Three Healing Componants

The three components of ‘Healing Harmony’ as presented by the Trinity within our worldly reality.


‘Many people would rather die for their beliefs-or kill others- than change them. ’
[What God Wants by Neale Donald Walsch [HoddenMobias, 2005:142]
  1. Expressive interaction. Conscious interaction gained through an independent expression of love.
  2. If my thoughts create my feelings and my feelings create my thoughts how does my inner reality create my external experience and what has this to do with my life?
  3. The Christian faith presents that Jesus expressed his love for the people through his healing and miracles of care and protection. At his crucifixion his association with the love of God the father was expressed as a promise that those who aspired to follow the teachings and life of Jesus could heal their separation from God and be ‘born again’ into a life of Divine association through the Trinity.
  4. C. Independent Protection. Created by a Neutral presence of faith separate from A and B. This presents an independent connection with God through the Holy Spirit that is generally unwitnessed by worldly persons. This person is actively living in the mood of non-judgemental service and unselfish devotion to the Lord of life. For example nuns, monks, nurses, doctors, priests and Saints, whose presence provides an unidentified level of faith that acts as a catalyst for God’s mercy. After his ascension Jesus returned to the disciples and presented this as a baptism of the Holy Spirit through the power of the trinity –the unity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
  5. And God said to me ‘I challenge you to express love throughout those times of mundane greyness in your everyday life – Talking to God, sharing worldly concerns.
    And God said to me I empower you to willingly receive my love as a moment by moment experience – Praying to God communicating heartfelt issues that require His help.And God said to me I call you to feel My loving embrace, the eternal kiss of life – Calling to God, requesting a soul-spirit union with God’s love, grace and mercy.