The Joyous Dance-one life

The Joyous Dance – One Life

The Joyous Dance of Life
Cry my dearest, warm tears
Laugh my dearest, joyous sounds,
Share my dearest, all you feel
Fly my dearest angel of light.
With your spiritual wings, you know, you can always return to me.
Sing my dearest,
Be my dearest – ever close to me.
Die my dearest, each moment of your life.
Then your wish will be ever granted
You will always be close to me,
You will always see and hear me,
You will always feel safe in my love
You will receive many gifts
You will feel heaven on earth….The joyous dance of life

When we a suffering illusions of grief due to issues of isolation, separation and exclusion our prayers may contain some aspects of criticism as we question why God allows suffering and pain.

My New Consciousness
In my new consciousness Pure Love dissolves self-doubts
The light purifies all shades of grey.
Living the dream holds no place for compromise.
Worries are captured and thrown on the fire.
Self-doubt is dissolved in a flowing stream of confidence.
Criticism is transformed into helpful signposts for healing
Fears are erased with crystals of optimism.
My thoughts fly as free as the wind.
My song of dying resounds beyond the realms of time.

  • Time is a circle in eternity

Patience is an appointment with flexibility

And now always runs through the hands of illusion.

 When over-endeavour consumes authenticity and disrupts my own sense of being then isolation brings a separation and withdrawal from co-operative interaction. As life loses its sense of living, I drift away from the source of creative existence that nurtures me with love received in the giving. Like fallen leaves I become stiff and dry, unrecognised. My hearts dearest companion – the divinity within my soul-spirit fails to generate the sparks of joy required for an enthusiasm that makes life worth living.

  • Through windows of enlightenment

We see ourselves in natural play and learning.

As the doors of each universe open to our star guided journey

away and back again

When I can be …….
Humble without feeling complacent
Care-giving without any agenda
Serving without being employed.
Whole-hearted without fears of failure
Feeling special without superiority
Present without feeling attached
Fulfilled without taking controlled
Contented without wanting more

Receiving miracles without any resistance
Peaceful without detachment
In harmony with natural resources
When I can:-
Celebrate aloneness
Dance with adversity
And know the meaning of truth
Then I will always have true happiness within myself so be it…….

 Happiness in life is based on our ability to successfully establish and maintain balance within the mind and the body. Namely that of Yin and Yang (energy); Acid and Alkaline (composition); positive and negative (activity); Left and Right brain interaction (thinking and understanding). The balance maintained within these aspects of our being directly empowers the:-


Open your angel wings and embrace communication from the heart through the playfulness of the mind with a sprinkling of soul-spirit glitter.

Finding love is not about finding a special person to love! It is about finding our own love for our own life provided by the God given life-force within. Then love will spontaneously warm and nurture our hearts desires and our love will be shared with those around us.
When we connect through the heart we can also engage the Higher Consciousness of the soul-spirit. Our soul-spirit origins are sourced from the highest manifestation of positive energy – that of the creation of life. Our higher consciousness relates to this our original source and the purity of our original nature. When sharing with each other from our heart-full nature we embrace positive energy and thereby transcend lower brain issues of survival with higher levels of consciousness. Then we can and will assure our interactions are motivated by the eternal wisdom expressed as unconditional love. From a soul-spirit perspective loving relationships ensure that we encourage each other to engage in a whole brain approach to our true potential as beings of light, acting in accordance with highest good.
Thank You
Like Autumn leaves we fall into our journey home
Now the karmic winds have scatter us across the world.
No-longer attached to a great spiritual tree
Without shelter we wither into a dryness
Separated from the nurturing source that fed and water our existence.
Yet still a divine mercy is showered upon us all.
And grace revives our strength to lovingly embrace our original divine creator,
To find again the true source of our inner happiness.
We express our desire to sing and playfully explore spiritual pastimes.
In new joyful colours we grow inner strength
As we accept the everyday possibility of eternal devotional association.

