Sweet Talking’ with God

From Heart to Soul– The Spiritual Journey
‘Sweet Talking’ with God.
The only limitation on time is adversity
In Love and Peace
Please accept my sweetest request that You send a.s.a.p
You Can Fly
Held Within the Hands of God
If you can find the road to God …….
I am lost behind a curtain of illusion
When I feel love, I see beauty
Why did God forget to send this year’s warming summer comforts?
‘No said the Pope, eternal Damnation is never initiated by God,
As the daylight dissipates the darkness of the night
I am born of God
Talking to God
Sweet Talking
Life’s Road
Good or badLost in a world called humanity
Be Gone I Say
No longer am I digging a well to find the waters of life.
Other challenges evoked by spiritual issues
Stop the world I want to get off !!
The voice of the ego,
The more I speak of love

The only limitation on time is adversity.

The only limitation on words is our understanding.

The only limitation on thought is wisdom.

The only limitation on communication is compassion.

In Love and Peace
And so with love
My stillness grows
Deep within my silence
My very being knows
Of a peaceful light
That from my centre flows
Blessing all that I see
In you, them and me.
And so my sweet Lord

In separation my love does grow.

You are the key to every locked door,

Eternal is the nature of Divine mercy.

Infinite are the blessings that I see.

Sent by you to us, them and me

Requests – from a creatively playful exploration?

Please accept my sweetest request that You send a.s.a.p.
A shareable bucket of loving moments,
An invitation to your ‘time out’ Waltz,
A mountain of patience.

A jump start when I’m running out of charge,
All the answers to the crossword puzzle of life,
A birthday card at Christmas.

A blanket of peace while I’m sleeping,
A fragrant rose that blooms forever,
A pocket full of happiness.

A permanent position in the order of divine service,
Always knowing my place is in Your heart,
In that safe for-ever holding of heavenly embrace.

Spiritual conversations may playfully address our predicaments, and gently tease us with wise responses and advisory communications!–
You Can Fly
If you want to fly you will need to go
Beyond where you have been before!
You will need to have a safe and positive area for take-off.
And soft foundations to accommodate an occasional tumble!
Flying requires a belief in the heavenly realms supporting your present initiation,
And complete trust in your constant companion, your guardian angel!
Sent by the lord of all creation and master of all situations.
To fly is to disengage from limiting beliefs
And all the doubts and fears presented by others.
The secret to flying is simply to keep trying,
Only your very best performance will initiate flight.
Go now on your angel wings and fly
Beyond all that you have seen before.
Held Within the Hands of God
You can sit on His lap
And He will hold you safely
In His eternal loving embrace

You can hold His hand of friendship
And He will always be there for you.

You can tell Him how you feel
He understands everything about you.

You can ask for His help
Because He will always do what is best for your happiness.

You can gaze into the light of His love and receive miracle healing.
As you feel the spark from His love which shines within you.

You can give Him your anxieties and worries, fears and tribulations.
Foe He is the most powerful and will stand by you in every situation.

You can sing and dance with Him, He will always be enchanted by your presence,
Even when you don’t know the tune or the right movements.

You can hide away from everything and cry tears of grief and isolation,
But He will still be there quietly waiting beside you.

You can wander about unwisely failing to learn life’s lessons,
He will patiently teach you to discern and direct your own style of learning.

This is who Godis in every faith and within every human desire. He created us to experience His companionship, we are united within His perfection and His eternal love.

Open the eyes of my heart Lord –

I want to see you,

I want to feel you,

I want to serve you.

  • If you can find the road to God …….run along it as fast as you can!

Avoid side turnings in case you get lost, and only go into the sidings when you need to take rest….

[But how can I travel a road to find God when He is everywhere, in everything including ME?]

  • Try to find a door that opens into God’s house, ignore all other doors you see, Go through the door into God’s house without a moment of hesitation and don’t look back.

[But I am a child of God and therefore I am always living in a world which is the house of God.]

  • Better still, find someone to love with all your heart, stay close and feel satisfied that this is the best love of all. Follow your heart’s desires and you will be sure to find true happiness.

[My soul is an eternal spark from the divine and most eternal source that speaks through my heart and directs my body and mind. My happiness and my joy are from divine mercy and God given grace, this is truly the greatest and most unconditional love. Divine love can be trusted above everything else and only when I have the humility to openly receive divine love will I feel true love and happiness.]

