Natural First Aid – for injury and illness

Promoting Natural Healing

In my own research I aimed to find those substances in the diet that were most effective in successful transportation of good things into the area of healing and waste products away from the area of healing.  Healing processes can be greatly obstructed or even extenuated by the secondary effects caused by an adverse accumulation of waste material and damaged cellular tissue. The author has found the following to be very successful in promoting healing.  This is achieved by providing, from an external source, substances that the body needs to facilitate a healing process.  This enables the body to accelerate natural healing processes and minimise secondary damage.

Lemon Juice- Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid )

This water soluble vitamin is easily absorbed into the body and can aid all other vitamin related activity in the body. Foods containing Vitamin C also contain important additional nutrition that supports the healing potential of the Vitamin C. This vitamin helps blood vessels repair and keep strong. It supports a very broad spectrum of healing because it is essential to tissue regeneration. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that neutralises substances that are disruptive to the body’s good health (free radicals) and aids the rejuvenation and repair of cellular tissue throughout the body. A simple analogy is that of going rusty which is the result of iron being influenced by an acid medium (rain) it then oxidises – breaks down into rust. This type of deterioration and resulting un-useable substances are the result of acid conditions in the body. Vitamin C helps to clear up these unusable substances and waste materials that would otherwise interfere with efficient healthy functions within the body. Good provision of Vitamin C is found in lots of fruits and vegetables and also in parsley and turmeric. However, it is important to note that pasteurised milk and fruit juices and concentrated fruit juices may have very little or no vitamin C content.

People who have a high acid disposition in their body can find acid fruits are difficult to manage because the acid levels in the stomach are generally high. The stomach fluids would normally be capable of establishing either an acid or neutral or alkaline ph as required for the digestive juices. If the acidic level in the stomach is generally high then citric fruits may add to this imbalance and make it even harder for the stomach to convert back into neutral and then into an alkaline state. For those who have this problem a daily alkalise ‘bicarb’ drink (described in the section headed Acid and Alkaline Foods) can help to bring about an alkalising effect on the body and also give an acceptable way to drink lemon juice and gain the ultimate alkalising effect from fruits as well as the nutritional benefits described above.

Theresa Cheung (Author of The Lemon Juice Diet) and Dr. Marilyn Glenville present that lemons improve our digestion and the liver’s natural detoxification process and also provide plenty of Vitamin C and other nutrients.

Nutrigold produce an excellent vitamin C supplement that provides the C vitamin combined with the three elemental minerals calcium, magnesium and potassium.


Turmeric has been recognised for its healing properties for a long time in the East where it is considered suitable for both internal and external use.  It is used for its cleansing properties and tissue repair.  It is particularly renowned for its ability to support the healing of bone tissue.  It contains high levels of vitamin C as well as other nutritional benefits.  These nutritional benefits are especially good when using organically grown Turmeric.  However, all Turmeric powders appear to have good cleansing qualities.  ‘If I only had a single herb to depend upon for all possible health and dietary needs, I would without much hesitation choose turmeric.  There is little that it cannot do in the realm of healing and much that no other herb is able to accomplish…….Turmeric is also an excellent herb for first aid and for injuries of all types, both acute and chronic…….Turmeric is a great woman’s herb, helpful for many gynaecological problems………Turmeric is an important herb for the heart and liver; it promotes healing on all levels of the body and mind, stimulates proper tissue formation…….It helps with weak immune conditions, chronic fevers and even seemingly intractable and incurable diseases like cancer and AIDS. ……It is a natural regulator for optimum health and energy……Turmeric works well on all the doshas.’ [ ‘Turmeric The Ayurvedic Spice of Life’ by Prashanti De Jagar.  Quoted from the Forward by Dr. David Frawley.]

Aloe Vera

The Aloe Vera plant is another ancient healing remedy known by the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans for healing all manner of conditions and illnesses.  Aloe Vera juice has been noted for 200 nutritional compounds including vitamin B12 and Polysaccharides. The natural strength Aloe Vera has been seen to destroy or inhibit bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeasts. Great success has been noted in relation to skin conditions and especially burns. In the 1980’s in India it was recorded that Aloe Vera juice had virtually eliminated heart disease, stress related disorders and diabetes in 1700 of the 5000 who were followed over a five year period of study.  However, the Aloe Vera gel found inside the prickly leaves does not keep well once the leaf has been broken open to outside conditions therefore it has been a tradition in many countries for householders to grow Aloe Vera plants either indoors or outside when the climate is suitable. (Cited in ‘Aloe Vera  The Natural Healing Choice’ by Lee Faber; Abbeydale Press,2008)

Colloidal Silver

Compiled from ‘The Colloidal Silver Report’ by Zoe Adams sold by Higher Nature, (

A colloidal liquid holds ultra fine particles of a substance in suspension in a liquid.  The particles in a true colloid are very, very small (0.01 to 0.001 of a micron in diameter) and invisible to the naked eye. The micro fine particles are produced using electrolysis. Very controlled conditions of electrical science are used to create the purity and stability of true Colloidal Silver. True colloidal silver is tasteless and non irritant. (Premium True Colloidal Silver, Living Energy Systems, 01803-812332 and ( tel.0800 4584747 or (0)1435 882880) For readers discount quote commission code 418313).