The Christian faith presents Jesus as the Son of God who came to bring everyone salvation through His association with God the father (the supreme Lord of all creation).
The birth and early years of Jesus are recounted in detail in the bible. Jesus as a man often spoke in parables, these were the stories he used to present spiritual teachings to his followers.

‘But Jesus called them to him, saying “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” (Luke 18:16) For you are all children of light, …(Thessalonians 5:5)

The bible presents a rich source of poetic writing; sadly, the translation into English often obscures the aspects of sound and syntax that were presented in the original text. However, the English translation of the Bible retains the semantics used by the writers to achieve a ‘surprisingly rich framework for artistic development.’ The psalms present examples of a two part parallel form of presentation; for example: question and answer and implied comparison presented as similarity (likeness) and difference.
Wisdom is expressed through imagery – ‘’a concrete embodiment of human experience or idea’; metaphor personification; hyperbole; and apostrophe
2 Peter:1
‘This is why I talk in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. Indeed, in their case the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled that says:
You will indeed hear but never understand,
and you will indeed see but never perceive.
For this peoples heart has grown dull,
and with their ears they can barely hear.
and their eyes they have closed,
lest they should see with their eyes
and hear with their ears
and understand with their heart
and turn and I would heal them.’
[English Standard Version Study Bible; Crossways: 2008, page 866]

Anyone who knows the truth will know and believe in Christ but that is not the only truth they will know and believe. God is love, love is peace, peace is trusting God loves us all unconditionally. The peace of God is our greatest strength.

Spiritual scriptures have presented profound teachings through the arts of creative writing. The Vedic scriptures and the bible present stories and prose of the highest example of communication through literature and song. These manuscripts provide association with spiritual teachings that can support our everyday wellbeing and expand our spiritual consciousness.
Chanting is practiced as a part of many spiritual practices.
Meditation is important to Buddhists because it is through this process that they hope to attain inner calm and mental clarity. Some Buddhist use mantras or mandalas (complex patterns) in order to focus during meditation and remove distractions.
The Tibetan Lamas teach the following chant: Om Muni Muni Ma Ha
The Catholics chant chanting on a rosary of beads : Hail Mary, Mother of God …..
Living As Best I can
I am doing the life that helps me find God as a friend and companion.
My daily work continues in its haphazard way, through wind and storm, summers and winters,
But the process feels hard, too difficult – caged in my disposition of doubts, and fears of not deserving.
I feel the anguish and turbulence within my mind of dark thoughts rising to the surface.
And from my stillness, I observe them dissipating as gentle waves across my consciousness; Dissolving silently away
Before my mind has grasped any opportunity to taunt their existence with judgements.
So it is, that I revive my calling to God for the sake of goodness,
And sometimes I meet a few moments of sweetness, I glimpse at the meaning of God consciousness.
And God shows me a way of receiving His mercy, so that my day can move on with an awareness of His sweetness.
And always I feel a relief from the burdens captured and tormented in my mind.
I feel new courage to live with joy and celebrate the infinite blessings given to me according to my calling.
I understand that through contrast the very sweetness I seek becomes all the sweeter.
And I laugh at the tricks in the mind and the sourness of my emotions,
My judgements become observations and my heart opens with compassion
And I recognise that God’s love is always flowing unconditionally towards ME.
1 Samuel 17:38-40,48-51
‘Goliath was the champion of the Philistines and he was feared by the whole army of Israel. Yet David killed him and so delivered the people of Israel from the Palestinians. He did it with one small stone……… Before David could go to the field of battle he had to make his way first to the brook, and from the thousands of stones which lay there select five smooth stones for his sling.’…..‘The people around David were under the impression that only the sword and spear and javelin could defeat a powerful enemy. But God made use of what man overlooked – a stone……’ These stones had become smooth because ‘they are constantly rubbed by other stones – vast numbers of them…In the same way, for the corners of our personality to be rubbed off we need to be thrown together with other people. I buffet you; you buffet me.’ Thus god places us with those who will rub the rough edges off of our personality. ‘…if we live always among virtuous people our corners will remain with us.’ We may therefore never become ‘a smooth stone’ ready and qualified to be selected by the ‘hand of God’. [A Stone Made Smooth by Wong Ming-Dao: Mayflower Christian books, 1981: chapter 11.]
Kabir (c.1440-1518) A religious reformer – for five hundred years the poems of Kabir have been sung throughout India synthesising the beliefs of Hindu, Muslim and even Christian belief.
Verses taken from his poem titled ‘ What Kind of God’
And what kind of God would He be
If a leaf’s prayer was not as precious to creation
as the prayer His own son sang
from the glorious depth
of his soul –
for us.

