Natural Healing for Pets

Natural Healing for our Pets
My terriers have a 13cm by 23cm Advanced Tachyon flexi-pad under their bed and I often wonder how much of their extraordinary health and fitness and indeed their ever growing docked tails, is due to the tachyon energy.
WeledaHypericum cream and/or Aura Soma Rescue Healing Oil have successfully treated external wounds and skin conditions. When a wound has gone septic a little colloidal silver dropped or sprayed on the area will kill off the bacterial infection even if the animal tries to lick it off. Fortunately the colloidal silver is harmless when taken internally and this can also help the healing process from an internal perspective. The author tries to prevent give the colloidal silver a minute of two to work on the wound before the animal attempts to lick it off.
Verm-X produce a wonderful herbal supplement for eczema. See the story on their website about a German Shepherd called Beck. He had wet eczema all its life in spite of continuous veterinary care yet recovered when given the herbal biscuits for skin conditions.
The author has successfully used Colloidal Silver and/or Golden Castor Oil to treat ring worm and recommend spraying all surfaces (especially wood), housing and bedding with Acid Elecrolyzed Water sold in a spray bottle by the Natural Healing centre (, 01376 511069). This acidic part of the natural makeup of water is excellent as an anti fungal, anti-virus and anti-bacteria cleaner. It is a lot cheaper to use on a larger scale project and/or for frequent use when trying to clean external infections on the body and household surfaces.
Ears A few drops or spray of colloidal silver into the ear will normally cure any ear infection. When dogs have dry skill or eczema inside the ear the author also uses a few drops of Nutigold cold-pressed organic castor oil, alternatively organic sweet almond oil can be used to ease the irritation and rejuvenate the skin. The oil also helps to exclude air from any bacterial infection. This can help to suppress the bacterial multiplication of infection.Thus the authors rescue dogs with long term and sever ear infections have been easily treated with colloidal silver and NutrigoldGolden Castor Oil.

Bone alignment
Many of the rescue horses and ponies I have worked with have had back problems and those that came into my care had regular treatment from a man who gave horses and other animals M’ctimany Chiropractic treatments. He was very successful in transforming these animals back into good health. Unrideable or at best very unsafe riding horses and ponies became conscientious and reliable riding horses. So long as they were given a regular 3-6 month check-up for their backs. The German Shepard I had recently from a puppy farm had good hips but her muscle tone was so bad that her back legs sagged in a low curve under her tummy. The result of this condition was that she could not walk in a straight line because her skeletal alinement was so disrupted.
I have also used Equine Bowen therapy to successfully relieve and heal horses and dogs of back problems. (Equine Bowen Therapy Training –Rose Farm College of Equine Studies; )
The author has also had personal experience of dogs recovering from serious health problems and nervous conditions that appear to magically get better when they are supported with sessions of healing therapy based on the alignment of the bones of the spine.

Aura Soma Physical Rescue: A horse of 15 years was brought to me because the owners could not bear to have him put down as recommended by the vet who had treated him for a long time for kidney infections and other related conditions, the horse was unable to extend his penis as required for urinating. After using Aura Soma Adult Rescue oil on the sheath area for a few weeks, the horse’s castration scar opened and released a thick brown discharge for several days. The discharge was so acidic that it took all the fur off of the horse’s legs. I protected the skin by coating the area twice a day with Nutrigold Golden Castor Oil. (important: note that only the Nutigold make of castor oil is recommended because the usual castor oil bought in chemists is from a very different source and not safe for use on animals or humans because of the processing procedures which make it cariogenic!) This wonderful old horse fully recovered and became an ideal teenagers mount, doing all the Pony Club activities very successfully (he was a retired champion cross country eventer!). He remained healthy for the rest of his retirement and reached a grand old age!