The discovery of antibiotics and the ongoing development of stronger antibiotics have failed to resolve some of today’s bacterial infections. Each Antibiotic is only effective against a certain type of bacterial infection and new strains of infection have developed a resistance to almost all antibiotics, (this Multiple Resistance is called M.R. for short).  Viruses are not killed by antibiotics, but are killed by Colloidal Silver.

Dr. Robert Becker in the late 1970’s stated that ‘We may only have scratched the surface of positives in silver’s medical brilliance.  Already it is an amazing tool.  It stimulates bone forming cells, cures the most stubborn infections of all kinds of bacteria and stimulates healing in the skin and other soft tissue.’ Colloidal Silver is reported to kill many different microbes including all bacteria so far tested and many viruses, fungi (e.g. Candida albicans) and parasites. Colloidal Silver is considered safe for all types of internal and external application and medication.  It is safe to put in the eyes, ears, nose and mouth.  It can also be used to control some of the bacteria, viruses and fungi that attack plants and animals.  It is reported that Colloidal Silver will not damage the cells of humans, mammals, reptiles, (some caution should be exercised with fish), plants and all multi-celled living matter.  However, it would appear that the silver particles mechanically disrupt the normal functioning of microbes, those simple primitive life forms (including all organisms without cell walls) and their life form is eliminated.  Test results from independent laboratory testing show that Colloidal Silver between 10 parts per million and 30ppm kill most microbes within minutes.

Making Colloidal Silver at home can be achieved with a simple battery operated system that presents a small electrical charge to silver rods suspended in a saline (saturated salt solution). The Colloidal Silver produced is of varied particle sizes so this Colloidal Silver may not keep very well and may not be as super efficient as that made under strict manufacturing conditions. However, the make it as you need it kit is an excellent bonus in any first aid kit especially when travelling or living abroad. However, the silver electrodes (rods) must be pure silver if other foreign colloidal metals are to be avoided in your colloidal silver solution. [Details of how to make Colloidal Silver were published in an article by Mark Metcalf, Healing Spiral 1]

Colloidal gold works in the same way as Colloidal Silver and the metal element of gold is notably more neutral and thereby better for ones general physical disposition.  However, silver being more Yang in its energetic disposition can be both strong and pure.  For colloidal silver making it is important to use the purest metal possible so that the resulting colloidal water does not also include a significant amount of other metallic colloidal particles.  The purest fine grade silver can be attained at 999.999% purity, this grade of silver is in the Living Energy Systems production of colloidal silver. Gold is more Yin in its energetic disposition which makes the purest grades of gold softer and much weaker.  This is why the gold used in jewellery contains other metals to stop it wearing away or bending out of shape.  For this reason gold is more expensive and less suitable for making into colloidal medicine on a commercial basis.  When making or buying colloidal gold it is important to know the exact details about the quality of gold being used so as to avoid other colloidal metals in the solution.  Colloidal copper is also good for the body in small quantities, but lead and aluminium are particularly adverse to good health and healing.

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender has been recognised for its amazing healing qualities for a very long time, especially for the treatment of burns and headaches. More recently it has been reintroduced for the care of burns in hospitals. It is one of the safest and most versatile essential oils which is also recognised as a rescue remedy. However, it is not suitable for use in the eyes and should not be more than a few drops in a glass of water, if used as an internal medicine.  Vastly different qualities of Essential Oil are produced and sold. Normally the price does reflect the quality, but there are of course some exceptions. The best quality, 100% pure organic, wild crafted oils found by the author to date are the Forever Young Essential Oils which truly illustrate the liquid power of nature. This company grows and harvests the plants in special parts of the world where the air, water and soil are very pure and unspoilt by pollution. These oils are superior to other manufactured products. The Lavender Oil is heavenly and a favourite item in the 1st aid box. The cost of each of the essential oils in the ‘Forever Green’ range is specific to the varying costs associated with the purity and cold-pressed process of production. The Lavender is grown at high altitudes to ensure its purity and it is moderately priced.

Lavender is an important ingredient in the Aura Soma range and especially in the Adult Rescue as described in the next section.

