollwick’s research (1979) concluded that: Natural light, involving the whole body, is a vital element like water and air. As such, it should accompany the human individual for as many hours of the day as the course of the seasons permits. (Cited in Hobday 1999:40)

Light stimulation relates to 11 different wave bands of colour , the ‘ light generated photo current travelling through the brain’ stimulates ‘vital nerve energy’ and improves the biological rhythms of brain and body which ‘influence how we feel  and function ….physically and psychologically’ (John Downing’s research in neuro-sensory development).

For those who live with lower levels of natural sunlight, for whatever reason, a supplement of vitamin D and 400 or 1000iu D-3 (www.nutrigold.co.uk*[Readers can get a discount when ordering direct from Nutrigold if this code – 30962 is registered with the order.]

Adverse effects from too much sun over a protracted period of time can be caused by sunburn, lack of vitamin B17 in the diet and use of sunscreens with known carcinogens in them. [Health Wars by Philip Day; Credence publications’ 2001:243]

Fresh Air and Healthy Breathing

The natural environment is thought to promote ‘spontaneous freedom of action’ within a framework of ‘play and self chosen activity’ that embraces the interconnected nature of all living things and encourages intuitive and compassionate perceptions that are feltunderstandings, rather than intellectually formatted thinking, alongside an inner sense of confidence and wellbeing. (Montessori, M. The Discovery of the Child. New York; The Random House, 1967:68-69)


The ancient Greeks also presented the ideals of ‘beauty, balance and grace, inspired by virtue and wisdom, a physical and mental harmony of human powers.’

The Greeks illustrated a mastery of psycho-motor skills and related arts of manipulation, construction, projection, agility and communication (non-verbal and verbal) that become established as unique patterns of action in association with the individuals processing of information, sense of timing, and sense of direction. (Fisher, R. Teaching children to think.Oxford; Blackwell, 1990:23-24)

The world of nature appears to organically address our individual needs, interests, and abilities. Steiner presented that ‘At first we direct all teaching towards a very high realm, toward teaching proper breathing and the proper rhythm between sleep and waking.’(Steiner, R. The foundations of human experience.London; Anthroposophic Press, 1996:42)

Doman, when working with severely brain damaged children, discovered a successful method that increased the depth and rhythm of breathing and oxygen to the brain. Those children with abnormally small chest development made over 200% rates of growth until they established a normal chest size, capacity and growth rate.(Doman, G. What to do about your Brain Injured Child. New York; Doubleday and Company,1960: 133 & 258)


Exercise supports our health in many ways, e.g. it encourages greater oxygen intake through our breathing, and elimination of toxic waste through the lymphatic system, and outdoor activity provide sunlight. For those who cannot maintain fitness through an outdoor lifestyle in a natural environment there are some successful alternatives.

Trampolines are considered very good for health and fitness because:-

  • Trampolining does not stress the joints. Whereas, intense forms of athletic exercise and exercise on concrete and other hard surfaces and roads can be detrimental to the joints and is more likely to cause stress related conditions.
  • Working on a trampoline helps the lymphatic system. This system is responsible for the drainage and dispersal of excess fluid and accompanying waste materials. Unlike the blood which is pumped through the blood vessels by the heart, the lymphatic fluid is dependent upon muscular movements and gravity to ensure the appropriate movement of fluid through this important clearing up
  • Trampoline work outs can be achieved in a short period of time. Exercise on a trampoline is very efficient such that the benefits are far greater than other ground-based exercises, and risk of injury is far less.
  • Trampoline work is very relaxing and therapeutic for stress related conditions.
  • Trampoline work encourages naturally motivated deep breathing techniques.
  • Trampoline work gives a safe and healthy environment for vestibular stimulation, and the development of balance and co-ordination skills.

Small indoor trampetes provide the same benefits as the larger round trampolines and large outdoor trampolines add the bonus of a larger working space, fresh air and sunlight. On round trampolines the movements are limited to the central area and centred focus of gravitational force. Large rectangular trampolines provide additional benefits associated with the added freedom to move beyond the central area and create a wider range of movements within a more varied range of gravitational experience.

Yoga is a wonderful system for establishing and maintaining fitness and good health.

The sequence of movement in the exercise called ‘The Salute to the Sun’  is said to be a holistic combination of yoga movements. [‘You Tube’ Video – Salute the Sun Easily – Surya Namaskar; How to do the Sun Salute – WikiHow] This exercise is ideal for everyone who has only limited time, space and fluctuating levels of enthusiasm.

The Five Tibetan Rites– The Tibetan Secrets of Youth and VitalityHow to look and feel younger using five ancient rites for stimulating your energy centres, by Peter Kelder, The Aquarian Press,Thorsons 1988.

This book describes five simple exercises that present ‘the key to lasting youth, health and vitality……Try them and give them a fair chance to succeed’.  As with all exercise routines the benefits are best when they are performed on a daily basis.