  • Ok! Your right, you know that there is no road to God, and no door into the house of God and no one-and-only true love, it’s all within you, just as you are, a perfect divine being.

[Well that’s a relief. What have we all been searching for? No wonder we couldn’t find it! No wonder we keep getting lost! ]

I am lost behind a curtain of illusion

It falls weighted with my own fears of separation.

Only I can draw this delusion aside

Then I shall feel again the warmth of divine love

And receive that which is eternal from my creator, my guardian, my guide……

When I feel love, I see beauty.
When I feel grace, I hear comforting sounds.
When I feel gratitude, I perceive mercy.
When I have faith, I feel compassion

Sometimes we may want to challenge God’s position as supreme controller!
Why did God forget to send this year’s warming summer comforts?
The enthusiasm of spring brought a surprise heat wave
But summer was substituted with a long rainy season that dampened our hearts
And weakened bedraggled crops into a fodder feast for the multiplication of slugs.
Too wet it was even for frogs whose productivity was drowned in the flooded lands.
Now with the Autumn’s early morning dew I wonder what happened!
Did God fall ill?
Or was He on holiday? Searching for somewhere playful and light hearted.
For even I can see how clouded with heaviness humanity now seems to be.
What is it that dulls the sweetness of our potential?
Is it only a road of hardship and chaos that can soften our hardened hearts
And dissolve the necessities of our officious life-styles.
Fortunate are we that the sweet songbirds still sing even when we don’t listen,
And morning rays of sunshine reach tentatively into our visionless dreams and mundane offices.
Has our industrialised world of efficiency drowned our association with the joys of nature?
Distorted this noble realm with disruptions that disturb natural harmonies.
Can we awaken from our cocoon like occupations and again fly in delicate butterfly colours
To seek and find a sweet nectar that can revive our soul,
And strengthen dulled heartbeats into an audible celebration of natural blessings. – Love and light

‘The reason why He (God) does not always fix a worrisome problem is that going through the problem rather than evading or avoiding it may be in our best interest in the long run.’

[What is Peace by Stuart Briscoe telling the truth.org.uk Pub:Life 2010p73]

Many Christian peaching in the past has related God as the one who rewards us for good behaviour and punishes us in hell……….However, this idea is clearly challenged by Neale Donald Walsh in his book ‘What God Wants’ [Hodden Mobius 2005.] when he quotes Pope John Paul 11 Rome July 28, 1999.
‘No said the Pope, eternal Damnation is never initiated by God, it’s the self-imposed punishment of those who choose to refuse God’s love and mercy……… Hell he announced, does not exist as a place, but is a “situation in which one finds oneself after freely and definitively withdrawing from God, the source of life and joy.” The pope hereby eliminated the fear of hell as a theological means of influencing the morality of the people and the evolution of spiritual God consciousness. ‘ If humans are One with God, there is nothing to learn , there is only to remember what has been forgotten.’ [What God Wants by Neale Donald Walsh; Hodden Mobius 2005:156-158.
Alternatively we may wish to share our feelings of gratitude:-
 As the daylight dissipates the darkness of the night
And the sun’s rays shine across the land
My soul leaps in the hand of the Lord’s goodness.
I share in the light of this new day
My gratitude and reverence for work and play.
I give thanks for the divine grace that shines within,
As individual personalities enrich my sharing
And the joy of creativity guides our learning together.
I am born of God
I am born of God I am His – so sweetly He sings to me, even the clouds melt into the melody of His calling.
I am His beloved child – so gentle His embrace, the ocean waves are stilled as they gaze upon His moonlight face.
I am married to Him, He is my own love – so sovereign His engagement with me,
Like the birds and bees,
The rivers and trees,
I bow into His purity.

Talking to God
Talking to God, sharing worldly concerns.
Praying to God communicating heartfelt issues that require His help.
Calling to God, requesting a soul-spirit union with God’s love, grace and mercy.

And God said to me ‘I challenge you to express love throughout those times of mundane greyness in your everyday life.

And God said to me I empower you to willingly receive my love as a moment by moment experience.

