Neutralizing Stress and Alkalising Toxic Acidity

Acid and Alkaline Levels in the Body

Excessive Levels of Stress

In our modern day western lifestyles excessive stresses on the body’s everyday maintenance can be caused by:-

  • Excessive levels of stress and nervous anxiety, artificial lighting, noise pollution, intense/over-crowded living and working conditions.
  • Limited daily amounts of daylight and accompanying sunshine.
  • Diets heavy in processed foods, dairy products, meats, sugar and wheat and other grains especially those that have been genetically engineered and modified such as wheat.
  • Deficient levels of nutrition can compromise the body’s ability to maintain essential levels of growth, repair and maintenance. Even a relatively good healthy diet may not be able to maintain minimal nutritional requirements that meet the added demands on the body that modern industrial countries have to accommodate. It may only be one area of deficiency that initially causes a person to lose their everyday health and fitness. Some key areas of nutrition shown to affect the body’s basic health and healing potential are thought to include declining levels of magnesium, omega 3, vitamin C, calcium and iodine. When these areas of nutrition become critically low the body’s general functioning becomes permanently compromised and levels of dysfunction become normal until the deficit has been completely resolved. To address a deficit takes an abundance of required nutrition far beyond that of daily maintenance levels. To change a nutritional deficit to an abundance requires that the right action is combined with an ongoing commitment and perseverance. At first this process may feel like trying to fill a broken cup and like this analogy only an abundance can make an initial difference whilst the backlog of repairs can be resolved and only then can the natural levels of optimum performance be reinstated.
  • Dehydration: Drinking coffee, chocolate and sugary drinks. Unlike natural spring water these drinks actually dehydrate the body’s fluid levels. When the body cells become dehydrated they stop functioning and isolate themselves from active body functions. This is the only way dehydrated cells can protect themselves from losing even more of their depleted water content and ultimately dying. Ironically these dehydrated cells do not open to receive the water they need unless the body’s water levels are at their optimum level, to open prematurely would put these cells at great risk because cells cannot just absorb the water they need. Any cell when open to receive water also has to be fully functioning according to its designed body   The cells of the body cannot specify what they want to do or not do. Their water content is strictly controlled by the water levels in the body as a whole.  Any area of dehydration will adversely affect some cells which may ultimately be sacrificed for the benefit of the water levels required in critical areas for survival, such as the brain. Headaches are often a sign of dehydration and subsequent high levels of toxin that have built up as a result of insufficient water for the body’s normal processes. Dehydration also affects the way we breathe because the lungs need a lot of water vapour and mucus for fluid lubrication. When the body’s cells are dehydrated the breathing may be altered to a shallow upper-respiratory practises in order to conserve the low water levels in the body.
  • High levels of artificial food additives (chemically engineered).
  • Environmental pollutiong. in the air from vehicles and industry and in the soil from fertilisers and intensive methods of farming.
  • Limited daily exerciseg. working for consecutive hours at a computer, TV entertainment etc.
Sadly, dysfunctional people choose to eat a dysfunctional diet that reflects their limited ability to prioritise and provide good care for themselves and their families, thus their dysfunctional problems are compounded.

These adverse conditions cause extra stress and unreasonable demands on the body’s maintenance systems especially the liver and the nervous system and also encourage abnormal upper respiratory breathing. When the liver is stressed a person is likely to be prone to outbursts of anger. When the lungs are stressed by limited breathing techniques and/or pollution in the air carbon-dioxide levels in the blood rise and oxygen levels decrease. This can adversely affect the efficiency of the brain activity leading to poor memory and many other areas of disrupted mental activity.  This can lead to higher levels of frustration, impatience, poor integration of sensory information and poor co-ordination.

All natural forms of exercise and natural drinking water help establish healthy breathing and encourage the body to engage in natural methods of detoxification. The body’s main system for detoxification is through the liver and the lymphatic system which is stimulated by muscular movement and gravity.