Swimming is also an excellent form of exercise, it perfects the benefits of exercising on a trampoline i.e. strong breathing techniques, no jarring on the joints, etc. However, for those who cannot swim in natural water, sea, lake, river or a chlorine free pool, the adverse affects of the high chlorine levels at the local swimming pool need to be carefully considered. One person may have a much stronger constitution for counteracting the adverse affects than another. Swimming pool attendance can be associated with a lower resistance to common infections, colds coughs etc. and/or symptoms of chest congestion, runny nose, sore throats etc.

Psychocalisthenics[Book: Master Level Psychocalisthenics by Oscar Ichazo]

Oscar Ichazo developed this exercise system 35 years ago for awakening the vital ch’i energy of his students in order to enhance the vitality required during formal sessions of meditation.

This health and fitness programme is organised as a series of 23 movement-breathing exercises that awaken every muscle group in the body. The programme is a daily exercise routine that takes 15-30 minutes to perform. It is reputed to promote: lots of energy, awareness, anti-ageing, vital energy into all the organs, glands and tissues of the body and a happy alert disposition. The author can personally authenticate the above list of benefits and the use of the musical recording designed to support the exercise programme.  

Breathing Techniques

‘We can also promote healing in the body through controlled breathing. Imagine that with each breath that you are not only taking in Oxygen and Nitrogen but also, ‘Prana’ otherwise known as ‘Chi’ or the universal life force…..When you watch an infant breathe, you will see that the abdomen inflates and deflates with each breath.  In Yoga this is the proper way to

breathe.’ [Nelson Brunton, Natural Medicine; Journal Summer 2011: www.freewebs.com/naturalhealingcentre  Witham Email:info@naturalhealingcentre.org.uk]

There are many breathing techniques taught to aid health and healing. The one that the author is now going to describe was taught to her in Bali by a chi master of the previously secret and ancient arts of the BambuKuning. [www.yellowbamboo.info]

A Balinese way of attaining spiritual development, healing and protection.

Sacredness is mystery

Truth is victory


Yellow Bamboo (BambuKuning) exercises combine energy (chi/qi/prana) and spiritual practices. It can involve vigorous breathing and holding of breath. Such exercises are not suitable for :-

The mentally and emotionally unstable.

Pregnant ladies.

Those that are very weak and debilitated.

Those with weak abdominal pentoneum or susceptible to hernia.

Those with hypertension, weak blood vessel walls.

Those susceptible to bursting blood vessels.

Anyone with health concerns should consult a qualified physician before engaging in this breathing technique…

The basic breathing technique is as follows:-

  1. Breathe in through the nose until the lungs feel full, hold the breath momentarily then……
  2. Breathe in a little more, hold the breath momentarily then……
  3. Try to breathe in a little more…Hold the breath.
  4. Hold the breath for as long as possible while remaining comfortable without feeling the desperate need to explosively exhale and gasp deeply at an inhaling breath.
  5. Then (without taking an in-breath) EXHALE through pursed lips as SLOWLY as you can for as long as you can….
  6. Then try to exhale a little bit more
  7. Then try to exhale a little bit more
  8. Relax and inhale as normally as you can! Then resume normal breathing.
  9. When normal breathing is established you can do the above sequence of special breathing again. Always do the breathing in sequences of three i.e. three times or six times or nine times etc…..

For those who go on to learn level 1 and 2 exercises [You Tube- Yellow Bamboo Levels 1 & 2 – a free BambuKuning training video.] it is important to focus the use of the techniques upon healing and genuine personal protection. The energy cannot be used to cause any harm to other persons or the environment. Furthermore any application of this energy work that is focussed upon adverse or negative motives can cause serious harm to the perpetrator.

Discernment-Is This Good For Me?  [You Tube Self Muscle Testing Demonstration 1; www.healing-with-eft.com/self muscle-testing.html

Everyone is different as the saying says one man’s medicine is another man’s poison. There is much written about health and healing and much of it may seem contradictory.  For those who have perfected the art of dousing or psychic awareness, finding the right answers for their own personal circumstances may be relatively easy. However, even these skills can be misleading at times, so here the author describes a muscle testing technique that is very easy to do and very difficult to unknowingly adversely influence. Anyone can cheat but it is hard to cheat without knowingly doing it within this test procedure. This test is simply about encouraging personal awareness. This informal test should not be used instead of seeking professional advice especially with ongoing dietary issues and injury or illness.

The testing would normally involve the participant and a helper –

  1. Participant, using one hand only, holds the tip of the index finger on to the top of the thumb and squeezes them firmly together as if stuck together with super glue. Then the helper takes hold of the participants thumb and index finger and tries to pull them apart. Because the helper is able to use the strength of his/her two hands the finger and thumb should come apart all be it with some strong effort.
  2. Now the test is repeated exactly the same as in (a) but this time the participant holds the questionable (Is this good for me?) item in the free hand at the same time. If the item represents something good for the person at that time then the thumb and forefinger will retain the same or a greater strength of resistance. If the helper finds it easier to separate the fingers, than on the previous occasion, then this indicates that the item is not good for the participant.

The participant and the helper can both feel the results of the testing and an accurate assessment can be very easy.