The Scenar Machine: One of our ponies had sweet-itch, a reoccurring skin condition on the base of the tail and the top of her mane. The author believes this condition is caused by too rich a diet and not enough working exercise in hardy native breeds. One night this pony rubbed against the field gate so strongly that it came undone and released the ponies onto the road in the dark late evening hours. A car hit the pony and the bang was heard in the neighbouring house. I checked her over as best I could by torchlight and apart from some minor bruises she seemed alright. The car driver had not stopped so we had no way of knowing what actually happened and therefore we presumed the car had missed the pony and hit a post or wall. In the morning one side of the pony’s face was greatly swollen and she hung her head so that she did not choke on her own saliva which she was unable to swallow. I thought there was no hope for her now but in attempt to relieve her suffering I gave her extensive treatments with the Scenar Machine which she received without flinching in any way whatsoever. By the end of the day she was not only able to swallow and drink water she also wandered about the field finding small amounts of grass to eat. She made a full recovery. Note:TheScenar machine does give off small electrical impulses which if received onto a sensitive area of skin can be alarming to some people and animals. When using the machine it is always important to hold it firmly on the required body area so that it keeps a steadyand fixedcontact during a treatment session.Also it is not suitable to use on wet areas or broken bones that have metal pins inserted. However, it is good at helping broken bones and torn muscles ligaments etc.

Cancer – I was caring for a Labrador who was diagnosed with cancer of the spleen which had spread throughout her abdomen such that the vet considered no surgical treatment was appropriate.The dogs abdomen had expanded extensively and simultaneously her health had deteriorated very rapidly such that her quality of movement was very seriously reduced. She could no longer get herself in and out of the car and only moved about slowly and quietly. I treated her to three Mc.trimany treatments and put her on a very strict vegetarian alkaline diet. She lived with myself and a young terrier (who was also on a vegetarian diet due to a congenital weakness in her liver). We all had the luxury of living together on several acres of natural organic farmland. In a matter of weeks she regained her normal abdominal shape and enjoyed her previous levels of happiness, good agility and fitness.
An Alkalising Diet
Her special Alkalising vegetarian diet was as follows:-
 Vegetables grown Organically provide special levels of nutrition – lightly steamed and grated raw are essential to every healthy dog. This was the main part of her daily food.
 Baking powder or bicarbonate of soda powder alkalises the blood and it is also an internal cleanser for the whole length of the digestive system that can easily be added to regular meals. If mixed with a little lemon-juice and water, it will finish the fizzing before it reaches the stomach juices and thus reduce the risk of excessive abdominal wind. (Otherwise it may create some naturally occurring burping and/or rectal wind) Another very helpful alkalising remedy is the water drained from slow cooked pearl barley grain.
 Buckwheat (in spite of its name this is not a grain and it is therefore gluten free.) Buckwheat is a good filling food for vegetarian dogs that avoids having grain in their diet.
 Quinoa is a light and nutritious grain that is less acidic than other grains.
 Organic cheese or yoghurt in small quantities – dogs love it and as yet I have not found anything against them having a small amount on a regular basis, however, it is very important these foods are organic so as to avoid contrary adverse effects on their health. I think that lactose free dairy products, paneer, soft cheese, goat cheese, buffalo cheese and plain yoghurt (preferably low fat or goat ), eggs and organic tofu, and pea or hemp protein powder can provide good protein for vegetarian dogs. A dash of Liquid Aminosalso adds some important amino proteins. [Avoid non-organic soya beans because they may can contain high levels of contamination from the fertilisers and chemical sprays used to artificially boost the growth of the soya bean crop.
 Coal – dogs eat coal for roughage to help keep the anal glands clear of excessive build up of fluid, and occasionally for calcium which is seen as leftover deposits in the coal or ashes.
 Seven Seas Extra High strength omega 3 fish oil is the best. Salmon oil and/or Krill oil, provide the omega range of nutrition required for optimum health. Flax, hemp, and linseed oils also provide good omega nutrition. Olive oil, avocado oil and black cumin seed oil provide a concentrated spectrum of additional nutritional benefits that support the absorption of the essential omega nutrition.
 Organic free-range eggs – from chickens that are fed organic food rather than the economy chicken feeds that contain chemicals that are then passed on into the chickens’ eggs. Eggs are a concentrated package of nutrition equal to and often superior to meat.
 Iodine as a supplement of a few drops every day in the water bowl and/or kelp powder/tablets with the once or twice daily food.
 Kelp powder – as a seaweed supplement for minerals and especially trace elements. This can help dogs that like to chew grass. Spirolina and wheat grass powder also provide special minerals and trace elements that the dog may be lacking and instinctively try to get from specifically chosen blades of grass.
 Miso – natural salts and protein aminos similar to the liquid aminos sold at the healthshops.
 Molasses – provides an iron supplement plus other important minerals required for iron absorption and good health.
 Natural water – rain water (not collected in a plastic container) and preferably from a natural form of collection. Stream water where it is not polluted by agriculture, best of all is Well water or Spring water.
 Oat-bran – this is a gentler form of roughage and more nutritious than wheat bran.
 Parsley – as a strong tea is good for clearing parasites, and steamed lightly is a nutritious green veg.
 Sprouted mung beans crushed raw or lightly steamed.
 Porridge oats (or oat cakes) – when soaked (and sometimes lightly cooked) is another good food for young and older dogs, and vegetarian dogs.
 Tachyonized Water ( – just ten drops a day can help the dog retain or regain healthy cell production. It reinstates the original and perfect DNA structure of the individual cells that divide and grow each day as replacements for worn out or faulty cells.
 Tahini and well mashed (liquidised) Chickpeas, contain high levels of calcium and associated minerals and trace elements needed for calcium absorption.
 Aduki beans and mung beans are the best beans for vegetarian dogs. For those that need an alkaline diet sprouted mung beans can be fed raw or lightly steamed. These beans and chickpeas need to be very well cooked and then mashed with a dash of Liquid Aminos and omega oil. I recommend that beans are soaked over-night before cooking, and pressure cooking is best but not if the pot is made of aluminium. Like with us humans, the use of aluminium pots and containers is detrimental to good health and especially old dogs.
 Burns make a great vegetarian wet dog food from cooked vegetables, rice and free range eggs. The easy meal size airtight packets do not require refrigeration.
 Yarrah organic vegetarian dry dog biscuit is an excellent bio organic dog food which all dogs seem to really love; even those normally fed on meat.
 V – Dog Flakes produce a vegan dried dog cereal mix.
 My terriers have enjoyed oatcakes with butter/molasses/tahini as their vegan dog treats.
 Dogs that are not so keen on vegetarian food can be encouraged to change to these foods with the addition of a little melted butter and raw/hard-boiled egg.
 For those who wish to give their dog meat I always recommend fresh raw fish – sardines, mackerel and salmon give the best nutritional value. Be careful of buying smoked fish because it is normally high in salt and therefore not suitable to dogs although a little salt in their food during very hot weather can be recommended. Speak to your vet about this matter or contact Nick Thompson who is the natural vet that covers the pet issues for Higher Nature (see below).
 True food ( dog vitamins by Higher Nature – these are sourced purely from food origins and broken down into an easier form for the digestive system to absorb efficiently. A must for old dogs and puppies and as a lifelong precaution against dietary deficiencies and associated degenerative illnesses.