In severe cases of debility due to poor mental and/or physical health the sattvic diet can be very helpful but in the West it would normally need to be supplemented with extra nutritional support as follows:-

  • Alpha and Beta-carotenes which are important for the absorption of vitamins and minerals and are found not only in carrots but equally or even more abundantly in organic raw beetroot and raw beetroot juice.
  • Omega 3 is especially hard to get in the quantity required for our intense Western life-style. Omega nutrition 3, 6 and 9 are all of critical importance. They can be supplemented with raw cold-pressed organic oils such as flax oil and hemp oil. Olive oil is also good. Vitamins A and E are needed for the absorption of the omegas 3, 6 and 9. (Eicosanoil includes vitamin E Swiss-Herbal-Remedies). It is important not to heat the oils because this damages the nutritional value. An Omega 3 deficiency is easily overlooked and this deficit prevents the body from absorbing other omega nutrition and associated important nutrients. Organic cold-pressed flax oil is high in omega 3.  The Higher Nature ( fish oils are much easier to absorb than traditional cod liver oil supplements and fish oils are the most efficient way to supplement the essential omega 3 which can so easily become deficient and thereby cause a wide spectrum of debilitating physical conditions that lead to poor health and illness. Research has found that it is easier for the body to absorb nutrition from oil when the oil is emulsified (blended) with water. Therefore when omega oils are added to traditional oil and water salad dressings, smoothies, warm (not hot) soups and sauces, significantly more of the nutritional value is effectively absorbed into the blood stream. (‘Oil and Water the Right Mix’ by Christine Morgan, pub: Higher Nature).  Also the unique composition of Krill Oil makes it significantly more effective as an Omega 3 fish oil supplement and it is certified as sustainably sourced by the Marine Stewardship Council.
  • Liquid Aminos are an excellent source of amino proteins extracted from soya beans. This source of protein is easily absorbed into the body; unlike the normal digestive processes required to digest complex proteins which make considerable demands of the body’s resources. Proteins are essential for the growth and repair of the body’s structural tissue.
  • Organic green garden peas are high in vegetable protein and associated nutrition, however, raw or only minimal light cooking helps retain the peas nutritional value. Chick peas (like dairy products) are high in calcium and even though they need to be well cooked they are still an important source of calcium for those on a sattvic, vegetarian or vegan diet.
  • Nuts and seeds are highly nutritious foods and when they have been soaked and/or sprouted nuts and seeds are much more easily digested and the nutritional value is thereby more readily absorbed by the body. Chia seeds are said to contain more Omega 3 than salmon and they also contain protein and other important nutrition that can be accessed more readily if they are soaked and then eaten raw within a suitable accompanying meal.
  • A broad spectrum multi vitamin B supplement (including vitamin B12 and B17 which is notably found in apricot seeds) is always helpful for the maintenance of the body’s nervous system. B12 is particularly important to those following a vegetarian or vegan diet. B12 supplements using Methylcobalamin* are easier for the body to successfully absorb. Nerve cells, like those in the blood, have to be ongoingly repaired and replaced throughout our daily lives. Vitamin B deficiencies are almost certain to be present in anyone suffering from any form of nervous exhaustion and/or anxiety.
  • Most flour that is bought in the shops even organic flour from the health shops is going to lack the nutritional benefits of organic whole grains and freshly ground flour. Grinding grains and the removal of the bran always lowers the nutritional value of the flour. Electrical grinding machines that use fast moving metal blades also create levels of heat and friction that are detrimental to the nutritional content of the whole grains. Stone-ground flour retains the highest levels of nutrition and grain mills for the house-holders kitchen can be bought from
  • Cold pressed organic vegetable juices are excellent for nutritional support and in his book ‘Raw Vegetable Juices’ Norman W. Walker describes how cold pressed juices made from specific combinations of vegetables can cure different physical conditions. As with the flour mills the metal electric juicing machines that use blades to break down the vegetable fibres disrupt the nutritional value in the juices they produce. The least friction and disruption to the nutritional value of the juice is found in those juicers that have a spiral auger that presses the juice out of the fibres. Greenlife and Matstone manufacture this type of juicer and describe the reasons and the extra quality of the juice produced.

[A wide variety of lower priced high quality nutritional supplements, are available from and *, tel 01614081544.