And God said to me I call you to feel My loving embrace, the eternal kiss of life

We may even try to bargain with God:
Sweet Talking
 My kingdom – for a starthat shines a constant light from the realms of infinity within my soul.
 My freedom – for a unicorn on which my spirit can ride through the mists of time.
 My wealth – for a weapon that slays my envious thoughts as they appear in the shadows of the night.
 My ideas – for the gentle waves that return my passions to the shores of my island.
 My success – for a deep well to drop my fears away from all shadows of existence.
 My happiness – for the joy that is captured by the dawn as it is born on the horizon.
 All praise and gratitude – for a place of stillness where survival has no foothold on which to climb into my reality.
 All entertainment – for a continuous musical element that harmoniously accompanies my heart’s beating.
 A vision of the future – for the ability to grow the seeds of each moment into a sweet lifestyle.
 An Eternal Companion – for a heavenly place where all is held within a divine embrace.

We commonly described our experiences as positive or negative as our spiritual journey inevitably embraces a unique intertwining of creation and separation:-
Life’s Road
Though life’s road may feel long
It is only a lightning flash from the heavens to the earth below.
Though the toils may feel hard
They are only small patches of rough on the landscape of life.
Wrong and right are circumstantial and thereby indefinable
As elusive as the wind dodging between trees.

Processes of healing can involve the two opposing energies of creation and destruction.

Good or bad ?
The storm did break
The rain did fall;
Drowning and reviving,
Flooding and caressing,
The dry land below

When these energies are used appropriately they create harmony and balance and healing is successful. However, for many of us balance and harmony are not necessarily easy to find and often feels hard to maintain:-

Lost in a world called humanity

I am asleep yet not rested,

Awake but not present,

Lost in a world called humanity.

Drifting on an ocean of forgetfulness,

My reality has faded into the shadows of resistance,

My heart beats a silent rhythm.

I am withered like a cut flower,

Faded like a sun dried cloth,

My prayers dissolve into weak pleas to be:-

Found and rescued,

Revived and rejuvenated,

Restored and uplifted,

Into an ocean of divine association.



Be Gone I Say

And still I carry the demon upon my back,

His grasp punctures my heart

And my blood red joy pours out.

He hangs on my neck throttling my breath.

I feel my Godliness deep inside

Be gone I say no more will you enchain my joy


 No longer am I digging a well to find the waters of life.
I now journey along the shores of a blissful ocean,
In divine association with playful companions I swim in the waves of opportunity with bubbles of contentment.
Engaged in expressing my original divine nature.
Sharing the effulgence of love and devotion given by the supreme Lord of all creation.

The wider our understanding of the complexities of what is provided by God the creator and mother nature, the more creatively we can create what we need to grow in health and happiness.

Human consciousness allows us to explore the best way to engage with opportunities and meet challenges presented to us. Much of our spiritual soul searching can be highlighted through creative writing. A direct invitation to imagine that God, in whatever form of reality we give Him, is sitting compassionately before us might invoke a question that you wish him to answer.
What question would you want to ask God? And what do you think He would say? Are thought provoking questions that can be openly or privately explored as a written conversation of personal importance.
Other challenges evoked by spiritual issues can also be explored in writing, e.g:-
 If God was talking to you right now, what would He say to you?
 How would God answer a so tell me God question:-
“So tell me God why did you………..?”
“So tell me God WHY DIDN’T you………?!
 What offences would you like God to hear about and how would you like Him to illustrate that you are completely forgiven.
 If you could ask God for three personal blessings what would they be?
 Have you ever witnessed something that you feel was a divine miracle? Describe what happened and what aspects were miraculous.
 Describe a situation when you felt God was really there with you.
 Describe a time when you or someone you knew was calling for God’s help.
 When God made you, what ingredients did he put in to create your original nature.
 If God offered you three miracles right now what would you ask Him to do?
Some or indeed much of our thoughts may relate conversations with the creator; that Creative Force that initiated our birth into human life.



Stop the world I want to get off !

And live in a world of silence,

Where nothing can be received as judgment,

Where I must love myself

                    for a I am the only one.

Stop the world I want us all to make a fresh start.

Appreciating joyously every opportunity,

Loving ourselves in every situation,

Trusting the roads of life.

No don’t stop the world for me, we may all fall off! ?