Vegetarian Dogs
I recently bought a terrier that as a puppy appeared very unwell, she was unable to keep herself warm and as soon as she started to move around she was prone to throwing up any food she did manage to eat. Although she was not doing well there were no obvious health problems and a two day veterinary investigation gave no indication of the nature of the problem. I considered her condition could be caused by a congenital liver condition that prevented healthy digestion of food. I placed her, and later her litter sister who was also notably small and thin, on a vegan diet with added vitamins and minerals and omega3 oils and calcium-magnesium; then very slowly added egg and a little cream fraiche, sour cream or low-fat yoghurt. One of the dogs still has to avoid all meat and she often also refuses to eat eggs (raw or hard boiled). Both these dogs are now well grown with a strong solid build and they are very fit. They run around free on the farm without bothering any of the livestock – furry or feathered, but given the chance they like to chase the bunnies around in the early morning. Fortunately I did not want working dogs and even though they enjoy running off together, they have not shown any inclination to kill either rabbits or rodents. I therefore consider their luxury diet, without meat, must satisfy their needs.
Before the Vet Calls by Francis Hunter MRCVS; Thorsons, 1984
Homeopathic Medicine For Dogs A Handbook for Vets and Pet Owners by H.G.Wolff; Thorsons Pub Ltd. 1984
The Treatment of Cats by Homeopathy by K. Sheppard; C.W. Daniel Co. Ltd.1972
The Treatment of Dogs by Homeopathy by K. Sheppard; C.W. Daniel Co. Ltd.1972
125 True Stories of Amazing Animals pub by National Geographic Kids)
The Divinity of Dogs by Jennifer Skiff pub by Hay House, 2012
Dogs Never Lie About Love and When Elephants Weep by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson; Vintage Books
How to raise the PERFECT DOG and Cesar’s Way by Cesar Millan