If a person does not have a suitable helper or wants to do the test on their own then a simple structure can be organised with the aid of a strong household metal spring, a piece of string and a peg:-

8-2a-3The participant places one index finger through the ring B and then pulls the spring downwards until the finger is pulled away and the spring gets released. A peg is then placed on the string to mark the fullest length to which the spring stretched down. This test is then repeated but this time the participant holds the test item in the free hand while pulling on the spring with one index finger as before. The test result is noted with a different coloured peg on the string where the spring pulled free from the little finger.

If the finger failed to bring the spring to the same length, or more, than in the first trial, the item is not beneficial; if the spring comes further than in the first trial, then the item is beneficial.

This test is usually used as a simple guide to foods and medicines, however, with a little creativity any manner of question can be asked by presenting an appropriate item to represent the issue in question.

It is very important that the participant is very clear about the question, and it is useful to write it out word for word prior to the test. For example, the question “Is this good for me?” will have an opposite result to the question “Is this not good for me?” It is better to present questions in the positive format and the question must be directly related to the participant in person.

Adverse Acidic levels in the Body and Blood 

A concluding reference to good health and illness and associated acidic levels in the body and blood In the past research has shown a direct relationship between mineral and vitamin levels with good health, i.e. resistance to /recovery from, illness. For this reason the question of how we grow our food may need to be take very seriously; on the basis that quality rather than quantity and profits dictates how the food can support the long term health of the people being fed.

More recentlyresearch has illustrated that the acid levels within our blood and body cells can have a detrimental effecton our health, and our capacity for healing and recovery from subsequent illness.

May be in years to come the work of Andreas Moritz will be acknowledged for the treatment of cancer [Cancer Is Not A Disease – It’s A Survival Mechanism.] Moritz presents cancer as the result of a highly acid forming diet and lifestyle. Our modern day living provides may people with an excessively rich diet that is high in wheat, meat, sugar, dairy, processed foods and alcohol. This acid forming diet is combined with a predominantly indoor lifestyle of work and media entertainment and notably high levels of stress and anxiety. Medication and other drug based responses to mental, physical and emotional illness also add to the body’s levels of dehydration, acidity and toxicity within the human body cells.

If in the future Andrea’s work is considered right, his work may change the present day chemotherapy cancer treatment to one of supervised fasting, and specialised alkalizing dietary programs for detoxification. The question of acidic levels within the blood and body cells may become an important part of ‘natural’ based treatments for mental stress and anxiety and other illnesses usually treated with repeated medication.

It is time for us to look at mental stress and intense lifestyles as a major cause of high acid levels in the body. Sadly the competitive nature associated with the accumulation of wealth and success in our world of today may provide health and happiness to some at the expense of others: ‘If one person’s happiness causes another person’s pain what good has it done the world as a whole?’

Philip Day in his book Health Wars ‘unmasks the fraud and deceit of the cash hungry healthcare industry’. Philip Day’s research clearly documents diseases that have been brought on by the very medication prescribed by doctors alongside of entrenched scientific error and unhealthy agendas which deliberately prevent the simple answers to killer diseases from becoming public knowledge.

Illnesses caused by dietary deficiencies were previously thought to be caused by some unidentifiable micro bacteria or virus, therefore patients ‘treatments included quinine, arsenic, strychnine and an awesome agonising death.’ [Health Wars by Philip Day; Credence publications’ 2001:243] pre

Detailed medical records show that ‘The first president of the united states was bleed to death in 1797…….It must be noted that the men who killed George Washington were ….among the most experienced practitioners of their day – they were highly educated. And they were wrong.’ [Health Wars by Philip Day; Credence publications’ 2001:281]

Fortunately for most of us the acidic levels in our body have not reached ‘critical’ and we are able to remain reasonably healthy for the best part of our lives. However, as a precautionary measure the author presents the following as recommended ways to address the acid/alkaline issues within our body and promote good health and healing:-

  • Good water, sunlight, fresh air gentle exercise and organic food.
  • Healthy Alternative Healing Therapists are especially helpful for those who are looking for effective natural deterrents and cures for our modern day illnesses.

Nelson Brunton – Natural Healing Centre, Witham Essex CM8 2DD. Tel 01376 511069 Author of Homeopathy (Alternative Health) and world renown acupuncture therapist and teacher of Alternative Healing.

Mark Lange 07817064969 or 01994 230079 www.healers-hands.co.uk & www.bowentherapy4wales.co.uk

Outstanding Multi-vitamin and mineral liquid supplements

Frequensea – Ionic Whole Food Tonic that contains Marine Photoplankton

Cascading Revenol – probably the most advanced and unique bioavailable antioxidant formula that increases exponentially to neutralise multiple free radical molecules within the body.

Intra Max  Completely organic advanced clinically proven nutritional supplement that includes health promoting superfoods and photo nutrients. Created by Natural Health Dr. Richard Drucker.

Salus Liquid TonicsTheSalus herbal and fruit juices tonics Eprasat, Kindervital, and Saludynam are especially useful as a general daily supplement for healthy growing children. These liquid supplements can be added to water or juice to make a pleasant fruit drink.