Aura Soma Healing Oils and Pomanders

The late Vicky Walls, who was blind, could see aura colours, (the energetic body which surrounds all living entities). Through her ability to sense the vibrations of colour she developed over 100 different colour healing products all made from natural resources. Scientific research has indicated that the cells of the body naturally communicate through frequencies of light. Each colour carries a particular light frequency which the cells of the body can easily absorb and transmit to facilitate balance and health.

The information below offers a simple introduction to the Aura Soma products that can be especially useful as part of a natural first aid kit.

In her auto biography The miracle of colour Healing (Aura Soma Therapy as the Mirror of the Soul; Thorsons, 1990) Vicky Walls describes how she came to produce the Aura Soma range of healing oils and pocket pomanders and what healing qualities are created in each. The book also describes some of the first testimonies of their amazing healing qualities and astounding results.

The range of colours is extensive, however, the Adult Physical Rescue (No. 1), the children’s rescue (No. 20) and the Pink Pomander are suitable for every occasion and highly recommended as immediate first aid.  The Pink Pomander is also a wonderful healer for bites and stings. When it is inhaled as a vapour from the hands it can ease sinus and nasal congestion, headaches and asthma, shock and grief etc.

Equilibrium No.1 Blue/Deep Magenta is described as the adult rescue bottle.

Equilibrium No.20 Blue/Pink is described as the Star Child children’s rescue bottle.

Equilibrium No.23 Rose Pink/Pink is described as love and light, the spiritual/emotional rescue bottle.

Equilibrium No.26 Orange/orange is described as the etheric rescue that helps in cases of emotional shock and confusion.


These healing oils are also very successful with animal healing. The Author was for many years involved with helping a charity well known for its horse rescue work. This work also led to local people giving the author horses that were due to be put down. These seemingly hopeless cases had gone beyond normal veterinary care, however, to everyone’s great surprise the horses made a complete recovery and were later re-homed by the charity as riding horses.

Nutrigold’sNatural Grade of Golden Castor Oil

The author feels it is especially important for readers to note the normal Castor Oil bought in a high street shop or chemist is not suitable for use on or in the body due to adverse effects that result from the way it is produced, manufactured and stored.

However, Andrew Wren managing director of the Nutrigoldcompany sells a naturally produced form of Nutrigold Golden Castor Oil that has the same frequency as white light. ( a special readers discount quote commission code 604978).  The Nutrigold system of growing and cold pressed harvesting produces a quality of Nutrigold Golden Castor Oil that is prescribed for external use and renowned for its healing qualities. This organic cold pressed Nutrigold Golden Castor Oil is safe to use in any external application including the eyes, ears, nose and genitals. Being a thick oil it also creates an oil seal and thereby gives some protection from secondary infection, and it is a deterrent to fungal infection. It is a gentle and safe way to bring small splinters and particles of dirt or grit out of broken skin.

Barbara Wren is a nutritionist who works very successfully with diet based support for natural healing.  She recommends Nutrigold Golden Castor Oil for external application on to the body as a cold-press (a folded cotton cloth soaked in the Nutrigold Golden Castor Oil held close to the body for a period of hours).  She uses this technique to aid internal healing and recovery from severe illnesses.

The author tried a different make of organic cold pressed castor oil sold in the health shops, but it did not provide the healing effect experienced when using the Nutrigold product Golden Castor Oil. This highlighted the possible risks associated with using castor oil from an ordinary chemist or health shop. The Nutrigold website also provides extensive data on a wide range of research and information on natural healing.

Tissue Salts  

[New Era – Homeopathic preparations of Mineral Salts- Natural remedies for everyday ills. For more information contact New Era Laboritories, Hedon Rd. Marfleet, Hull HU9 5NJ]

These simple homeopathic remedies were originally identified by Dr Wilhelm Schuessler. They are created from homeopathic potencies of different mineral salts used for the different health giving functions in the body.  The tablets are best used in the same way as other homeopathic pills i.e. they should not be touched by the hands or body and should not be put onto or into any metal material such as a metal cup or spoon.  They can be added to a small amount of water to be drunk or sipped. Placing them in water is considered particularly suitable for young children and for children who may not get on with the lactose sugar base.  These children can be given the water which is above the lactose sugar crystals which settle at the bottom of the glass. If anyone has to avoid lactose for medical reasons then a doctor should be consulted.