We can just do the best we can,

Loving, sharing, exploring and learning,

Trying to choose happiness moment by moment.                  So be it……


The voice of the ego, a stubborn self-elevating psyche that makes itself the centre of the universe and assumes that it knows best how to think and behave; taking the place of God -the Lord of our own and indeed all creation. Thus the ego becomes autonomous, that is to say strictly self-governing, self- regarding, self- absorbed. The sinful ego separates the person from God’s justice and love in order to become commander of all that surrounds it. The ego seeks to order the cosmos according to its own needs and plans. When as is inevitable, the universe does not obey, the ego commands even more imperiously and comically, sometimes surrounding itself with titles and honours and weapons of violence. The gift of human consciousness was presented with the gift of free will and the disposition to listen and obey. However, when Adam and Eve presented their refusal to obey their creator and maintainer in the Garden of Eden they initiated their own death and death to all their ancestors through separation from direct association with God in the Garden of Eden. Thus we all now play ‘To be or not to be’, the act of commander, and fail to acknowledge that we were originally built to listen and to obey the eternal source. Our chosen responsibility to the needs of our ego has for most of us separated us from listening and receiving the care and guidance of our creator and maintainer.
Thus, in the words of Dan Millman:-
“Well I’ll tell you, the way most people live, kills them – you know what I mean, Don? They may take thirty or forty years to kill themselves by smoking or drinking or stress or overeating but they kill themselves just the same.” [Quoted from ‘Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman; H.J. Kramer, Inc. 1984:73]

If only……..
Loving was always easy
We’d all of us know
The best way of living
The right way to go,
Through the maze of life
Over the hurdles and dyke’s
The purpose of our anger
And when not to strike.
Good fortunes would be abundant
Harmony would be free
Riches would be flowing
A paradise it would be.

The More I Speak of Love …….
The more I speak of love the further I remove myself from its powers of purification.
The more I think about love the more distracted I am from the divine nature of my soul-spirit.
The more I seek enlightenment the more successfully I am obstructed by my own self deceptions.
The harder I work at my performance in life, the greater I find the boulders of resistance and barricades of illusory fears.
The more I want peace and light the stronger my capacity to deny its existence within me.
The more I design my own actions and activities as important ways of expressing myself, the fainter my awareness of listening with inner stillness as a greater achievement.
The more I look to find understanding of the past and a future of goodness the more I inflate my egocentric pride.
The more I concern myself with the dramas in other peoples’ lives the more I become distracted by the quality of entertainment found in spoken human communication.
The more my mind feeds my emotions with judgements and expectations the greater my separation from my own original divine nature.
The more I seek freedom the more constricted I am by the boundaries that channel my thoughts and dull my awareness of higher consciousness.
The more connected I am to my own needs the greater my separation from the Supreme source of infinite love.

We may research and seek to answer questions that refer to: Where did I come from? What is my life’s purpose? and What will happen to me when I die? With these questions many have searched for spiritual understanding and guidance about life and death.
Celebrate each new day
Those who fear death call it towards them.
Those who deny death are not really living.
Those who betrayed death loose contact with their soul-spirit.
Those to befriend death as a lifelong companion
Celebrate each new day,
And appreciate death’s infinite patience.
For life and death are entwined within the soul’s grace
And together they breathe the colours of our existence.

My scaffolding of believes is melting
A warm stillness has crept into my personality
Neutralising my desires’
I feel invisible and dream of unseen realms of perception
And a new companionship shared with god.
As my reality becomes an illusion my dreams become reality,
Love dissolves into momentary blessings
And fleeting initiations into devotional service.
Each moment captures my lifetime within its blinking.
My scaffolding of believes is melting,
As the serenade of time softens my memories
And life’s melodies sweeten my disappearance.
Now only the compassion of my soul can communicate my hearts longings,
Embracing the duplicity of separation;
Living to die; dying in order to feel closer to living within the hand of god.
A LIFETIME…………?…!!
In a blink of an eye a lifetime is gone.
As the sorrows and hardships drop into oblivion
The joys and celebrations blow through the heavens.
Gratitude and love for each other unites in the divine realm forever.
So be it and let’s do it again
Praise to the new birth,
The Baby bliss.
Childhood adventures,
Soulful relationships,
The search for unconditional love.
The empowerment of creating my own reality,
The stories of love and light,
Hopes of enlightenment.