The Tall Wall

Wise Words
In his book ‘What God Wants’ Neale Donald Walsh uses the following very effective structure to express key thoughts; whereby a repeated use of the initial letters T O T T I are used to initiate key phrases and further explanations. This establishes an interesting and interrelated interaction with the reader that encourages further contemplation and an easy system of recall:-
i. ‘The One Thing That Is’: (abr. TOTTI). ‘There is nothing that is not part of TOTTI…the Supreme being, the creator of heaven and earth, the giver of life, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, and wise beyond Human Understanding.’ page 153
ii. ‘The Only Truth There is. ‘(abr. TOTTI) every human being is both the messenger and the message.’ page 155
iii. expression, self-creation, and self-fulfilment.’ Page 170-171
iv. ‘The Only Territory There Is’ (abr. TOTTI) ‘the universe is not some outlying territory separate from Heaven……Heaven is the experience of traveling through that territory in a state of bliss-‘ reached at any time no matter when in our life or where we are. Page 156
v. ‘The Only Time There Is’. (abr. TOTTI) Now ‘Creating Heaven where ever you are will be seen as the prime objective’ ‘….as a free flowing expression of one’s intrinsic nature, which is unlimited and divine.’ ‘Because of their deeper understanding and rich personal experience of life as a unified field,..’Page 159-160
vi. ‘The Only Thought There Is.’ (abr. TOTTI)‘….God is not male , nor is God female, but that God has no gender at all…………Humans will understand marriage to be a spiritual tool, a sacred device, used by evolving beings to play out their soul’s agenda and to complete that part of their journey that involves mutuality with a particular Other for the purpose of growth and the continued re-creation of Self.’ Page 161
vii. ‘The Only Team There Is.’ (abr. TOTTI) ‘All Humans will that marriage is about team-work, the teamwork of two souls who have created a holy team to do the holy work of life itself, which is the work of growth and the expression of divinity. Those who have a holy union will know that their union is a three way union, that their team consists of each other and God and that this is…. TOTTI’ page 163
viii. ‘The Only Tantra There Is’ (abr. TOTTI) ‘…….love is neither quantifiable or conditional… cannot be parcelled out in units of varying size, but is either present or not present, in any given moment and with any given person, as an experience of the whole Heart and Mind and Soul – a full expression of the Blessed Essence of Being Itself.’
ix. ‘The Only Term There Is’ (abr. TOTTI) ‘Humans will see clearly that to define God in one word, “love” is ‘TOTTI’. It will be clear that God wants nothing from human beings and gives everything to human beings, God will be the ultimate model, at last, of what love is and means.’…….’People will also understand the difference between suffering and pain, observing that pain is an objective experience, while suffering is a subjective decision about it.’ Page 165-168
x. ‘The Only Thing There Is.’ (abr. TOTTI) is life because death does not exist. Life is a ‘process of continuous and unending growth, expansion, …….
[Quoted from ‘What God Wants’ by Neale Donald Walsh]

Inner Confusion

I am all a scrambled with inner confusion and unrest;

Yet the trees’ stillness stands as the cows eat the dew upon the grass.

The sun rises and sets in the heavens above and I look up to talk to God,

To request a moment of peace.

As I remember His glory

My inward breath takes a leap, and breathes in a deeper reverence for life.

The small birds flutter and chirp with unruffled confidence and calm.

They rejuvenate my faith as I learn again to breathe as a given gift of Grace;

I witness what I have lost and search to find the blessings they sing about.

[The world of nature is God’s grace given to be experienced, witnessed and embraced. Faith is the centre of ‘the one stick’, that of the story of our life. Life is life because of the unknown quality of life after death. The story is a process of gratitude for living. Life everlasting is the union of life, as we know it and death as an unknown form of life. In separating life from death and death from life we separate ourselves from God and fail to acknowledge His mercy.  H.E.


Here am I, who am I? Whoever I is, is stuck between a wall and a bush. The wall is tall and too difficult to climb, I can’t see how high it is. I can’t see what is on the other side. The bush is dense with thorns that puncture me with pains and I can’t see how thick it is, I can’t see what is beyond it. I feel I have neither the skills nor the knowledge to make a decision of what or how to tackle the solid tall wall or the thick thorny bush.
So I sit and moan. I sit and wait for help. I sit and complain – to myself about myself – about whoever built the solid wall, and the seed that grow into the thorny bush. I challenge the universe with whY questions. When the sun shines bright I shelter against the tall wall for shade. When the night is cold I curled up under the thick thorny bush for warmth. When the bright dawn rises I bemoan my day of futile occupation in the space between the tall wall and the thorny bush. I envy the birds that sing so sweetly, they can fly in and out of my difficult place and perch safely on the top of the wall and sit comfortably in the thorny bush. I curse the confinement of my heavy body and bewildered mind. Why doesn’t God help me? Why am I here? God please send someone to find me, my existence on rain water and berries is a form of survival that I find dull and meaningless. What is the point? I’m not important? Life’s not important? What is important? I don’t know! As my insides crumble and my mind gives up the struggling, I feel my heart beat, its soothing persistence negotiates through the inner rubble with flowing comforts of humility and I remember sweetness, and I pray to God the song of gratitude for even now I can feel His divine love for me. As I look up with new eyes into my thick thorny bush and my solid tall wall, I accept their comforting shade and warm – a small songbird flies down beside me. I watch sadly as it flies away into the warm morning sunlight and within my stillness I move to follow its path, I discover spaces between the tall wall and the thorny bush, I follow weaving my unchallenged body comfortably, following a clear and obvious path that I had not discovered before. H.E.

How had I not seen such a simple solution to my story of life between a solid tall wall and a thick thorny bush.
I call this story resistance and pain meet light and space and live happily ever after in the land of unconditional love.
Unconditionally loving your husband/wife and child/ren is a powerful meditation in trusting the divine love of God.
Being separated from our family – mother or father, husband or wife, daughters and sons, is an equally powerful meditation in trusting the divine love of God.
One way or the other we must learn to open our hearts to receiving the divine love of god, allowing god to love us and through this those around us. How to be with God is not written in a book, it is sung within our soul. So be it……