The tissue salts can be bought as 12 individual homeopathic mineral salts: 1. Calcium Fluoride  2. Calcium Phosphate  3. Calcium Sulphate 4. Iron Phosphate  5. Potassium Chloride  6. Potassium Phosphate  7. Potassium Sulphate  8. Magnesium Phosphate

  1. Sodium Chloride 10. Sodium Phosphate 11. Sodium Sulphate 12.Silicon Dioxide.

Or  asCombinations created to support particular complaints as follows:-

Combination A-Sciatica.B-Nervousness Stresses and Strains.C-Acidity, Heartburn, Dyspepsia.D-Minor Skin Ailments.E-Indigestion, Colic Pain and Flatulence.F-Migraine, Nervous Headache.G-Backache and Lumbago.H-Hay Fever and Allergic Rhinitis.I– Fibrositis, Muscular Pain.J-Coughs, Colds and Chestiness.K-Brittle Nails.L-Sedentary lifestyle.M-Rheumatic Pain.N-Menstral Pain.P-Aching Feet and Legs.Q-Catarrh and Sinus Disorders.R-Infant Teething.S-Sick Headache, Stomach Upsets, Biliousness.

Elasto-Aches and pains in the legs. Nervone – Nerve soother.  Zief – .

The author has found the tissue salts to be highly effective in all areas of healing and they can be used without any specific diagnosis other than a simple assessment of symptoms. Indeed if one wants to take the full range of salts this can be done by taking combinations D, E, and L with No. 6 Kali Phos.

Calc. Fluor is excellent for the maintenance of teeth and recovery from tooth decay. The author also considers that tissue salts can eliminate the need for many dietary supplements.

Rescue Remedy-The Bach Flower Remedies

Shock, trauma and stress inhibit the body’s natural healing processes and compounds injury and illness with extensive secondary damage.  When the body is unable to address the immediate healing procedures due to shock, further complications can cause extensive additional damage.  A simple example of this is haemorrhaging from blood vessels within the damaged tissues.

The Bach Flower Recovery (Rescue) remedy is a combined formula of five specific Bach Flower Remedies that dissipates the results of shock on all levels, physical, mental and emotional. It can be administered as a few drops in the mouth or in a small amount of water. The alcohol content is thus very small, nevertheless young children should always have it administered in water.

Ainsworth’s 38 original Dr. Bach Flower Remedies are prepared from the flowers of wild plants, bushes and trees and closely reproduce the original remedies made by Dr. Bach in the1930’s. “Health depends upon being in harmony with our souls.” Dr. Edward Bach ….. ‘believed, as many doctors do today, that attitude of mind plays a vital role in maintaining health and recovery from illness………..The effect of the remedies is not to suppress negative attitudes, but to transform them into positive ones; stimulating one’s own potential for self-healing and freeing the physical system to engage fully in fighting disease and stress.’[‘The 38 Flower Remedies formally the work of Dr. Edward Bach’; Wigmore Pub, 1995: 5-6]

Each remedy is noted for the negative aspects that it can transform into positive dispositions.  Chestnut is noted as a remedy for failure to learn from past mistakes and when taken it is noted for bringing about a positive ability to gain knowledge from experience. [Dictionary of the Bach Flower RemediesPositive and negative aspects by T.W.Hyne Jones].

Each of the remedies is presented as a cure for a different aspect of emotional disturbance and thereby returns the individual to a healthy state of mind and body. The remedies do not normally present an instant cure and they would normally be used consecutively for up to three weeks and then after a break of a week continued if required. The different remedies can be made-up into a combination remedy to meet individual’s needs. The flower essences are preserved in an alcohol base which is taken as drops in water. Animals and plants can also benefit from these remedies. Each remedy is noted for its ability to heal a particular negative state of being or attitude.

Herbal Products

The BeannacharCamphill Community make a lovely range of herbal products. Ointments, creams, oils, lotions, tinctures, elixirs, dried herbs, supplements. (

Salus Liquid Tonics. The Salus herbal and fruit juices tonics Eprasat, Kindervital, and Saludynam are especially useful as a general daily supplement for healthy growing children. These liquid supplements can be added to water or juice to make a pleasant fruit drink. 

Acupressure Techniques

Julian Kenyon in his book ‘Acupressure TechniquesA Self-Help Guide’ (Thorsons 1987) describes howdeep finger pressure over acupuncture points massaged in the correct direction can stimulate dramatically effective healing. (Refer to the book for detailed information. Acupuncture/pressure healing is a very exact scientific approach to healing.) Kenyon’s book provides simple acupressure options for self treatment of a number of common ailments. Locating the exact position of a point is helped by the fact that the points usually hurt a bit at first on receiving deep pressure and gradually this tenderness will disappear entirely as the point becomes energised by the stimulation.

Jacques Steahle in his book ‘The Energy That Healsalso provides an encyclopaedia of acupressure points anyone can use for self-healing. Based on the Chinese system of acupuncture healing, single pressure points are used to stimulate the body’s natural healing systems.