  • Probiotic foods that are beneficial to intestinal flora. For example Biona organic Kefir Natural low fat live yogurt. The Chuckling Goat live Kefir Goat Yogurt. Foods that upset the intestinal flora include those that contain refined sugar, yeast and all the fungus foods mushrooms etc.

Alkalinizing Acidity Levels in the Body

A more recent reference to good health and recovery from illness is associated acidic levels in the body and blood

‘The PH Miracle –Balance your diet, Reclaim your health by Dr. Robert O Young & Shelley Redford Young  [; Listings of Acid/Alkaline forming Foods ]

‘When we are born our body is approximately 75-80% water….. by the time we go into old age we have lost about 30% of our body’s ability to hold fluid…….  A noticeable decline begins at the age of 45 and by age 90 we lose 18% of our bicarbonate in our blood……  Bicarbonates are the alkaline buffers that neutralise the acidic waste in the body.  By adding bicarbonates to the blood, we can delay the ageing process and prevent age related diseases….Since our body cannot get rid of all the (acidic) waste it produces, it accumulates in the body …..  ’ (Dr. Nelson Brunton – Quoted from The Association of Natural Medicine Monthly Magazine.)

Listed below are ways to alkalise the body so that acidic waste can be neutralised and then disposed of through the body’s natural elimination procedures.

  • Make up a daily alkalise drink. Add a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate to a glass of water (or water and juice) with the juice of one fresh lemon or a table spoon of organic lemon juice, stir well and leave to stand for 5-10 minutes before drinking. Sea salt can also be added according to taste.
  • Increase the amount of alkalizing foods in the diet so that a good percentage of the daily diet is of alkaline foods i.e. fruit and vegetables, raw or lightly cooked, fermented Tofu/Tempeh, whey protein and soured dairy products, almonds and chestnuts, ginger, curry, chilli pepper and herbs.
  • Replace the use of cane sugar and corn syrup with alternative sweeteners such as date syrup, Stevia, organic Blackstrap molasses, and Xylitol, (maple syrup and honey are not clearly categorised). Establish a diet that avoids or minimises acid foods and drinks, such as: coffee, cocoa (chocolate) tea, beer, soda, alcohol, meat, dairy, eggs, refined sugar, breads, biscuits and grains, vinegar, mustard and most prepared and fast foods. Smoking also has a strong acidic affect upon the body. Many smokers get back problems some of which can ultimately become very serious. This is a classic example of cellular damage caused by high acidity levels in the body.
  • Nelson Brunton describes research that illustrates the best way to neutralise and get acidic wastes out of our body is to drink alkaline water. ‘….alkaline ionised water can be drunk and in the process of ionising the water particles are halved and this makes the water able to hydrate the body more easily.’ (Dr. Nelson Brunton-Quoted from The Association of Natural Medicine Monthly Magazine.)

Alkalising the body and clearing the acidic toxin waste out of the body, is presented as beneficial to and indeed a critical aspect of successful healing for all illness.

Andreas Moritzin his book ‘Cancer is not a Disease , It’s a Survival Mechanism’ (Cygnus Books, 2009) presents that cancer can be cured through a process of regaining the natural alkaline body constitution essential for good health and optimum healing potential.

Fortunately for most of us the acidic levels in our body have not reached ‘critical’ and we are able to remain reasonably healthy for the best part of our lives. However, as a precautionary measure the author considers the following as recommended ways to address the acid/alkaline issues within our body and promote good health and healing:-

  • Good water, sunlight, fresh air, daily gentle exercise and organic food.
  • Healthy Alternative Healing Therapists are especially helpful for those who are looking for effective natural deterrents and cures for our modern day illnesses.

Nelson Brunton – Natural Healing Centre, Witham Essex CM8 2DD. Tel 01376 511069 Author of Homeopathy (Alternative Health) and world renown acupuncture therapist.

