Development of God Consciousness

Our Development of Conscious Thought and God-consciousness


When I feel love I see beauty.
When I feel grace I hear comforting sounds.
When I feel gratitude I perceive mercy.
When I have faith I feel safe in the compassion of His love. H.Eastwood.

Stage ONEThrough our physical sensory system we witness the physical qualities presented by the world around us. From this we develop and learn to integrate ourselves with our environment.

A pre three child relates to him/herself as a part of the world. Like a small part within a working clock a young child’s activity and external influence is directed by the influence of worldly activity. The young child, is like a bubble in a glass of water; the bubble is separate from the water, yet, the bubble is unable to establish itself autonomously because the water gives the bubble its form and directs its movement.                                                                              H.Eastwood.

The young child before the age of three actively employs strategies of copying and repetition that engage them with their environment through movement and the associated sensory experience. This age is predominantly one of sensory exploration and imitative responses.

The young child from three to seven has a new sense of autonomy and independence. This encourages them to actively seek sensory stimulus/entertainment in order to assimilate extensive amounts of sensory information provided by physical copying, repetition, interaction and reaction to environmental stimulus. This is the age of wonder and joy, experienced through the three E’s Exploration Experimentation Enthusiasm; celebrating free will and the ability to utilise the predictable aspects of cause and effect. The young child now develops their own enthusiasm for life and physical structures of order both natural and manmade. At this stage order and routines are used to establish the inner assimilation of sensory perceptual knowledge and subsequent skills that enable the ability to creatively influence the environment through action and imaginative representation.
Stage TWO
Between the age of 3 and 7 children develop social skills related to one to one interaction, inner feelings and emotions.

After the age of seven children can develop the ability to witness from an independent place of consciousness. They witness what others do and integrate this into their own experiences and levels of intellectual understanding. During this stage the child develops the ability to engage in self-directed discovery learning.
Traditionally this is considered the beginning for potential God consciousness i.e. a heart soul-spirit connection within that promotes aesthetic appreciation and joy for living and learning.
From the age of nine, children may develop the ability to witness themselves and how the environment affects them and others. Now the child learns how to influence others through sharing and caring or even lying, people pleasing, and challenging attention seeking behaviour patterns.
Creative endeavours can now integrate imagination with self-directed organisation of interaction with others, and the physical environment.
These years of development can initiate consciously organise sharing and caring from an empathetic disposition.
14 and onwards.
From this age onwards the teenager develops the ability to witness themselves and others and incorporate this as aspects of personal development and social awareness. The fledgling learns to consciously embrace issues associated with change and transition. This initiates an ability to consciously process responsibility and integrate the actions and feelings of others with their personal situation.
Love could be defined as a synthesis between our inner and outer perspectives that facilitates the sense of harmony within all living creation.
Jealousy may be understood as the result of an analysis of specific elements that we identify and experience as exclusion/ separation / isolation.
All forms of destructive behaviour could be associated with a form of jealousy.
When learning is prioritised as a correct academic presentation of knowledge the creative forces of assimilation and synthesis are minimised, then natural learning and personal motivation may be seriously disrupted. Many teachers and parents have witnessed a young child paint a colourful picture that is then entirely cover with black paint. Here the child synthesises inner ideas with a physical painted creation; then moves into an experience of analysis that ultimately moves him to reject the painting and express this inner disturbance of separation in black.
Consequentially the age old conflict between ‘to know’ and ‘to feel’ can be expressed outwardly as destructive influences inflicted upon our earthly environment. This may then disrupt the life giving synthesis of action and other allowing principles that nature provides.
Unconditional love promotes a love of life and synthesises our capacity to love all. We see this most profoundly when we are in love. This experience is so abundant that our expression of love is synthesised into every aspect of our everyday life.
God could be seen as the ultimate Lord of synthesis, for it is synthesis that unites the principles of allowing and action in perfect harmony as creativity, care and devotion.
Our present day environment is predominantly one of robotic and computer based digital forms of machinery based on digital representation of binary analysis. This digital interpretation isolates thoughts from action and polarises principles of action and understanding, cause and effect into separate autonomous elements.
The following diagrams describe briefly some of the aspects of living without faith from a personal incentive:-


Surely everyone has a divine original nature! Our divine potential and human creativity can establish authentic loving interaction with all aspects of our worldly experiences. This potential may be either nurtured and encouraged by our association with Grace or distorted by disruptions associated with survival issues and related fear based responses. We all, children and adults, thrive in safe environments that encourage authentic intimacy, creative interaction and spiritual well-being.


Many adults, parents and single parents suffer from loneliness issues that prevent them from taking on a leadership role of responsibility as carers and parents supported by the love of God the father, the fellowship of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Loneliness issues in the adult always come from unsafe childhood experiences related to feeling unloved/unlovable/abandoned. Loneliness is rooted in one or more of the following

issues: separation, exclusion and isolation; these experiences are initially beyond our control and they come alongside unpredictable and irrational events associated with shock and trauma. These experiences can create negative foundations such as lack of confidence and strategies of personal limitation, criticism and punishment. Until these experiences are healed, anger will motivate some form of depression. If we do not have the inner strength to celebrate our own life as worthwhile –a divine gift – we either
• Withdrawfrom authentic social interaction and intimacy;
• try to live our life through the life of those around us. [Where by the original child – mother association for obtaining food, protection and intimacy is often sought from someone else.] It is not uncommon for an adult to take on the child role with another adult or even more commonly a child who has retained their own natural passion for living and learning;
• or as a desperate attempt to organise a feeling of safety, we may try to maintain control of our environment and those with whom we share our daily living.
Obviously none of the above options will help us to establish inner confidence or a sense of safety when relating to the world around.
Loneliness is always caused by an inner disposition rather than an external situation.
Loneliness inhibits our ability to relate to others and thus perpetuates the state of inner isolation.
Thus loneliness becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Isaiah 41:10

‘fear not for I am with you,

I will uphold you with my righteous right hand………

For I the Lord your God ,

Hold your right hand;

It is I who say to you “Fear not,

I am the one who helps you.” See also Anglican Hymns Old &New  no. 440

Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus said ‘ Come to me , all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.’ See also Anglican Hymns Old & New no. 334

The Seas of Life
When travelling over turbulent seas of life
Don’t waste your Time &Energy fighting to steer the boat,
These exhausting efforts will endanger, not ensure your safety.
Allow the storms and currents to take you on your way;
Lay still and ride the raging seas until the break of day.
Be assured, that at the end of your journey, no matter how stressful or frightening,
That tides of life will lead you to the Lord of your dreams. H.Eastwood.

“As we are liberated from our own fear

our presence automatically liberates others.”  Nelson Mandela

The only power is that of Divine truth.
Only when we live by this power of divine truth can God express His love through us.
Only then can the power of the Holy Spirit dwell within us.
Only then can the light of Heaven be experienced here on earth:-
As the gift of life;
As blessed assurance and divine Grace.
Whereby soul-full living extinguishes the fires of death and destruction.
When the spirit generates life from life;
A new beginning , being born again.