And what kind of God could He be
if the vote of millions in this world could sway Him
to change the divine
law of

[Quoted from Love Poems from God – Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West – Daniel Ladinsky; Penguin Compass, 2002]
Only your heart gives us the strength to climb the highest mountain;
Like a bridge across forever, thine is the love that soothes troubled waters.
And yours is the light that calms the raging seas.
Your words comfort us whilst tossed on waves of grief.
As we drift in a boat built of your grace,
Anchored into the deepest of the deep.
When we are in fear of drowning you walk across the water;
To take our hand and lead us home.
[Matthew 14:23-33]
Every Question has the Same Answer
The love I think I share with others is less than the faintest shadow of the love I receive from the Lord of my creation.
My acknowledgement of what I receive is governed by my own ability to surrender my life into His service and eternal companionship.
This perception grows within my consciousness as my love of life dissolves into a love for the source of my life and my original nature.
Then the gift of loving and sharing is preceded by a single focus, whereby my very existence melts my ego and dissolves my needs such that a maturity of devotion resolves who I am and what I should be doing.
Therefore, anything I perceive as chastisement has been requested by myself to appease my own judgement, my own guilt and designed for my own learning.
Only my wilfully chosen separation from God gives me the choice to move away from my natural state of pure harmony. Where, within a consciousness outside of the truth, I face dangers and remain powerless and more insignificant than a speck of dirt,
It is my own illusion, retained as life without devotion, which denies my spiritual form and considers the soul-spirit as imperfect and thereby unlovable and unloved.
How can I perceive my capacity to engage in devotional service as not good enough and thereby of no significant value?
God is all sweetness, nothing can disturb His loving relationship with everyone, his love protects Him and those associated with Him.
Thus, even my faults and my negative thoughts are received with unconditional love and blessed with His Supreme potency of Divine love.

‘Without the way there is no going, without the truth there is no knowing, without life there is no living. Come then and dwell deep within our hearts, that we may walk joyfully, and learn obediently and live lovingly.’ [In this prayer Franciscan Brother Ramon calls the love of Lord Jesus, image of the father, to dwell within our hearts. ‘The Way of Love by Brother Ramon SSF; Marshall Pickering, 1994: 148]