Mark Lange 07817064969 or 01994 230079

Supplements that can establish and maintain Good Health and Fitness and resolve long term stress and addiction related health issues

If supplements are going to help establish good health they need to support ourbody’s:-

  • Cell reproduction
  • Tissue repair and maintenance
  • Neutralisation of acidic waste
  • Elimination of toxic and non-toxic waste
  • Comprehensive defence mechanisms
  • Neutralise acidic states and promote the body’s natural alkaline state

Outstanding Multi-vitamin and mineral liquid supplements

The following supplements are highly recommended:-

Frequensea – Ionic Whole Food Tonic that contains Marine Photoplankton

Cascading Revenol – probably the most advanced and unique bioavailable antioxidant formula that increases exponentially to neutralise multiple free radical molecules within the body.

Intra Max  Completely organic advanced clinically proven nutritional supplement that includes health promoting superfoods and photo nutrients. Created by Natural Health Dr. Richard Drucker.

Salus Liquid TonicsTheSalus herbal and fruit juices tonics Eprasat, Kindervital, and Saludynam are especially useful as a general daily supplement for healthy growing children. These liquid supplements can be added to water or juice to make a pleasant fruit drink.

Pioneering levels and combinations of Dietary Supplementation.

  1. Now organic INULIN this simple healing sugar promotes healthy intestinal bacteria which supports good colon health. It also helps the kidneys work more effectively which helps the body to clear out acidic toxic waste through the bladder. Finally Inulin helps to regulate the movement of sugar into the body cells and waste material out of the body cells.
  2. Black Cumin Seed Oil. This oil provides and supports the body’s ability to absorb essential omega nutrition found in raw (uncooked) cold-pressed organic oils.
  3. Raw Organic Coconut Oil. This oil is proposed as especial helpful for the brain. In the future it may be considered an essential dietary aid for curing mental disability Alzheimer’s, epilepsy and other aspects of dysfunctional within the brain.

Supplements 0845 603 5675 for nutritional advice and orders. The Nutrigold company, currently directed by David Wren, was founded by Barbara Wren Director of The College of Natural Nutrition: – Author of ‘Our Return to the Light’ & ‘Cellular Awakening’,how your body holds and creates light.

  1. NC050 Supamag Plus (Magnesium, B vitamins & trace elements)
  2. NC029 Oxycell (Antioxidant vitamins and minerals plus phytonutrients.)
  3. NC019 Calcium Panthothenate (Vitamin B5)
  4. NC060 Superlec Plus (Non-GMO soya lecithin powder) This powder helps the body to use nutritional materials to heal the nervous system and aids the reception of oxygen into the body cells by supporting good healthy lungs..
  5. NCO44 Multi B Complex. This specialised and comprehensive formula of B vitamins and supporting nutrition provides the body with essentials nutrition for the restoration and maintenance of the nervous system. A complete overhaul of the nerve cells in the body will take a minimum period of a three months if the correct level of nutrician is maintained through appropriate diet and/or additional supplements.
  6. NC198 WAKEUP Alka-Greens this supreme green nutritional powder has been specifically created to help the body alkalise itself and thereby regain healthy alkaline levels within body.
  7. NC037 Child’s Play (Multivits& mineral supplement for children
  8. NCo33 Pro-otic Proven potency multi-strain gut bacteria

The author has found the above supplements A. C. D. G. H.&K. especially successful for those with autism, mental disorders and those wishing to recover from smoking or any other form of addiction.

When taking supplements a notable improvement in health should be seen within the first three days or weeks, but it usually takes three months to experience the full potential benefit and continued regular intake may be required to attain long term improvement that will hold throughout one’s life. For some people stabilising the body’s health can be directly related to nutritional factors especially if we have an intense lifestyle or a stressful disposition or we are in our senior years.

Dr. Linda Long, a biochemist at Exeter University, researched a technique that translates molecular frequency within the physical structure of different plants and crystals into scientific data. She then accurately translated this computer data into a musical notation that can be heard by the human ear.  She has called this musical presentation of scientific data Molecular music ( Linda identified the molecular structure of healing plants and transcribed this into a musically accurate script.  The author has found that Dr. Linda Long’s ‘music of the plants’ seems to have a very empowering and harmonising effect upon the listeners. This would seem to verify that the natural environment does indeed bring to us harmonising energies when we spend time immersed in natural surroundings or seek specific plants for their healing qualities. Both the natural world and relaxing music can have a profoundly calming influence upon our mental levels of stress and our bodies inner health.