When oh! When ?…….Is NOW
When oh! When ? Will I see my grief as signs of my own insecurities and issues of survival ?
Now I see my grief as a sign of my own insecurity and issues of survival.
When oh! When ? Will I stop looking for someone else to mend my wounded pride?
I am now free from the desire to find someone else to mend my wounded pride.
When oh! When ? Will I admit that my searching to receive love denies its existence within me.
I now accept that when searching to receive love I deny its existence within me.
When oh! When ? Will I celebrate my own soul-spirit as a God given spark from the source of all creation.
Every day I celebrate my own soul-spirit as a God given spark from the source of all creation.
When oh! When ? Will I concede that divine consciousness is not to be found or learnt, obtained or given; for it is certainly seeded within my own original nature.
I gratefully concede that divine consciousness is not to be found or learnt, obtained or given; for it is certainly seeded within my own original nature.
When oh! When ? Will I find the compassion to surrender my broken heart into the hands of tender loving rejuvenation.
I now compassionately surrender my broken heart into the hands of tender loving rejuvenation.
When oh! When ? Will I meet my negative behaviour as my own construction of separation from the Supreme love of Godhead.
I now concede that all my negative behaviour is my own construction of separation from the Supreme love of Godhead.
When oh! When ? Will I realise that my inner disturbances and disruptive thoughts are what motivate me to call out for the guidance and association that can bring true inner peace.
I now realise that my inner disturbances and disruptive thoughts are what motivate me to call out for the guidance and association that can bring true inner peace.
When oh! When ? Will I admit that all is as I have wished it to be and all that I put out will be returned to me.
I graciously confess that all is as I have wished it to be and all that I put out will be returned to me.
When oh! When ? Will I willingly feel the pains and discomforts that finally bring me the humility to beg for divine healing.
I willingly feel the pains and discomforts that finally bring me the humility to beg for divine healing.
When oh! When? Will I mend these hurts that reflect and illustrate my own lack of love and self-worth.
I can and will now heal the hurts that reflect and illustrate my own lack of love and self-worth.
When oh! When? Will I acknowledge that even my weakest and most fragile efforts to acknowledge highest good are multiplied thousands of times over within the creative powers of divine conception.
I joyfully acknowledge that my weakest and most fragile efforts are multiplied thousands of times over within the creative powers of divine conception.
When oh! When? Will spiritual practice of prayer be more important than any other thinking or doing.
For me my spiritual practice of prayer is more important than any other thinking or doing.
When oh! When ? Will I remember to appreciate the divine blessings of eternal love permanently embedded like diamonds within the sweetness of my being.
I appreciate that divine blessings of eternal love are permanently embedded like diamonds within the sweetness of my being.
When oh! When ? Will I realise that in God’s eyes I am most wondrous and beautiful, an innocent child of Divine creation.
I realise that in the sweetness of God’s eyes I am most wondrous and beautiful, an innocent child of Divine creation.
When oh! When ? Will I remember that even when I am lost in aloneness I am never separated from the presence of Supreme Love.
I now know that even when I am lost in aloneness I am never separated from the presence of Supreme Love.
When oh! When ? Will I admit that everything I see and do, feel and think, desire and dream of, can indeed be offered as a service to the Lord of my life.
I now concede that everything I see and do, feel and think, desire and dream of, can indeed be offered as a service to the Lord of my life.
When oh! When ? Will I own my powers of authenticity and enjoy that I am a unique personality, like no other.
I positively embrace my powers of authenticity and enjoy that I am a unique personality, like no other.
When oh! When ? Will I dedicate every aspect of my being to devotional service.
I now dedicate every aspect of my being to devotional service.
When oh! When ? Will I celebrate that I, like the brilliance of the sun, I can shine life’s effulgence upon all around me.
I celebrate that I, like the brilliance of the sun, can shine life’s effulgence upon all around me.
When oh! When ? Will I concede that when is now, woven within every moment, accumulated as this lifetime and all previous births, yet only unconditional service illustrates the eternal nature of my being – that of – Light and Love.
I now admit that when is now, woven within every moment, accumulated as this lifetime and all previous births, yet only unconditional service illustrates the eternal nature of my being – that of – Light and Love.
When oh! When ? Will I feel every worldly experience and interaction as a part of my calling for Gods infinite mercy and grace of the holy spirit Potency of eternal compassion?
I feel every worldly experience and interaction as a part of my calling for Gods infinite mercy and Potency of His eternal love through the holy spirit.?
Oh When Oh When will the nectar of life- an abundance of gratitude for Gods mercy
over flow as devotional service from every aspect of my being…..
……..only now when with tear filled eyes I beg for divine grace and bath my body in the sacred waters of forgiveness, and pray for my heart to be mended with divine mercy…. Then humbly I will present my mended heart into the flow of divine association and pure devotion. so be it

The When! Oh! When? Is NOW! For now the world has been seeded with a new consciousness and our divine origins will flood over all previous disruptions divinely orchestrating the healing of all past disturbances, so that we can truly live our lives within a heavenly light sharing unconditional love No more can the shadows of fear hold residence within any aspect of my being.
Isaiah 60:1
‘Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.’

No longer am I digging well to find the waters of life.

I now journey along the shores of a blissful ocean,

In divine association with playful companions, I swim in the waves of opportunity with bubbles of contentment; engaged in expressing my original divine nature. Sharing the eternal effulgence of love and devotion given by the supreme Lord of all creation.

The birth and resurrection of Christ presented the greatest example of the power of love. Now the Divine Effulgence blesses us all with enlightenment into new levels of association with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the divine creator and Lord of our life. So be it.
The Trinity of God:-
 The oneness of the all-embracing potency of His divine love. His infinitely divine form of compassion for all that He has created. The potency of unconditional blessings.
 His infinite powerful potency as creator and maintainer of all that He has created.
 The Grace of relationship through the holy spirit, that of the potency attained through His son’s example by those of His children who embrace compassion, and illustrate humble obedience as a oneness towards all that has been created and a sense of contrast that illustrates our separateness from His eternal munificence.

‘Because God is …..the very energy of existence (life)…God who is the sheer act of Being itself should be neither controlled, nor run from but rather surrendered to in the blithe confidence that this surrender amounts to the finding of oneself. [‘And Now I See by Robert Barron; Crossroad Pub, 1998:180]

Sometimes I have a crying feeling inside my weighted heart
With sadness I meet my self-inflicted separation from God –
That long and lonely distance that I am too weak to run
And too wilful to concede as a chosen illusion.
This is when I perceive my life as a meaningless watery concoction.
And my pathetic performance of living as bland, tasteless;
Unpalatable without the light of God permeating through my heart.
Without God’s love for my life, everything feels dry.
His love waters my spiritual garden into growth
His light, the Holy Spirit, feeds my soul with Grace.
The Life and Love of His son baptises me with blessings.
The Father’s Glory is indeed the source of every life.

And so my sweet Lord
How my stillness grows
Deep within my silence
My very being knows
Of a peaceful place
That from my centre flows
Blessing all that I see……


Only When
Only when I have left, will you gain a sense of your own powers and truth,
Gently evoking your fullest state of living
Warmly embracing your spiritual journey
Sweetly engaging your wondrous state of being
And I will always be there beside you with love and encouragement,
Your eternal friend and companion, your beloved spiritual guide,
Trust in me, your soul is eternal; you are not your body,
Nothing can ever harm YOU, for you are a child of the supreme God of all creation
Who will love and care for you now and always

I am born of God I am His – so sweetly He sings to me, even the clouds melt into the melody of His calling.
I am His beloved child – so gentle His embrace, the ocean waves are stilled as they gaze upon His moonlight face.
I am married to Him, He is my own love – so sovereign His engagement with me,
Like the birds and bees,
The rivers and trees,
I bow unto His purity.
Meister Eckhart (1260-1328) Catholic monk and scholar. ‘EVERYTHING Everything I see, hear, touch, feel, taste, speak, think, imagine,
Is completing a perfect circle
God has drawn.’
[Quoted from Love Poems from God – Twelve Sacred Voices from the East and West – Daniel Ladinsky; Penguin Compass, 2002]


Jesus said to his disciples…….John 16: 25-
24 ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full………The hour is coming when I when I will tell you plainly about the father…….for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God. “I came from the father and I have come into the world, and now I am leaving the world and going to the Father.” 33 I have said these things to you , that in me you may have peace. In the world you may have tribulation, but take heart ; I have overcome the world.
17: When Jesus spoke these words, he lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said , “Father, the hour has come ; glorify your son that the son may glorify you since you have given him authority over all flesh, to give eternal life to all whom you have given him. And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. I glorify you on earth……. I am praying for them the words that you gave me …….All mine are yours, and yours are mine, and I am glorified in them……………Holy Father, keep them that you have given, that they may be that they may be one , even as we are one. While I was with them, I kept them in your name, which you have given me.”) I do not ask